Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 9 Yan University I'm Coming

Due to the large number of passengers going up and down, the aisle suddenly became a bit chaotic and crowded.A young man who was about the same age as Ye Lingtian, with a round crew cut, wearing a black T-shirt, a pair of sunglasses, and a thick gold necklace around his neck walked to Ye Lingtian's seat with the flow of people, and compared After getting the ticket, he lifted the suitcase and put it on the luggage rack, then sat down.

The young man took off his sunglasses and looked around. Seeing that Ye Lingtian looked like a student, he smiled friendly and asked carelessly, "Dude, are you going to college too?"

Ye Lingtian turned his head and looked at the other party when he heard the words, and saw that he was not very tall, but his muscles were well developed, giving people a very strong feeling, but this outfit was easily reminiscent of the underworld.

Watching the young man vigilantly and seeing his sincere smile, Ye Ling nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Yes, I went to Yanjing University."

"Ah, what a coincidence! I am also from Yanda University, Department of Chinese. My name is Yao Lei. I am from Dengzhou, Hexi. What about you?" The young man slapped his thigh suddenly and said in surprise.

Ye Lingtian didn't expect such a coincidence, he widened his eyes and said, "That's right, it's really a coincidence, I am also a Chinese major. My name is Ye Lingtian, from Linzhou, Jiangnan."

The two were both admitted to Yanda University, and both were in the Chinese Department, so they became acquainted immediately.With a companion, the journey will no longer be lonely. While talking and laughing, the train has already arrived at Yanjing West Railway Station.

Thinking of stepping into the sacred hall of the university soon, both of them were a little excited and looked refreshed.He stood up and stretched his slightly numb limbs, picked up his luggage and strode towards the exit with the flow of people.

As soon as we got out of the West Railway Station, we could see the crowds in the square, and the eyes were full of staff from all kinds of schools. They held up the signboards to welcome new students and yelled loudly.

Most of the people who left the station were the freshmen who came to report, and the parents who sent them here.Their expressions were full of excitement and joy. Infected by them, the whole square also looked beaming.

Yao Lei led Ye Lingtian through the dense crowds to look for the welcome point for freshmen at Yenching University.

"I saw Yanda's welcome point, over there!" Yao Lei said excitedly, pointing to the not far away, pulling Ye Lingtian to run over there while talking.

It is said to be a welcome point, but it is actually a few tables and chairs, a banner, and a few buses parked next to it.

After giving the admission notice to the staff for verification, the two stepped onto the bus parked nearby.There were already a dozen freshmen sitting in the car, chatting excitedly.Ye Lingtian and Yao Lei didn't join in the fun, they sat down on the empty seat at the rear of the car.

"By the way, how do you know that Yanda's freshmen are greeted behind the crowd?" Ye Lingtian looked at Yao Lei and asked curiously.

"My sister told me that the university she went to the year before last was not in Yanjing. The people who are drinking hard in front of this are usually the staff of those private schools, and those from famous universities will not join in the fun." Yao Lei somewhat said proudly.

It didn't take long for the bus to be full of freshmen. The master closed the door and shouted: "Students, take your seats, let's start!" After speaking, the bus started slowly and drove out of the station.

Ye Lingtian sat by the window and looked at it curiously. Various vehicles were moving slowly like ants on the wide road, and there were tall buildings and crowds of people on both sides.The majestic atmosphere like a long rainbow rushed towards him, and Ye Lingtian felt a sense of pride in his heart, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart: "Yanjing University, here I come!"

Shortly after leaving the West Railway Station, the bus boarded the Third Ring Road, and drove northward for about an hour before arriving at Yenching University.

Yenching University, referred to as Yenching University, has a main campus covering an area of ​​more than 3 square kilometers, with more than 3 students of various types. It is the first national university in modern China and is recognized as the highest institution of learning in China.

Ye Ling got out of the car and looked around before taking a deep breath. There were dense crowds of people everywhere outside the school gate, at least several times more than in the train station square just now.

Yao Lei also saw this scene, widened his eyes and said, "My God, isn't this too scary?"

"What should I do?" Ye Lingtian was worried, there were people everywhere, it might not be easy to get in.

"What else can I do? Squeeze! Hold your things and follow me!" Yao Lei frowned, pulled Ye Lingtian and squeezed into the crowd.

I don't know what happened, but the people in the crowd dodged to both sides after meeting Yao Lei, and Ye Lingtian didn't have much trouble following behind.

"Yao Lei, why do those people hide away when they meet you? You must have practiced martial arts, right?" Seeing Yao Lei's relaxed face and not shedding a drop of sweat, Ye Lingtian could see it no matter how stupid he was. Yao Lei must have two hands.

Thinking about my physique is not bad, but if I want to squeeze hard like Yao Lei, even if I can squeeze in in the end, I don't know how much effort and time it will take.

Yao Lei didn't shy away from it, touched the back of his head, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that I learned some basic kung fu from my father when I was young."

Learned some basic kung fu?Ye Lingtian naturally didn't believe it.It suddenly occurred to him that Yao Lei is from Dengzhou, isn't Shaolin Temple in Dengzhou?

"Yao Lei, you are so powerful, you can't be a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple?" Ye Lingtian said playfully.

"Your size, I never thought about becoming a monk! My father forced me to learn Kungfu, and it's a family tradition." Yao Lei gave Ye Lingtian a hard look, and said angrily.

"Tuition fee is 7000, book fee is 00, accommodation fee is 00, and miscellaneous fees are 1500. A total of 12500..." The teacher in charge took Ye Lingtian's admission notice, checked the computer, and said mechanically.

Even though Ye Lingtian and Yao Lei chose a registration spot with few people, they were still baked under the hot sun for more than an hour before it was their turn.After registering, the two realized that they were assigned to the same dormitory.

"Haha! Ye Lingtian, it seems that the two of us are destined to be brothers! Let's go to the dormitory. I don't know what the other two roommates look like!" Yao Lei laughed loudly, pulling After getting up, Ye Lingtian walked towards the dormitory building.

Yenching University recruits so many freshmen every year, and he and Yao Lei not only shared the same seat on the train, but were also divided into the same dormitory. Ye Lingtian couldn't help laughing when he thought about it, this is indeed not an ordinary fate.

The two found their dormitory building along the signs on both sides of the road. The dormitory building is surrounded by good greenery, and there is a cafeteria next to it.But when Ye Lingtian saw the topless freshmen running around in the dormitory in shorts, several black lines appeared on his forehead: "Is this the so-called proud son of heaven?"

Climb up the stairs to the fifth floor and open the door of room 506. The dormitory is a mess and empty, which shows that this dormitory has just been brutally baptized by the students who left the previous class.There was no one in the dormitory, apparently neither of the other two had come yet.After looking around, the beds are all upper bunks, while the lower bunks have been replaced with desks and wardrobes.

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