ps: Thank you book friends for rewarding someone with 100--&-- coins for Jianglip!

It was already night when the two returned to the beach. They sent Liu Ruohan back to Yalong Bay Seaview Hotel, said a lot of good things, and made a guarantee that they would return safely. Ye Ling then dived into the sea again and came to the mysterious crack in the seabed forward.

But this time Ye Lingtian didn't use the water-avoiding beads, but directly used the water escape technique, and his whole figure disappeared into the sea water immediately, merging with the vast sea.

Turning around the crack, Ye Lingtian didn't hesitate, and went straight down. Not long after, he had reached the bottom of the crack. After looking around, he saw that the crack that was originally tens of meters wide had suddenly shrunk to a width of more than ten meters. Three meters high, the direction is leading to Yalong Bay.

Ye Lingtian didn't stop at all, and just followed the crack. After traveling for about fifty or sixty miles, he felt that the temperature of the sea water seemed to be much lower, and the crack became narrower and narrower, until it was only one or two meters wide. And it is no longer straight forward, but slightly upward, like a slope.

Probing forward along the narrow crack, Ye Lingtian was surprised to find that the end of this slope turned out to be a cave without water. Stepped out of the water along a gravel shoal.

Drilled out of the sea, and climbed up a narrow passage for 200 meters before reaching the cave.The inside of the cave was pitch black, but it was still like daylight to Ye Lingtian. After looking around, the cave was huge, almost the size of a football field, filled with cold mist, even Ye Lingtian, who had cultivated in the late stage of foundation establishment, could not Can't help but feel the cold.

When he released his consciousness, Ye Lingtian was surprised to find that his consciousness could not penetrate the cave wall. After pondering for a moment, he remembered that most of the distance when he came here was a slope, and he immediately realized that this cave should already be above the water level. In the belly of the mountain.

However, there was nothing in the cave, so where did the abundant aura and cold mist come from?Out of curiosity, Ye Lingtian walked into the depths of the cave while slowly searching for his consciousness along the cave wall.

Going all the way to the deepest part of the cave, Ye Lingcai discovered a three to four meter long, palm-width gap in the blue rock at the bottom of the cave. A trace of rich spiritual energy was slowly and continuously coming out of the gap.Overjoyed, Ye Lingtian hurriedly explored the gap with his divine sense, and found that there was a different world behind this gap.

With a thought, the flying sword appeared in his hand, and he cut and dug along the gap. After being nourished by spiritual energy and cold air for many years, the bluestones that were as hard as iron were chopped off one after another like yuba. He dug a hole more than one meter wide and two meters high.

Passing through the entrance of the cave is another cave, but this cave is much smaller. The depth of the cave is exactly the opposite of the slope that Ye Lingtian went up when he came from the bottom of the sea, but it is a downward slope.

After Ye Lingtian released his consciousness to investigate, he walked down the cave.The cave was rugged and winding, and it took more than ten miles to reach the bottom. Ye Lingtian estimated that it should have reached below sea level by now.

After turning a few turns along the cave, what appeared in front of us was a pool of water about [-] meters wide. The surface of the water was lingering with white mist, and the pool water did not have any ripples. Sexual aura spread throughout the space, and the surrounding stone walls were covered with layers of thick ice rocks.

However, in sharp contrast to the ice rocks on the surrounding stone walls, the water in the pool shows no sign of freezing despite the chill.

"Hantan!" Ye Lingtian couldn't help but cheered in surprise.The experience of his previous life reminded him that in order to form a cold pool, there must be a spiritual spring bred by the essence of the earth veins at the bottom of the pool. There must be rare spiritual herbs around!

Resisting the urge to jump into the cold pool in search of spiritual herbs, Ye Lingtian cautiously probed his consciousness into the cold pool, and found that the cold pool, which was only a hundred meters in radius, was thousands of meters deep.Thinking about it, this spiritual spring has probably existed for tens of thousands of years, and the spring water flowing out has nowhere to go, and finally formed this cold pool. Over time, it accumulated more and more, and the pool water became deeper and deeper.

He checked the cold pool several times with his spiritual sense, and after confirming that there was no danger, Ye Ling jumped into the cold pool with a "plop!", and quickly dived down using the water escape.

When I was on the shore, due to the lingering cold, I couldn't see the water quality of the cold pool clearly.However, Ye Lingtian found that the water was very clear when he went down to the cold pool. Under the underground cold pool exuding an extremely cold atmosphere, there was no terrifying darkness as imagined. Instead, it was transparent, like fireflies in a dense fog. From time to time, there is a little bit of blue light.

When diving to a depth of more than 800 meters, Ye Lingtian still felt a strong chill even with his cultivation in the late stage of foundation establishment. This chill was not piercing, but pierced deeply into the soul. Almost frozen.

The temperature here has reached the limit he can bear, but it is about to end, he is very unwilling to give up like this, he can only slow down, circulate the true energy in his body quickly, and take out water-proof beads to block the cold outside, Only then did I feel better, and I gritted my teeth and continued to dive.

These more than 100 meters are very slow, even exceeding the time it took for the previous 800 meters.Finally, Ye Lingtian, who was almost unable to bear it anymore, saw a ring-shaped bottom of the pool, which was covered with crystal clear ice crystals, and in the center was a spring shaped like a crater, from which a stream of frosty white flowed out. Then it slowly dissipated in the surrounding pool water like smoke.

"It really is the legendary earth vein spirit spring!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Lingtian couldn't help being shocked, and the chills all over his body seemed to have eased a lot under the joy.

What flows out of this spring is not spring water, but the pure and cold essence of the earth's veins, that is to say, this is a spring of the earth's veins.This kind of spiritual vein is rare even in the cultivation world. If a sect can build on this kind of spiritual vein, it will have an inexhaustible and inexhaustible supply of spiritual energy.If you can seal the surrounding space with your physical strength, it will become a rare paradise of its own.

No wonder the scenery in Sanya is so beautiful, it turns out that there is a spiritual spring underground!Fortunately, this Lingquan is located below the sea level and there are mountains on it. Otherwise, under the guise of economic development in today's society, deforestation, development, demolition and construction, construction and demolition today, even if it is not recognized If it is destroyed, it will be polluted long ago.

It's just that Ye Lingtian couldn't figure out why there is such a cold spring in this tropical seabed?But these are not what Ye Lingtian wants to study, what he needs is the spirit grass that grows beside the spirit spring.

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