Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 96 Cold Tobacco

ps: "Tianyuan" will be classified and pushed at 0:[-] pm. When I received the notification at [-]:[-] last night, I was very touched... very excited... Really, some author friends in the group asked me if I would not be able to sleep, I Vague answer maybe!

Thanks to all the readers who have accompanied "Tian Yuan" along the way, and thanks to the editor Yisuo who has been paying attention to the growth of "Tian Yuan". I hope that more and more readers will like this book. Shanren will definitely do his best. , Write "Tian Yuan" well!


His eyes searched for the spring again, and soon he locked on to it. In a low-lying place not far from the spring, there were dozens of fluffy white grass growing a foot high, and his whole body was pure white. , exuding a faint white gas, as if shrouded in smoke.

"Han Tobacco!" Staring blankly at the dozen or so white grasses, Ye Ling couldn't help exclaiming again after a long while.

The so-called practice and repair by cultivators refers to cultivating the mind, and practice refers to practicing kung fu. Cultivating the mind is the main thing, and practicing kung fu is the auxiliary.The state of mind and the level of cultivation are complementary to each other, and they also restrain each other. Once a person's state of mind rises, his cultivation base can easily catch up, and it only takes a little time. It is easy to have an accident, because the mood cannot be filled by time.

As the saying goes, to cultivate the mind is to cultivate the mind, and to cultivate the mind is to emphasize the unity of nature and man, to integrate oneself into nature, and to understand the way of heaven, and this emphasizes the practitioner's own aptitude, opportunity and understanding.Cultivation can be improved by unremitting practice, but the state of mind is different. It needs to be enlightened, that is, to understand nature and the way of heaven.

Those with high aptitude also have high comprehension, they can comprehend the way of heaven and improve their state of mind faster, and they can often progress much faster than others on the road of cultivation. Conversely, those with poor qualifications also have poor understanding. Some people study hard for many years, but they still can't break through the existing state of mind, they can only grow old slowly, and have no chance to ascend.

From this we can see how important it is to cultivate the mind, yet how difficult it is.And the most important thing is that once a cultivator's cultivation is higher than his state of mind, he is extremely dangerous. He is restless and restless every day. If this state continues for a long time, it will lead to emotional depression. Crazy, unable to control the mood, over time, the inner demons will invade, ranging from insanity to madness, and from severe cases, the soul will be scattered, and the gods and bodies will be destroyed, completely disappearing in the universe.

In the world of comprehension, if you want to ask which elixir is the most precious and scarce, it is not the elixir that can help monks improve their cultivation and achieve breakthroughs, but the elixir that can help monks improve their mood.

Not everyone has high aptitude. In the realm of comprehension, most of them are ordinary spiritual roots. They have cultivated hard for many years, but because of their low understanding, it is difficult to improve their state of mind. Even if they have the opportunity to break through their cultivation, most of them will not Don't dare to try it lightly.

However, if there is a elixir that can improve their mood, they can instantly solve the worries that have plagued them for many years.Therefore, in the world of comprehension, it is not difficult to find pills that can improve one's power, but pills that can improve one's mood have already become the rarest items. No matter how much spirit stones are spent, it is difficult to buy one.

The piece of white fluff growing around this earth vein spirit spring, the grass exuding a faint white mist, is the main medicine for refining the top-grade panacea "Zihan Pill" in the cultivation world.

"Purple Cold Pill" is a panacea for improving the state of mind. It has excellent effects from the stage of crossing the catastrophe to the stage of Qi training. No matter what the cultivation level is, as long as one pill is taken, it can not only quickly improve the mood of the user, And before crossing the catastrophe, there is no need to worry about the invasion of the demons and the insanity.

What's even more amazing is that even monks who have gone mad, as long as they are not dead, can recover quickly after taking the "Purple Cold Pill", and their cultivation base will not decline.

However, due to the extremely harsh growth conditions of the main "Cold Tobacco" that is used to refine "Purple Cold Pill", it can only be seen occasionally around the springs of the earth's spiritual springs, and they must be cold springs.Not only that, but this "Cold Tobacco" can only grow a new leaf every thousand years, and it can only be considered mature after five leaves grow, and "Purple Cold Pill" must be refined from mature "Cold Tobacco".

Therefore, although the "Purple Cold Pill" is extremely effective, due to the scarcity of the main drug "Cold Tobacco", it has been extinct in the cultivation world for nearly ten thousand years.Now Ye Lingtian sees this "cold tobacco", at least one plant has ten leaves, that is to say, the minimum of dozens of plants in this area is more than [-] years old, how can Ye Lingtian not feel surprised or excited !

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Ye Lingtian searched inside the Tianyuan Pearl, took out a ten-thousand-year cold jade jade box, and carefully put dozens of "cold tobacco" into the jade box one by one.

This ten-thousand-year jade box has been blessed with a small space formation, and a spiritual grass like "Han Tobacco" can hold hundreds of plants.

Nodding in satisfaction, Ye Lingtian looked at the thick layer of ice crystals around the spring, called out the flying sword and was about to dig some away, but suddenly seemed to think of something, shook his head immediately, retracted the flying sword, and controlled the water-avoiding The beads float up.

Returning to the original cave along the way, Ye Lingtian thought about it, and placed a spirit sealing formation and a phantom formation in front of the hole he dug, before nodding in relief.

There was only one gap before, and the aura of the earth veins and spirit springs could leak out of it, and spread to the sea along the passage of the cave. Now the gap has been enlarged by Ye Lingtian into a cave with a width of more than one meter and a height of two meters. The aura inside must be It will ooze out in large quantities, and will definitely be discovered by cultivators at that time.

Ye Lingtian didn't want to take this landline spirit spring as his own, but he didn't want to share it with other cultivators for the time being.

After identifying the direction, Ye Lingtian cast Earth Dun and will soon arrive at the beach of Yalong Bay.Unleashing his consciousness, he found a place where no one was around and got out of the ground. Seeing that the sky had already brightened, the night passed without knowing it.

Pushing open the door of the hotel room, Ye Lingtian felt a figure rushing towards him, followed by a fragrant fragrance and warm jade in his arms, Liu Ruohan hugged his waist tightly with both hands, the look in her beautiful eyes became a little complicated, there was A little sad, a little sad, and a little grievance, tears came out of his eyes, a pair of small hands beat his chest, pouted and said: "Why have you been here for so long, people are so worried about you!"

Ye Lingtian stroked Liu Ruohan's back lightly, and blamed lovingly: "Why, you haven't slept all night?"

Liu Ruohan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said angrily: "It's so dark down there, I don't know what's there, you go all night, I can't sleep alone."

Ye Lingtian gently reached out to help her stroke the hair on her forehead, and said softly: "I'm fine, this time the harvest is not small, not only got some rare spiritual herbs, but also found a plant that is of great benefit to your cultivation. Fudi, you will definitely benefit a lot from practicing there, and the speed of practice will be much faster, I will take you there after participating in the underground flower and plant fair."

Hearing Ye Lingtian said that he had found a blessed place that could speed up his practice, Liu Ruohan immediately forgot those grievances, and nodded happily while snuggling into Ye Lingtian's arms.

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