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Chapter 022 Perfect Performance

Different from the previous articles that seemed like a mirage, this planning proposal combines the reality of Gucheng County, and at the same time considers the shortage of self-owned funds and the many disadvantages of attracting investment. It is based on the local area and develops the county economy without transitional investment. , this is no longer a simple investment promotion plan, but...

Following Deng Hua's explanation, everyone began to pay attention to the materials in their hands, and compared with what Deng Hua said, they found a difference.Obviously, this young man is not endorsing, but expounding his own point of view, and each point of view is so unique, the same as the headline of the Gao article.

For example, Gao Wenwen's first item is to advocate county-level industry as the mainstream, but he wants to use investment to build a new industrial system.The question is, who would invest in a remote place like Gucheng County to invest in building a factory?Without foreign capital, how can Gucheng County build a factory?

Gucheng County has just discovered that there are rich mineral resources. The problem is that the mining of those things is not generally difficult. Even if it is state investment, it is expected to be carried out in a few years. Before this, the local government had nothing to do.

As for the other contents, they are all the same. It is really like what Deng Hua said, although the imaginary things are beautiful, they are too ambitious and do not fit the reality of Gucheng County!

As Deng Hua's explanation deepened, Gao Wenwen's eyes were dull, his lips were blue, and sweat dripped down his face.Gao Fei forced himself to be calm, but his twitching eyelids and wooden expression could no longer conceal the frustration in his heart, and he was finally tricked by his nephew!

Li Changhe was a little happy at this time. Although the plagiarism case had been confirmed, the Investment Promotion Office was not without gains.Based on Deng Hua's article, the status of the Investment Promotion Office in the eyes of the county party committee leaders will rise significantly.Director Li looked at Deng Hua again, his disgust was gone, and all he had left was appreciation!

Although he had already guessed the truth, Zhao Jianjun never thought that the difference between these two people would be so great!He even wanted to ask the head of the organization, which of these two people was a junior high school student and which one was an undergraduate student!

Huang Yuying put down the document in her hand, smiled and looked at the eloquent young man, she thought she was just a martial artist, but she didn't expect to have a beautiful heart!Taking a sideways look at Zhao Jianjun's cold face, the beauty secretary secretly smiled, this person lost nothing in the first round!

Zhao Tong nodded secretly, no wonder her daughter talked about this young man and secretly copied the documents back.Thinking of the copy of the manuscript, Director Zhao suddenly felt a love of talent.

Few of the young people in the county party committee office now pay attention to traditional culture, and each article is passable, but the handwriting is a bit horrible!Being able to write in lower case so well, Deng Hua is enough to occupy a place in the county party committee office just based on this!

Qiu Hai finally raised his eyebrows, looking at Gao Fei's depressed face, Director Qiu's previous depression disappeared.Really found a treasure!In the past, three groups of three chatted with each other. I only knew that this kid was full of new terms, many of which had never been heard of before. I didn't expect to play such a beautiful counterattack. That's right, it was what this kid called a counterattack!

Deng Hua's performance continued, and Zhao Jianjun became angry when he saw Gao Fei's uncle and nephew, and waved his hand in disgust, as if to chase away flies: "Go back, go back, the matter of plagiarism will be handled by Director Li, and it's none of your business here!"

Gao Fei and Gao Wenwen bowed their heads and left as if they were being pardoned. Li Changhe hesitated, took a look at Deng Hua, and decided to stay and listen.After all, this is a plan written in the name of the Investment Promotion Office, even though the article has long gone beyond the scope of investment promotion.

Qiu Hai stood on the side contentedly, admiring Deng Hua's performance, he actually had a sense of achievement, this is his soldier!For the first time, he had confidence. Maybe with a kid like Deng Hua, maybe three groups of three people could really create a miracle!

"Just now you mentioned the development of forestry economy, does this have anything to do with your job?"

Zhao Jianjun looked impatient, and was not satisfied with the performance of this junior high school student. This guy has done all the work of the county magistrate, so why should he be the real county magistrate?What annoyed him the most was that this kid didn't hand over the plan to him immediately. County magistrate Zhao forgot that he was the one who first positioned Deng Hua as a plagiarist, and he didn't even take a look at the documents!

Deng Hua smiled slightly: "Judging from the work in various places in recent years, many contract farming concepts are advanced enough, but it is difficult to implement them. Many so-called orders, originally intended to benefit one party, often turn into disasters for ordinary people. The backlog of agricultural products is rotting, which makes the lives of ordinary people worse.

If you want to develop the forestry economic industry chain, the most important point is to grasp the nodes of the chain, that is, the big business and big logistics.It is suggested that the work of attracting investment should focus on attracting investment from the market, and attract businessmen from related fields to Gucheng County to purchase products on the spot, so that participating farmers will have no worries! "

"Clap clap clap!"

Huang Yuying took the lead in applauding, followed by the members of the Standing Committee. Qiu Hai clapped his hands hard, wishing he could run over and hug Deng Hua, it was so awesome, yes, that's what this guy often said, awesome!Zhao Jianjun had a face of reluctance, and clapped his hands repeatedly, but he looked down on Deng Hua more and more.

"Just now you mentioned that Gucheng County's population of more than [-] is also an economic growth point. Can you explain this?"

For a long time, the large population of Gucheng County has been regarded as a huge pressure, and no one thinks it can be used as an economic growth point.It is precisely because of the large population that the pitiful little cultivated land in the mountainous area is less than three points for each person's turn!

Before Huang Yuying came here, someone warned that if the population problem in Gucheng County is not resolved, it will not be possible to get rid of poverty and become rich here.Now it's good to say that this is also a point of economic growth, which immediately makes the beautiful secretary interested.

This era is still talking about population discoloration, far from the time when the previous life talked about the demographic dividend. Deng Hua can understand this: "Gucheng County is located in the Jianghuai watershed, and the transportation location has obvious advantages. It is the small triangle area leading to the huge city of Jianghan in the middle , Hongjiang City and other places.

It is the transition zone for the gradual development of the eastern coast and the central and western regions and the transfer point of economic exchanges between the east and the west. It has the functions and characteristics of connecting the east and the west, connecting the north and the south, connecting the coast, and developing the central plains.Gucheng County can definitely vigorously develop adult education, develop vocational education bases, and provide high-quality migrant workers for the Small Triangle and Lingnan Triangle. "

Jiang Aowen suddenly laughed: "It seems that Comrade Deng Hua has already set his sights on the whole country, and he no longer lives in one corner. He has a taste of pointing the country and stimulating the writing, haha!"

Everyone laughed, only then did Deng Hua realize that he was a bit pretentious!Scratching his head, with a shy expression on his face, Deng Hua at this time seems to be more in line with his identity. Before, everyone had an illusion, as if young people were the protagonists in the conference room, and the leaders were just auxiliaries!

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