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Chapter 023: Old Liao's Gift

Walking back from the meeting room of the Standing Committee to the Investment Promotion Office, Li Changhe's face was full of joy along the way, and all the steadfastness brought about by the previous plagiarism incident was swept away.Deng Hua's performance today gave him the face of the head of the department, which he introduced to the county magistrate!

About to enter the office door, Deng Hua turned sideways and asked the two leaders to go ahead.Li Changhe patted Deng Hua on the shoulder heavily: "Good job! Work hard, the Investment Promotion Office has a lot to do!"

"Yes!" Deng Hua is like a soldier, "Thanks to Director Li for his teachings. In such a big era, attracting investment is undoubtedly an important part of the local economic development of Gucheng County!"

The scene where Director Li and Deng Hua had a cordial conversation was watched by caring people, envious and jealous, with all kinds of eyes and emotions!The most tangled thing is undoubtedly Gao Wenwen. He didn't expect that a single plagiarism would actually fulfill this junior high school student. How embarrassing is this for him!

Sun Qian finally dared to face Deng Hua squarely. Although she didn't know what happened to the Standing Committee, the little girl firmly believed that the plan she handed over to her mother would definitely exert its effect.The little woman even has a little pride, this guy is a talent he discovered by himself!

Just when he was about to return to his seat, a pretty face appeared in the corridor and winked at him.Deng Hua hurried out to greet her: "Miss Liao, why are you here? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can't I find you if I don't need it?" Liao Yuhan stared, "Grandpa and I are going back, if you are not busy..."

The little girl glanced at the document in Deng Hua's hand: "Oh, I'm not busy, I'll send Mr. Liao and you off, and I'll send this back first."

"Take it," Liao Yuhan was satisfied with Deng Hua's reaction, "Let me see, it can't be a confidential document, right?"

With a wry smile, Deng Hua handed the revised version of "My Opinions on Investment Promotion Work in Gucheng County" to the little girl: "Let's go, let's chat while walking."

Liao Guangfu was very unhappy during his trip to his hometown. The only root of the Liao family was imprisoned, which made his heart ache.Maybe forming a year-end friendship with Deng Hua is the only thing that can be comforted: "Hey, I didn't expect Xiao Deng to be a genius!"

"Hey, I made Mr. Liao laugh. I am a junior high school student. It took a lot of effort to come up with such a thing. I hope it can be useful." Deng Hua scratched his head, but he didn't dare to show off his cleverness in front of this old man. That is the great wisdom gained from decades of military career and business experience.

Mr. Liao shook his head: "Your plan is very targeted. It doesn't look like it was written by a junior high school student. I'm afraid ordinary economists can't write such forward-looking things."

"It's all tears!" Deng Hua didn't want Mr. Liao to misunderstand him, so he deliberately brought this thing over, "Just before Ms. Liao came to me, I was asked to clear up the suspicion of plagiarism."

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Liao Yuhan immediately raised her ears, her face was full of gossip, Deng Hua smiled wryly, and briefly talked about what she had just experienced: "If I didn't have two versions, I would definitely not be able to clear up the suspicion of this plagiarism incident!"

"Haha, that's right," Liao Guangfu pointed to Deng Hua and laughed, "If it were me, it would be impossible for me to think that this thing is your original creation! You propose here that the county economy should be guided by the development of large commerce and logistics. It still seems a bit difficult."

Deng Hua sighed: "It is indeed the case. The reason why Gucheng County's economic development is lagging behind is undoubtedly the bottleneck. If you want to get rich, you must build roads first. Only by opening up the east-west artery and connecting the three provincial capitals outside can Gucheng County really take off. The road to economic take-off!"

Many things are easy to say but hard to do. Even before Deng Hua was reborn, Gucheng County had only just achieved such a goal.In fact, it was not the result of Gucheng County's efforts, but the needs of the country's overall environment. Qingyuan City happened to be located at a node, and Gucheng County took advantage of the opportunity.

"Well, yes, you are very pragmatic, without the hypocrisy of an old official, I hope you will always maintain this style in the future." Liao Guangfu nodded. The old man has experienced too many ups and downs. At first, Deng Hua's purpose in approaching his grandparents and grandsons was obvious. , even a little girl can see it, not to mention he is a fine person!

As they communicated with each other, Deng Hua's upright military spirit and his utilitarianism that had faded to almost nothing also made the old man lose his previous vigilance.In just a few days of contact, the two of them really became friends.

Deng Hua made a grimace: "To tell you the truth, I'm not very good at communicating. I'm a bit blunt, which offends people."

"Why do I feel like you are a little fox?"

Liao Yuhan rolled her pitch-black eyes and stared at Deng Hua with her hands on her chin with a strange expression on her face.Liao Guangfu laughed: "Yuhan speaks more bluntly. Don't take offense to Xiao Deng. To be honest, the old man also has an illusion. You seem to be a combination of contradictions. You have the integrity of a soldier and the cunning of a fox!"

"Is this a compliment?" Deng Hua gritted his teeth, secretly lamenting the perverted intuition of the grandparents and grandchildren. The straightforwardness of a soldier is his innate temperament, and the cunning of a fox is the result of decades of experience in previous and present lives. the result of.

Mrs. Liao was very happy with Deng Hua, there was less intrigue, and a little more nostalgia: "Xiao Deng, Yuhan's vacation is coming to an end, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I want to meet the county leaders, Can you help arrange it?"

Happiness came so suddenly, Deng Hua was stunned for a moment, he thought that the two of them would get up and leave, but unexpectedly...

Liao Yuhan blamed: "Hey, hey, do you feel that we have no money and make you feel bad?"

"No no no no, absolutely no!"

Deng Hua's head shook like a rattle, and Mr. Liao smiled: "Stop, stop, stop, if you keep shaking it, I'm going to faint!"

Even though Qiu Hai and Li Changhe didn't quite believe it, Mr. Liao, who looked like a retired worker, was an investor, so he led the grandfather and grandson to Secretary Huang in line with the principle of killing the wrong man rather than letting him go.It stands to reason that he should go to see the county magistrate Zhao. The plagiarism incident yesterday has already hurt Director Li's heart. He doesn't want to get into trouble again!

"You are old Liao?"

Huang Yuying didn't dare to confirm when she saw Liao Guangfu, but after hearing Deng Hua's introduction, she almost lost her composure due to the huge surprise.Old Liao laughed: "That's right, it's me."

Li Changhe and Qiu Hai were confused by what they heard, but Deng Hua understood the reason. Before Huang Yuying came down, she must have studied the information of many wealthy businessmen in Hong Kong and Taiwan.In this era, money is king. As a ruler, if he doesn't understand these things, it is his dereliction of duty.

This is a top-ranked rich man in the Hong Kong government. So far, even Huaiyang Province has not encountered such a class of investors.The appearance of a rich man with such status in Gucheng County is definitely not lucky.

Don't look at this Gucheng County, the ancestral home of Gucheng County, there are many big shots in Gucheng County. This place is called Jiangjun Township, and there are more people who have gone overseas. Which one has come back?Secretary Huang held the old man's hand with both hands: "Old Liao, I didn't expect you to come back. This is a great joy for the people of Gucheng County, and it deserves a special honor!"

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