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Chapter 030 Clothes and Beasts

The beautiful secretary shook her head: "I think the team of the China Merchants Office has a very problematic vision. Such a talented person has not controlled the operation of the big market. It is a child's play to let that college student with a name to operate it!"

Mr. Liao's funds in the big market have not yet been in place, and the preliminary work cannot be carried out, but the publicity campaign is already underway.But Huang Yuying was hardly satisfied with everything that was done there. Just the location of the big market had already been changed several times.

The county does not know when Mr. Liao will receive the funds. One thing is certain, if the preliminary preparations are not in place, the largest investment in Qingyuan City is likely to go to waste.In fact, the city is already urging, asking the county to come up with practical things to ensure that the investment project is settled.

"Then, secretary, should you immediately transfer Deng Hua back to the Investment Promotion Office and ask him to preside over this project?" Lu Yao asked tentatively, and then smiled at herself, "He just started working, and it seems a bit strange to preside over the project so soon. urgent."

Huang Yuying looked at the chaotic environment in front of and behind the Party School building with cold eyes: "For some people, ability is not directly proportional to age!"

Lu Yao stuck out her tongue and forgot that her boss was a wunderkind. There were quite a few department chiefs in their early thirties, but not many were in charge of a county secretary.The higher authorities have been advocating the rejuvenation of cadres for a long time, but in actual promotion, there are many resistances.

Those veteran cadres who were wronged in the red era are very eager to continue to contribute to the country, and many of them are unwilling to leave their positions.This has also led to a serious phenomenon that the age of cadres in various places exceeds the standard, and the process of rejuvenation is slow!If it weren't for the earthquake in Gucheng County's officialdom, the composition of the team here would also be dominated by aging people.

What she saw today made Huang Yuying finally realize clearly that her previous understanding of Deng Hua was still a bit biased, and it was all the fault of her diploma!What level can a junior high school student have?What kind of work ability?It's not just the leaders of the Investment Promotion Office who have doubts, but also the county has a lot of worries, which makes Gao Fei's trick succeed.

At present, the preparatory work done by the Investment Promotion Office is difficult to satisfy the county. Without an overall plan for the early work, there is no way to talk about the later preparation.It's just that Gao Fei's uncle and nephew are backed by the county magistrate, Huang Yuying can't be too strong, it will leave the impression of being domineering, which is not beautiful!

Deng Hua didn't know that the secretary of the county party committee was visiting. At noon, he called his classmates together to go out for consumption.There are 37 people in the class, and there are more than [-] village officials, and the government officials also accepted the invitation to go out to have a meal together.Mr. Deng in the class is an absolute little rich man. Only the first day of the dinner was given by the village officials to treat guests with money, and the rest of the time was spent by Deng Hua.

As soon as he sat down here, Deng Hua's button rang. He really couldn't enjoy the "big brick", and would rather not switch the button.On the contrary, Wang Qiang from the mobile communication company had one in his hand: "Hello, I am Deng Hua, may I ask your name..."

"You are Mo Zhu's guardian? I am Mo Zhu's class teacher, please come to the school."

"Uh, what's wrong with Mo Zhu?" Deng Hua stood up awkwardly. This little loli picked up was very popular with his mother, even closer than his own son.Deng Hua is not sure whether his appearance can really change Mo Zhu's life trajectory, and he is also struggling these days. This phone call naturally makes him tremble with fear.

"Student Mo Zhu didn't respect the teacher, and scratched the physical education teacher. The school plans to expel her."

Mozhu is in the middle school of No. [-] Middle School in Gucheng, and her academic performance is average. The previous family accident left a deep shadow on the little girl's heart.Deng Hua appeared at the school with several students, Mo Zhu held his head stubbornly, like a proud peacock, without the slightest awareness of causing trouble.

Deng Hua came to the head teacher with a smile all over his face: "Hello, I am Deng Hua, Mo Zhu's guardian. May I ask what happened?"

"Student Mo Zhu doesn't respect the teacher, and dares to fight with the teacher!" A middle-aged man next to the head teacher, with several blood marks on his face, "Do you think this is the red era? Do you still want to beat the teacher and step on one foot? "

Deng Hua frowned, and looked at Mo Zhu: "Sister, why did you tickle him? Don't be afraid, tell me the truth, and I will make the decision for you!"

"What's your attitude?" The dean got angry, "Let her parents come, what's the matter with you?"

Deng Hua ignored the man and the woman, looked at Mo Zhu, the girl bit her lips tightly, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth: "He is a beast!"

"You spitting blood!" The physical education teacher jumped up immediately, "Who are you calling a beast? I am your teacher. What's wrong with helping you correct your movements during practice? Even if you touch a sensitive part, it is an unintentional mistake. What do you little girl deserve from me?"

Deng Hua stared at the head teacher coldly: "Did you hear that? Do you think a teenage girl might spit blood? Or, do you think my sister is framing this bastard?"

"Nonsense!" Before the class teacher could speak, the dean was furious, "You are absolutely not allowed to slander the reputation of No. [-] Middle School. Such students and parents must be eliminated from No. [-] Middle School!"

Holding Mo Zhu's hand, Deng Hua narrowed his eyes and stared at the dean: "Are you sure you don't need to investigate? Are you sure it's my sister who slandered No. [-] High School's reputation? Well, I'll call the police. Since it happened in class, Students must have seen it."

After finishing speaking, Deng Hua reached out to the classmate from the mobile company who came with him, and took the phone: "Hi, I'm in Gucheng No. [-] Middle School. There was a case of molesting a female student here, please..."

"You, you, you are talking nonsense!" The physical education teacher's face changed drastically, "I, I will sue you for slander!"

After hanging up the phone, Deng Hua smiled contemptuously: "Is it reasonable to be loud? Why are you panicking? If the police prove that my sister has slandered you, I will apologize to you, to No. [-] Middle School, and compensate you for the loss of reputation. OK. If it’s the other way around, I want Yizhong to give me an explanation!”

The physical education teacher did not expect Deng Hua to act so decisively, which was completely beyond his cognition.In the past, when a student had an accident at school, the parents always calmed down. It was impossible for such a serious consequence to call the police. This young man obviously did not play his cards according to common sense!

He swallowed hard, and shouted sternly: "You guys are too much, it's the first time I've seen such a student, such a parent, this teacher can't be good, principal, I want to resign!"

The principal, who had been sitting silently, already knew in his heart that he was not a fool, and maybe he didn't want to make a big deal out of it for the sake of the school's honor.Now that the parents are actually calling the police, it is very difficult to suppress the influence, especially the different performance of the physical education teacher before and after, which already shows the problem.

The principal snorted softly: "Maybe there was a misunderstanding between the teachers and the students, so there is no need to call the police! I think this is the case. The female students are more sensitive and react more violently. Go back and educate the parents and be a teacher in the class." Criticism, if there is something, then it will be changed, if not, it will be strengthened!"

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