"Why do we need to review?" Deng Hua looked coldly at the principal who had pretended to be confused before, "If such a scumbag teacher appears in No. [-] Middle School, my sister must not be the only one who has been violated. If this matter is not pursued to the end, what will happen in the future? thing?"

"You, you, you are talking nonsense!" The physical education teacher had long since lost his confidence, "I, I want to protest! I..."

A party school student behind Deng Hua suddenly said, "Are you Chen Dengping?"

The physical education teacher was stunned: "I am Chen Dengping."

"That's right!" The student is a cadre of the County Education Commission, "You have been reported by the parents of the students more than once, why are you still teaching on the job in an open manner? The No. [-] Middle School is really domineering and ignoring the approval documents of the Education Commission. Still defending this scumbag, hehe!"

As soon as this sentence was said, the faces of the principal and the dean changed. Facing the facts, they had no way to refute.Not long after, the criminal police team of the Public Security Bureau arrived, led by an acquaintance of Deng Hua, the captain of the criminal police team, Zheng Lixin.

Now everyone in the Gucheng County Public Security Bureau will run away when they see Deng Hua. They have no face to face this guy, but now they can't dodge. Captain Zheng simply greeted him first: "Deng Hua? Why are you here?"

"Long time no see!" Deng Hua smiled slightly. Although this person did not participate in the violence against Deng Hua last time, he did not stop his subordinates. "I reported the case just now. This scum among teachers was arrested for molesting female students. Now the school To actually cover him up, and to retaliate against the students who reported it, I think the Criminal Police Brigade seems to be very leisurely!"

Although Zheng Lixin was thick-skinned enough, his face was flushed red: "Deng Hua, I solemnly apologize to you for what happened last time, and thank you for what happened to Liaojiaping. If you hadn't caught those scumbags and said Not sure how many more people will suffer!"

"Hey, you're welcome. I was just unlucky. I ran into robbers twice. Fortunately, those guys don't have the father of the county party secretary!"

Captain Zheng smiled awkwardly. That smile was uglier than crying. He turned around and glared at Chen Dengping: "It's you again! The last time I was released on bail by the No. [-] Middle School, it was said that the students retaliated against the teacher. This time you said so? The principal, the dean, the second Do you still want to say that it is the students retaliating against the teacher?"

The principal and the dean were feeling very bitter at the moment. Obviously, this one took all the anger he felt on Deng Hua on Chen Dengping and the school.After all, the principal is closer to a politician, and his brain turns quickly: "Such black sheep must be eliminated from the teaching team, and we will never tolerate adultery!"

"Oh?" Deng Hua sneered, "Since you admit that you are the black sheep, what did you say just now? How dare you ask the humiliated female student to apologize to the teacher, so you are also worthy of being a teacher? If Chen Dengke is a scum among teachers, What are you school leaders?"

Originally, no matter what disaster Mo Zhu caused, he wanted to calm things down, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen, which made Deng Hua angry.The evil deeds of beast teachers in the previous world actually happened to Mo Zhu, no matter what, it cannot be tolerated!

The principal said solemnly: "When something like this happened, I, as the leader of No. [-] Middle School, would like to express my solemn apology to Mo Zhu."

"Apologize?" Deng Hua's eyes were burning with fire. If there was no such a rubbish principal, he wouldn't have such a scumbag teacher. "Just an apology is all it takes? Since this person has a criminal record, why can he keep doing it again and again?" And San's heinous deeds?

Captain Zheng, I think it is better to conduct an in-depth investigation. It is impossible to say how many students have been victimized in such a school full of filth.Female students usually do not take up legal weapons to protect themselves. They are often bullied and swallow their anger. It may be difficult for them to expose such evil deeds! "

When did this guy become a leader?Zheng Lixin was filled with disgust, and he still had to do his job well. Now that the bureau has changed its boss, it is rectifying the police discipline, so don't be sued by this guy.The official earthquake caused by this guy last time left an indelible impression on Captain Zheng.

Zheng Lixin said seriously: "The criminal police brigade will definitely attach great importance to cases involving minors, which is why I came here in person. Take this scum back, and ask the school to cooperate with our work and conduct a police investigation on female students. Investigation. Of course, in order to protect the privacy of minors, the specific operation method needs to be discussed!"

Sitting in the Gaojia singing and dancing restaurant, Deng Hua called the table full of good things, and it was ordered by his classmates when he came here.In the past afternoon, I was busy with Mozhu's affairs. Fortunately, my classmates from the party school had connections.

People from the County Education Commission, the Public Security Bureau, and the County Party Committee Office, although these people may seem to be small staff, in front of the leaders of No. [-] Lieutenant Colonel and Captain Zheng, they represent their units.

No one wants to leave sand in the eyes of these people, and it will spread to the ears of their leaders at any time. This is the most terrible thing.Therefore, whether it is the No. [-] Middle School or the criminal police team, I work very hard.

In fact, the investigation is not so difficult, and Chen Dengke's atrocities are not so hidden. He is used to eating, and he often molested beautiful female students in physical education classes.

Among the students, Chen Dengke was nicknamed "Teacher Beast"!In fact, the school leaders all know this nickname, and have assigned a few students for it.Now that all these are exposed, the school leaders are embarrassed.

Some of the female students who were hurt by Chen Dengke have already graduated and left school, and some simply dropped out of school.Undoubtedly, this nightmarish experience in junior high school will leave these girls with trauma that cannot be healed for life!

Many students took the initiative to help break the news. The police found out such a scum among teachers, which is really satisfying.In the afternoon, more than a dozen female students were found molested by Chen Dengke and even raped!

Such a sensational crime angered everyone present. A group of junior high school students would suffer such atrocities on a campus that everyone regarded as a paradise. No one could let this scumbag go.

The police notified the case to the county education committee in time, and the principal and vice principal, the teaching director and others of No. [-] Middle School were all suspended from their posts, and they will be held accountable for their leadership.The parents who got the news and rushed to the school were furious. They broke through the protection of the police and knocked Chen Dengke to the ground!

In fact, the police officers are simply putting on airs, and they also have their own children. If it weren't for the watchful eyes of the public, if it wasn't for the strict police discipline management during this period, these police officers would probably do it themselves.

It was only when someone swung up the chair that they were stopped, and killing someone was a big deal.At this time, Chen Dengke's face was covered with blood, half of his teeth were missing, half of his ears were bitten off by a certain mother, his palms were trampled like stewed chicken feet, and his lower body was exposed, turning into a blood gourd. It was no longer worth repairing. ······

The tragic situation of Chen Dengke stunned the parents who had just started. Everyone wanted to vent their anger, and everyone wanted to skin him and cramp.When everyone's injuries gathered in one place, Deng Hua couldn't imagine how much courage Chen Dengke needed to survive!

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