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Chapter 049 Rights

"You should go to the responsible comrade for this matter," Li Changhe didn't want to deal with such small businessmen, not to mention that this was the trouble Deng Hua caused, "Comrade Deng Hua will give you a satisfactory answer."

"Director Deng," the boss said in his heart, this [-]-year-old guy with no hair yet controls the lifeline of his company, "Please be flexible, our purchasing station has signed a five-year lease with the party school The contract expires in two years."

Deng Hua smiled: "I can understand your difficulties, and I don't doubt the legality of your contract, but I have already told you that your business is really not suitable for the China Merchants Office to face rich businessmen and celebrities from all over the world. suitable."

"I'm sorry, my company can't move out. If you want me to leave, unless you give me enough compensation." The boss said forcefully, "Young man, don't push people too much. Everyone has a few good friends. Director Gao said that the more The more government departments must act in accordance with the law!"

It would be better if this guy didn't improve his flying, but he just mentioned this disgusting guy. Obviously, Director Gao didn't do anything good.Thinking about it, Director Gao put a lot of effort into the shantytowns and spent a lot of money. Now because of the change of the plan, all funds will be locked up!

According to the economic strength of Gucheng County and the difficulty of attracting investment, the reconstruction of shantytowns may not start until the new century.I don't know if these seven or eight years can make Gao's family hopeless?Deng Hua picked up the cup in front of him, took a sip of tea, and smiled inscrutablely.

He suddenly discovered that this change of plan was really perfect, and at least it dealt a severe blow to the economic strength of the Gao family.Deng Hua's full-fledged talent replied: "I'm not interested in your good friend, but you must know my friend. They often check the purchase station to see if there are any stolen goods."

This is undoubtedly the boss's weakness. It is difficult for waste material recycling companies to be clean, especially in places like Gucheng County.The common people are very poor, where do they have so many old things for sale?Many things come from unknown sources, whether it's the boss or the wage earner, they often turn a blind eye to it.

Hearing what Deng Hua said, the boss' face changed: "Director Deng, you must leave me a way out, right?"

"Tsk, in fact, the place I introduced to you is quite good. The transportation is convenient, and the location is not fake. The biggest advantage is that it will not face demolition for a long time. In my opinion, you should think about it. The surrounding environment of the China Merchants Office is What must be rectified, early tomorrow morning, the urban construction, environmental sanitation and other departments will take joint action."

The deputy director was very angry. Not only did he have no money, but Deng Hua had to personally clear up all aspects of the relationship.Right now, he still has to thank Gao Fei. If he hadn't gotten himself into the county party school, he wouldn't have gotten to know these talented students.

Don't seem to learn from small people in various units. These small people are enough to do big things, especially the businessman in front of you.Deng Hua suddenly understood his father a little bit. Before that, he was too nerdy, and he didn't care about his father's business at all.

Right now, as a small deputy chief clerk, I can force the boss of the largest material recycling company in Gucheng County into a corner!right!The thing that wiped out the Deng family in the previous life is also the ultimate goal of Deng Hua in this life!

Those small businessmen and peddlers in front are easy to deal with. As long as the municipal department notifies them, it is enough to make them jump in a hurry.It was the first time to enjoy such interpersonal relationships, not only Deng Hua's party school classmates, but also Sun Qian's, Wang Qiaozhi's, Zhang Hui and even Li Fu.

Deng Hua finally understood how lucky she was to join the Merchants Office. Needless to say, Sun Qian, her mother was a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the director of the County Party Committee Office.Wang Qiaozhi's husband, Sun Zhiwen, is the son of Sun Fei, a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the head of the organization. Zhang Hui seems to be related to the city. Li Fu, who looks like a straight-hearted guy, is actually the nephew of Director Li Changhe!

With the establishment of the project team, these backers entered the project team early and got a seat each.With the help of these people, many problems were easily solved. At least those departments with real power did not need Deng Hua to come to the door for help in person.

In just one week, the Merchants Office, which was originally a messy surrounding environment, became clean and tidy.Even the building and the bluestone floor, which had a sense of vicissitudes, were cleaned repeatedly by the sanitation department, and the whole was revived.

Just relying on interpersonal relationships, it is difficult to get the leaders of these units to agree to such voluntary labor with great fanfare.Deng Hua said to his friends: "The preparation work for the big market project will not invite public bids. If you have people, you will send out equipment. If you have equipment, you will first record the account. When you have money later, you will all be repaid at the price."

This promise made everyone excited. Gucheng County has no money and has to rely on financial subsidies from above to live every year.The welfare benefits of each unit are very poor, and it is rare to have such an opportunity to make extra money.When the friends returned to the unit and reported to the leaders, the leaders immediately became jealous.

How much oil and water will there be in a project with an investment of 3000 million?As long as we rely on this big tree, the welfare of every unit in the next year will be indispensable.The Merchants Office has been refurbished, and the depression in the center of the city is bustling.

The water pumps used by the municipal department for flood control and drought relief were pulled to the site one by one, and the garbage trucks of the environmental protection department were all on standby around the depression as soon as they finished their work, waiting for the call of the project department at any time.

County No. [-], [-], and [-] construction companies have been squeezed out by private companies in the past few years. This kind of county-owned enterprise does have various disadvantages, and it also has unexpected advantages.Among other things, transfers between units within the county can definitely solve the short-term shortage of funds.

Under the planned economy environment, the three major construction companies were also brilliant, thanks to this beautiful book.Entering the market economy, they are a bit unaccustomed to the environment, and they do not have the flexible management methods and huge price fluctuation range like private enterprises.

The current three major construction companies have been in arrears with their employees for a long time, and many big workers have started to go out to find food by themselves.The leader also turned a blind eye to this, and he couldn't let his subordinates go hungry, no!

Deng Hua, who was suffocated by the funds, thought of them. The habits developed in the planned economy era, these three companies have a lot of stocks in the compound.Most of these materials need to be paid back. Those units have no cash after the completion of the project, and all materials are used to offset the accounts.

Anyway, these supplies are not cash, they are triangular debts between units, you owe me, I owe him, and he owes others.After such a circle, the construction company was finally pitted, and they were the last nodes of the biological chain.

In this era, some collective enterprises with poor returns are seriously in arrears of wages. Gucheng County Garment Factory distributes unsalable products to workers as wages.All units began to follow suit for a while, and the boss of the construction company was hesitating whether to use those inventory offset materials as wages!

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