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Chapter 050 Construction Companies

When the big market project came out from Gucheng County, the bosses of the three companies couldn't sit still. They approached County Magistrate Zhao and Gao Fei, who was in charge before, but they were all rejected.There are many reasons, and the real reason is that the county magistrate Zhao and the Gao family now have a construction company in their hands!

This company, bought at a low price from Deng Mingyi, is the bargaining chip for Zhao Jianjun and Gao Jia to make a fortune.Especially for projects like the big market, Zhao Jianjun regarded it as a taboo, and booked the most profitable part early.

The remaining leftovers are cold, and the various private construction companies want to get a piece of the pie, so they want to send some hard currency to the county magistrate Zhao?There is no doubt that there is a way to make money, and Zhao Jianjun will never give up.

Right now, the person in charge of the project department has been replaced, and the general director of the project has also been replaced by the secretary of the county party committee. The bosses of the three major construction companies have seen a glimmer of hope. The three of them joined hands to find the project department, but the boss was a little unbelievable when he saw the young Mr. Deng in front of him. .

Gu He, the boss of the No. [-] Construction Company in Gucheng County, gritted his teeth and asked tentatively, "Director Deng, do you think our three companies can contribute a little bit to the big market project?"

Even though this young man is too young, the three bosses still lowered their stance. There is no other way. He can't stand the key to his position, and he can definitely control the lifeblood of the three companies.Speaking of which, these three are all Deng Hua's elders, and Deng Mingyi was a foreman of Yijian back then.

Deng Hua was extraordinarily polite to the three who came to the door, pouring water and offering cigarettes solicitously, which made the three feel furious for a while.It has always been the project department of the construction company, how could it be the other way around, could it be that this time it was a waste of time?

According to past experience, the more polite people are, the less hopeful they are!Deng Hua respected the three uncles very much: "The big market project is a key project in Gucheng County in 1993. Secretary Huang of the county party committee instructed that we must pay close attention to the quality of the project and find a trustworthy construction unit!"

The three bosses couldn't believe it, could it be true?If the other three major construction companies can't guarantee it, when it comes to the quality of the project, these three dare to vouch for the projects they have undertaken!

Chen Zhiqiang, the boss of the second construction company, asked tentatively: "Director Deng, you mean that our company can find work in the project department?"

"Uncle Gu, Uncle Chen, Uncle Xiang, you should call me by my first name. You watched me grow up, so what kind of name is Director makes me feel uncomfortable."

Xiang Kuan, the boss of the Third Construction Company, shook his head: "It's different, now Director Deng is our food and clothing parent, and we can't be too casual in terms of emotion and reason."

Deng Hua shook his head and smiled wryly: "Three uncles, in fact, you don't have to worry. In my opinion, this project must belong to the three major construction companies. There is no fourth construction company in Gucheng County that can compare with your technical strength. The fourth company can compare experience with you!"

Furukawa sighed: "Hey, it's an old calendar, and it's useless. It seems to be a relationship to find a project to take over the project. Speaking of it, if Mr. Deng's company doesn't sell it, it will definitely make a lot of money this time. Bowl overflowing!"

"Uncle Gu was joking," Deng Hua replied with a smile, "My dad's company is nothing more than a grassroots team. It's okay to do odd jobs for such a big project, and to undertake the main project is irresponsible for the project and a disservice to Gucheng County. Crime of the people!"

The three bosses looked at each other in surprise, there was something in this little guy's words!Although Deng Mingyi's construction company was nominally bought by the Gao family, everyone in the circle knew that the real big boss was County Magistrate Zhao Jianjun.

Previously, the big market project had already been handed over to this company with a new look. Now it seems that with the replacement of the project department, who will construct the project seems to have changed.All three of them have a little hope in their hearts, maybe this time it's really the right one!

With a full face of hope, Xiang Kuan stepped forward to light a cigarette for Deng Hua, how could Mr. Deng dare to accept it: "Uncle Xiang, aren't you breaking me? If my father finds out about this, he will definitely break my leg!"

Old Xiang smiled awkwardly: "Hey, I'm used to it, I'm used to it!"

It was the three of Deng Hua who lit their cigarettes, and then said seriously: "Three uncles, in fact, you have advantages that private construction companies cannot match. As long as you make good use of this, [-]% of the government-invested projects in Gucheng County will not be able to escape. The palms of the three!"

The three stayed together, no one had praised the three major construction companies for a long time, and they were a little numb, Chen Zhiqiang smacked his lips: "Director Deng, speaking of which, Mr. Deng is still our old friend, and the three of us old fellows are also friends with you. To put it bluntly, we are old, and our brains turn a little slowly.”

"What Gucheng County lacks most is money," said Deng Hua. "The projects invested by the government are basically in debt, but this debt is different from the triangular debt among enterprises. As a county-owned enterprise, are the three uncles still afraid? Is the government yellowing your money?

Even if you have no money for a while, you can ask the government to repay the debt with materials, such as the county-owned stone factory and the county-owned cement factory.With these materials in hand, don't you have more room for maneuver, use these materials to undertake commercial projects, you can complete the construction in advance, and ask the engineering unit for money later! "

One sentence awakened the dreamer, and the three bosses were definitely not fools, and immediately heard the crux of the problem.In this era, there is a lack of money everywhere. Many projects are easy to approve but difficult to start. There is only one reason: lack of money.

If we operate according to Deng Hua's method, the three major construction companies can take advantage of this advantage to drag down those private construction companies!Those private construction companies don't have such confidence. If they don't pay their workers for a few months, they would have been smashed by the workers long ago!

The three major construction companies are different. As a county-owned enterprise, there is nothing to say about their own credit. What's more, the signboard of a state-owned enterprise is still very appealing.Those who go out to work or even start their own companies, all of them are still working without pay, which is already a good example.

In fact, even Deng Mingyi, a big boss with a net worth of several million, still retains his status as a worker in a state-owned enterprise.As long as the three major construction companies have work to do, those employees will never change jobs, regardless of the good treatment outside!

The three bosses were overjoyed, and Furukawa laughed loudly: "Thank you, nephew, for your advice. We old men are not smart enough, but young people's brains are easy to use."

"Isn't it just owed debts?" Xiang Kuan also straightened his waist, obviously hearing the meaning behind Mr. Deng's words, "It's hard to say anything else. Speaking of debts, my Sanjian will collect the money in three years. Don’t worry, big nephew, don’t worry, as long as you hand over the project to our brother, the quality doesn’t matter, and the project payment can be settled in any way!”

Deng Hua smiled, feeling his fox tail was seen by the three bosses, knowing that he had no money, his seniority fell suddenly: "With the support of the three uncles, the big market project will definitely go smoothly. We will build a circle of bricks first. wall, to seal off the construction site..."

Gucheng County closed the workplace for the first time, and all materials were paid in advance by the construction party!

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