Deng Hua's face darkened, no wonder the three well-behaved people died down. It was rumored that the construction company couldn't pay their salaries, and the workers gave up their picks.This may be one reason, but it is definitely not all. Based on the accumulation of the three major companies, it should be no problem to maintain it for half a year.

Thinking of himself pulling the three into the quagmire of the big market project, Deng Hua felt a little uncomfortable, and his face was very ugly: "I'm sorry to the three uncles, it's all my fault, if I didn't pull the three uncles into the field at the beginning, There will be no problems today."

"Director Xiao Deng, you don't need to apologize, this matter has nothing to do with you!" Xiang Kuan from the third construction company shook his head, "Director Xiao Deng, if you still lead this project, nothing else, the three of us will definitely not hold you back! "

"Uncle Xiang, my nephew only has two legs, right?" Deng Hua made a joke on purpose, and the three bosses burst out laughing when they heard this, "The three emotional uncles just want to make fun of my nephew. The initial investment, it’s my nephew’s fault, I’m here to apologize to the three uncles!”

Furukawa waved his hand: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Hey, so what if you don't pay? That is also our task for this year. Speaking of which, this year's task was completed early, but there is no cash to pay for the staff. I am very annoyed!"

"Isn't it!" Xiang Kuan became angry when he thought about it. Recently, the three elder brothers got together and drank together all day, "Grandma, isn't this going to tear down the bridge and leave no way out!"

The three of them have always been very close to Deng Mingyi, and they are well aware of the filth between the Deng family and Zhao Jianjun, so there is no need to pretend to be in front of Mr. Deng.Deng Hua poured wine for the three bosses: "Three uncles, have you thought about adding new profit growth points?"

The three bosses all had Cheng Jing's brains, they looked at each other and understood the real intention of Mr. Deng's meal.Chen Zhiqiang took a sip of wine: "Little Director Deng, old Chen Tuoda, as your uncle, you are welcome."

"Even though Uncle Chen said, the boy is the nephew of the three uncles, and the three elders and I don't see each other, so don't you three too."

Chen Zhiqiang nodded: "Okay, let's get straight to the point, let's talk about it in advance, if it's the same as last time, and the old brothers are not in the same place, then let's stop talking about it, so as not to hurt the friendship."

Looking at the appearance of those two, they were also heartbroken last time, Deng Hua said with a smile: "The three uncles must have heard that at the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, my nephew received a military order and wanted to earn 80 within the year. I am looking for three uncles this time because I want to make money together, please rest assured that I am following the secretary's instructions, and no one else can interfere."

The three of them were quite moved. What Deng Hua had done in the past ten months had become a legend in Gucheng County. The three of them had long since stopped treating him as a doll.Otherwise, he wouldn't have been fooled by him that time a year ago, rushing to add bricks and tiles to the big market project.

Especially Mr. Deng's recent performance has conquered many people in Gucheng County, at least the three in front of him admire Deng Hua's methods.Speaking of the big market project, if some people don't hold the elbow, the three major construction companies will undoubtedly get a good project, and Deng Hua cannot be blamed for this.

But who can guarantee that the bastard county magistrate won't play tricks again?Now that Deng Hua proposed that it was the secretary of the county party committee who was watching, the operability of this matter was greatly increased.Furukawa pondered for a while: "Let's talk about it first, we three old fellows don't have that much money, earning 80 in Gucheng County, I'm afraid the investment is not small!"

The three old foxes and one young fox got together, and they naturally settled their own accounts. Since they knew the military order, the 80 yuan was no problem.Mr. Deng holds 40 yuan in his hand, and he still needs to find three major construction companies to share a piece of the action. Investment must be indispensable!

"I'll handle the investment!" Since the three of them kept their mouths shut and looked like they were afraid of being calculated, Mr. Deng might as well add more, "What I need is not money, but people and equipment. Without these, I am full of iron energy. Grind some nails!"

Chen Zhiqiang nodded: "That's reasonable, people. It's true that the construction company has no money, but there is no shortage of people! Equipment, although Sanjian in Gucheng County is not as rich as big companies, there are still some basic things. I just don't know , can what we have satisfy your kid's appetite!"

These are the thoughts of the three people. From the beginning of the big market project, everyone can see that Mr. Deng, regardless of his small size, has almost no official rank.He was penniless, but when he was just a small staff member, he had already started to operate a 3000 million super-large project.

The Lingnan trip just now brought 40 yuan in revenue to Gucheng County, plus a proposed 500 million yuan investment project.The three people would not believe that the project Mr. Deng was talking about was just a joke.Especially this person's goal, that is half a year income of 80!

You must know that the 80 yuan is only Mr. Deng's unilateral income. If the three major construction companies participate in the shares, the income must be doubled at least. In other words, the annual income of this project is likely to exceed 160 million yuan! 160 million!Does Gucheng County have such an opportunity to make money?

Everyone who knows the military order has such a question. Based on the current situation in Gucheng County, how can Mr. Deng earn the 80 yuan!You know, the two cash cows that Mr. Deng relied on before, one is human reselling and the other is handicraft marketing, have been banned by that shameless guy.

Without these two projects, how can I make money?

Deng Hua thought of the way of making money from money as early as in Lingnan Province.The economy there is developing rapidly, urban construction is accelerating, and there is a huge demand for various building materials. However, this kind of investment project that is too dangerous is not very attractive to the local government and businessmen.Gucheng County lacks everything else, except for stones, especially the strip stone materials used to make curbs, which can be found everywhere.

This is the largest mountain range in central and southern China. Because Gucheng County is located in the center of the mountain range, the traffic is not smooth, and the people are poor and the county is poor.At the same time, this mountain is also a rich treasure house. As long as the granite is quarried and processed, it will be the best building material, which is more than enough to serve as a stone.

Just to open a quarry, 40 yuan is far from enough. If all the equipment is repurchased, another 40 yuan may not be enough.The most important thing is the lack of people. It's not that I haven't thought about those migrant workers. The problem is that there are too many dangerous things in modern quarries.

For example, blasting and quarrying, such as administrative management, safe production, such as the use of advanced equipment, these are not what old-fashioned masons can do.Without the help of professionals, Deng Hua would never dare to act rashly.

At present, there are more than a dozen scattered quarries in Gucheng County, and there are more than a dozen or 20 people who die due to accidents every year, not to mention those who are disabled due to injuries.Mr. Deng absolutely does not want the quarry he built to become a cemetery for migrant workers!

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