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Chapter 165 The Quarry

"Three uncles, the development of municipal construction in Lingnan Province has been too fast in recent years, and the development of the local building materials market has seriously lagged behind. This is our opportunity. Our quarry is aimed at Lingnan Province, and all products will be exported. With With your help, this quarry will definitely become the largest taxpayer in Gucheng County!"

Deng Hua said categorically that the three bosses were a little moved by the prospect he described. As seniors in the construction industry, they naturally knew how profitable the quarry was.As long as the necessary expenses are paid to the county every year, excluding labor and equipment maintenance, and excluding necessary production expenses, the profit margin will definitely exceed any industry.

Furukawa frowned and thought for a while: "This matter can work, but can you guarantee that all the procedures will be completed in a logical manner? The quarry involves safe production, and this thing needs to be approved by the safety supervision department in the province. If you want to start a formal quarry The stone field, not the grass-roots team, this step must be taken!"

Right now, almost all of the quarries in Gucheng County are black households. Not to mention unqualified for approval, even if they pass the approval, those quarries will definitely not be able to pay the management fee.What's more, with them alone, how could it be possible to meet the standards of safe production?

But if Mr. Deng wants to open a quarry, many procedures must be completed. This is the first official quarry in Gucheng County.The reason why those grass-roots teams in the past turned a blind eye was because the place was too poor and it was not easy to make a fortune, so no one came to seize it.

"Procedures are not a problem," Deng Hua said firmly. Not to mention a beautiful secretary as the backstage, even with Lu Xiufeng's relationship, many procedures in the province are not a problem. "The key is to have professionals. In future production, absolutely not Casually, it must be operated in a formal manner, and the casualty rate must be minimized!"

It is impossible for many industries to completely avoid casualties, just like coal production, there is a certain casualty index for how many tons of coal there is.In places like Gucheng County, human life is the least valuable. The owners of mines and quarries pay compensation for casualties, except for funeral expenses.

This is an open secret in Gucheng County. Those farmers who earn a living in mines and quarries are the people at the bottom of life, and their families are poor, let alone interpersonal relationships.If something goes wrong, just give a little money and it will be a big deal, and no one will ever hold it accountable.

Chen Zhiqiang said with confidence: "Don't worry about this, our enterprises are all in regular operation, and there are professional safety production management in the company. Hey, I'm ashamed to say that if I don't look for new economic growth points, maybe all those precious bumps will be killed." Job hopping!"

Deng Hua was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the construction company was really well-established, even having safety production administrators. This profession will become the most popular in a few years.In a few years, Huaxia will become the largest construction market in the world, and safety production supervision has become a hot industry. Many unscrupulous supervisors even regard this as a cash cow.

In Deng Hua's memory, there were two supervisors who started their own construction company after receiving a large amount of black-hearted money and became well-known real estate tycoons in Huaiyang Province.It was precisely these two who gave the green light to Zhao Jianjun in the Gucheng Bridge project, so that the tofu dregs project passed the inspection and acceptance!

"Okay, it's easy to do things with talents!" Deng Hua raised his glass, "Three uncles, I would like to offer you a toast. I wish us a happy cooperation and a wealth of wealth!"

Regardless of Deng Hua's young age, where the seats are, although the three bosses are also at the deputy department level of the enterprise, they are really not qualified to be a big boss in front of him, and there is no unpleasantness in showing respect to Mr. Deng.The officialdom is to rely on strength to speak, without real power in hand, the older you are, the more scumbag you are!

Putting down their wine glasses, the three of them looked at each other, and coughed softly at Xiang Kuan: "As for the division of shares, I don't know what Director Xiao Deng has planned? Why don't you tell us and listen, so we can be mentally prepared."

"It's very simple," Deng Hua said with a smile. "The State-owned Assets Management Office and the Labor Export Office bought shares with 40 cash. The three major construction companies bought shares with talents and equipment. The four companies divided shares according to [-]. how do you feel?"

The three of them were stunned. To put it bluntly, this company is still dominated by Mr. Deng, and the three major companies really don't have the capital to covet more.Without Mr. Deng operating from it, the resources at hand of the three major companies would not be able to play any role at all.

Furukawa blinked: "Director Xiao Deng, we have taken advantage of it, why don't you think about it?"

"I've thought about it a long time ago!" Deng Hua wiped his mouth, "No matter who takes advantage and who suffers, in the end it is the state's money, and none of the four of us can put the money in their own pockets. The main reason for the division is that the state-owned The asset management office and the labor export office need to dominate, otherwise many things will be difficult to operate, and there will be many troubles in the later stage.”

Speaking of this, the three of them naturally understood that after all, the backstage of the State-owned Assets Management Office and the Labor Export Office was the secretary of the county party committee.If there is no such background, if the county government wants to make some troubles, it will be a matter of minutes, and the quarry will definitely die halfway!

Speaking of it, Deng Hua still has selfish intentions. The current China has entered the era when gdp talks about heroes. If sister Yuying doesn't have something to show for it, it is impossible to quickly rise to the top.How many descendants of aristocratic families are stuck on the threshold of the vice-department level!

It's not that the family is not strong enough, but that the political achievements are really embarrassing. The powerful and powerful families are not just one family, and the competition between them is equally fierce.If there is no decent thing, it is likely to become a target for others to attack. Deng Hua hopes that the beautiful secretary will rise to the top in a down-to-earth manner, instead of relying on exaggeration.

At present, the big market project has become a mess on the county government side. Mr. Deng has no intention of wiping Zhao Jianjun's ass.The reason why the State-owned Assets Management Office and the Labor Export Office are created is to start anew and create a brand new world for the secretary's sister!

After all, Mr. Deng has to rely on his meager strength to recommend his own woman to the top position!

Huang Yuying stared at the little man's gentle smiling face obsessively, feeling moved in her heart by being cared for, a feeling she had never experienced in her family before: "Big villain, do you want to compensate me for my loss? Do you want to make up for my loss?" Do you want to make up for the behavior that forced me back then? Do you want to give me ecstasy soup?"

"Whatever you say is what you say!" Mr. Deng smiled playfully. He just harassed the little woman and was reprimanded, and now he is sitting obediently on the reception sofa, "No matter what, my sister is my woman, and I must let her get the most lucrative Political achievements, steadily stepping up to a new level!"

The beautiful secretary's eyes were sparkling at first, and then the sparkle turned into a clear spring, and there was a knock on the door: "Please come in!"

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