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Chapter 3110 Live in the tunnel?

Lu Donglai, Director of the Construction Management Division of the Highway Bureau, Yao Aiguo, Deputy Director, Zhou Xin, Director of the Highway Monitoring Center, and Wu Zheng, Director of the Highway Monitoring Center were the first to arrive at the scene. These four arrived four or ten minutes later than Deng Hua. .

Even though he had heard the legend of Deng Mowang, such a young Deputy Director Deng still shocked several cadres.Director Lu Donglai stretched out his hands: "Deputy Director Deng, I am..."

Zhao Dongsheng's car arrived earlier and had already introduced several cadres. Deng Hua glanced coldly at the three behind.But they didn't reach out to shake hands, only four people came, what kind of on-site meeting?This is not the attitude to solve the problem!

It's true that Comrade Xiao Deng doesn't like to put on a show, but he hates the kind of people who just shy away when things happen. Obviously, today the leader of the Highway Bureau has been shy.For such a big matter, you actually want to fool around with kittens and puppies?

"Lu Donglai, Director of the Construction Management Division of the Highway Bureau?" Deng Hua's voice seemed colder than December's weather, "Just the four of you?"

What's the meaning?Do you think there are not enough people to show off?Do you still feel that you are not enough for the principle of reciprocity?Lu Donglai laughed awkwardly but couldn't speak, and Zhao Dongsheng squeezed out a smiling face beside him: "They are directly responsible..."

The person directly responsible?Deng Hua pointed to the tunnel behind him: "The 16 billion project! The only way to enter and exit Dongyuan County, if there is a serious safety problem, you will run out three or two small fish and shrimps? Director Lu is the deputy director level? These three are the official Department-level, right? You can decide the 16 billion yuan project? It’s a joke in the world!"

Deng is angry!Mr. Zhao's face turned pale. He knew very well how lethal someone Deng was when he got angry. He even dared to hit him, so don't mention others: "That deputy director Deng, who do you think is suitable to take the responsibility?"

I'm stupid!What does it mean who I think is the right person to take on the responsibility?Deng Hua almost flew up and kicked out: "What do the deputy directors of the Highway Bureau and the deputy directors of the Transportation Department do? Let them get out of here quickly! Otherwise, go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to drink tea!"

Today Deng Hua was really furious. These officials obviously didn't take the life and death of the common people seriously. How could it not be shocking and angry that a road to poverty alleviation has turned into a dangerous road?

What makes Deng Hua even more intolerable is that after being reported, investigated, and asked to rectify, the so-called rectification is actually a kind of deception!To actually use paint to cover up the slag performance of the tunnel, the worst thing is that the industry supervision department, the Highway Bureau, and the higher-level competent department of traffic, all have an attitude of inaction towards this dangerous road.

It is precisely because of the lightness of the previous investigation and handling, Comrade Duan just published a document, which led to the fact that the rectification work below did not care at all.Regardless of whether there are moths behind the problem tunnel, there are obviously slackers in it, that is, the relevant departments that should perform their supervisory duties do not act.

"Yes! I'll call right away!" Mr. Zhao didn't want to take it for others, and now he was just the convener, "Who is the deputy director in charge of the Highway Bureau? Who is the deputy director in charge of you? Are you an idiot? Not calling?"

Who in the provincial government doesn't know Mr. Zhao's temper?No matter who is old or young, this person not only curses but also beats people when he is in a hurry. It is said that he has even pulled out a gun with someone. Several officials hurriedly called.

A few more cars arrived, and Zhao Dongsheng greeted people with a dark face: "These are the representatives of Qilian Yuanda Road Industry Group Co., Ltd., the project owner and project construction unit, the construction company that won the bid, the Northwest Engineering Construction Corporation of Nonferrous Industry, and the project design unit. Representative of Traffic Planning Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd., project supervision unit Tongda Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd."

Several enterprise representatives were full of corruption. Deng Hua took a strong light and shone on the cave wall: "Did you see it? What's the matter with these cracks? You are fooled by painting for rectification, what a big dog!" Courage!"

The visitor didn't know the situation, so he pointed at Deng and said, "How do young people talk? Didn't your parents teach you to respect the old and love the young?"

Snapped! A little old man in his 40s was staggered by Mr. Zhao's mouth, but he dared not say anything: "Your grandma! This is a member of the party group of the Provincial Government Office, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and a discipline inspector stationed in the Provincial Government Office. Comrade Deng Hua, team leader, deputy director of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government and director of the Supervision Office! Be careful what you say!"

A slap woke up a few business leaders, who could make Mr. Zhao obedient and honest, how could it be an ordinary person?One sentence woke up everyone. How powerful is such a young deputy director?

No wonder even Mr. Zhao had to bow his head and obey his ears. This group of people did not reach a certain level and did not know the legend of King Deng at all.I don't know the influence of the iron fence incident in the official circles of Qilian Province. I thought Comrade Xiao Deng was also a second-generation ancestor, relying on the power of his family to do his best.

"Hello, Deputy Director Deng!"

"I'm not good! Very bad!" Deng Hua sneered, "Immediately call the construction unit to find someone, and immediately enter the construction team for rectification. During the rectification period, all personnel involved in the case must be stationed in the tunnel. They live in the tunnel, and the rectification does not end in one day." , not allowed to go home for a day!"

ah?For such a precarious project, if all the leading cadres are allowed to live here, it will be fatal!Besides, it is already December, and all construction projects in Qilian Province have been suspended, so there is no way to call people!

The people who operate below cannot be found, and all the migrant workers have gone home to Maodong!Isn't this embarrassing?A leader was crying: "The tunnel looks like this, and the construction is dangerous. How can people live in it?"

Deng Hua laughed anxiously, "You also know the danger? Don't you know that it is dangerous when ordinary people use it? No matter whether you are afraid or not, including the deputy director of the Department of Transportation, all of you will live in me! Since I can pass the inspection and acceptance, we I think you don’t have to worry about safety issues, you can eat and live with the construction workers!”

Hard enough!Rui Rui, Gao Nina, and Ma Xiu were all frightened by Deng's handling. They actually let a group of leading cadres live in this kind of place. Look at the winding cracks above their heads that almost run through the entire tunnel: "Deputy Director Deng... ... Uh! Don't stare! Go on!"

Qilian Province in December is very cold, even in the tunnel!The three women didn't dare to get out of the car just now because it was too cold outside. You can see that Deputy Director Deng is not afraid of the cold even though he is wearing very little clothes.

Now that I saw Deng Hua dealing with a group of people, I came out to watch the excitement. Seeing that Deputy Director Deng is so popular, who would dare to say a word?But Mr. Deng is right, you dare to open traffic, why don't you dare to live in people?

The three girls couldn't stand the cold, and wished they could hide in the car again, but they still wanted to hear what to do next.Or if curiosity killed the cat, in fact, there was nothing wrong with the four of them, but they followed from afar to watch the joke.

Over there, Zhao Dongsheng kept yelling at the phone: "Xu Wenhua, don't talk to me! This is my father's order. If you can't make it to Deputy Director Deng tonight, you can go home directly tomorrow and don't have to go to work!"

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