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Chapter 3111 Deja Vu!

Xu Wenhua is the deputy director of the Qilian Provincial Highway Bureau in charge of project approval, and is drinking with a bunch of potbellied guys: "Mr. Zhao is inconvenient today. I am negotiating business with foreign businessmen. ..."

"Fuck off!" Zhao Dongsheng is not the kind of fuel-efficient lamp, "Do you really think..."

Snapped!Deng Hua kicked Mr. Zhao's ass: "Ask him where his address is, and tell him you go to see him! You guys quickly summoned the construction team and started the renovation and emergency rescue overnight. Whoever leaves before the completion of the project will directly bring a letter of resignation to the leadership there!"

What is he doing?Rui Rui, Ma Xiu, and Gao Nina were a little dazed when they saw Comrade Xiao Deng walk down from the hill and directly into their car.Rui Rui reacted the fastest, pulling the car door open: "Come up, come up, that Jun Fengyu is driving our car!"

what?Deng Hua squinted at Rui Rui behind him: "I'm going to fight, what are you guys doing?"

"Fight! I like it!" Ma Xiu looked excited, "Walk! Maybe we can find someone to help you!"

Mr. Jun looked at the lady's car in front of him: "I drive this car? Isn't it too girly? Boss, where are we going?"

Mr. Deng's car has already started: "Stay here and watch! No matter who comes, you are not allowed to leave, and if you leave, you will beat me up! Don't beat me up, and if you can't beat you, just hit me. I want to see what Qilian saves. People dare to fight against General Tang's nephew!"

This trick is bad enough!The three women in the car felt chills on their backs. Fortunately, the sisters got on this car, otherwise they would have to spend the night in the tunnel.It's been freezing for a while now, after all, women don't have much to wear.

Mr. Zhao's car led the way, and Mr. Deng's car followed closely, but he did not return to Qinchuan City.Instead, he drove into a mountain forest, and then drove into an exquisite courtyard gate, a courtyard gate that only allowed one car to pass through, but it suddenly became clear when entering the inside.

At the place where the car was finally surrounded by trees, there were actually small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions. Under the lights, on the retro buildings, the exquisite carvings and perfect carpentry skills were far more exquisite than the Jiangnan Villa outside the Great Wall. Even a few people from Jiangnan praised it. Can't stop talking.

Comrade Xiao Deng noticed that every car was parked in the shadows, and it was even difficult to see each other's license plate numbers.At this moment, the security guard trotted up to him and covered the license plate with a cover. Zhao Dongsheng stood by the car and watched Mr. Deng and the three women come over.

Each of these three beauties made Mr. Zhao's heart itch, especially the graceful and charming little lady Gao Nina, which made Mr. Zhao wish to pounce on him to show his affection.But he didn't dare to provoke him, he knew what was wrong with Deng's ban, it was only aimed at himself!

Don't think that the Zhao family can't be compared with the Shi family, but Mr. Zhao never cares about these things, his goal is always women!She is still a woman of good background, and the title of Shi Tonghai's daughter-in-law itself has a strong charm for him.

What's more, it's not just the charm of the title, Gao Nina herself is beautiful, what does such a beautiful woman look like in her arms?Mr. Zhao Yiyin couldn't stand it anymore, he firmly believed in one thing, he was sure to make women submit, but he didn't dare to expose it in front of men!

This is where Zhao Dongsheng's confidence lies in violating women from good families!Ma Xiu was amazed: "I have long heard that there is a horse racing Jianghu club. It is said that the annual membership fee here is 38, and each time you have to pay a service fee of [-]. The food and beverage consumption is not included in the special service consumption. The rich and prosperous family in my side burned a lot of money."

Is it the Happy Horse Clubhouse?Comrade Xiao Deng spent a lot of time looking at the surrounding environment. The one covered by the trees was a cave dwelling. The outside looked no different from the cave dwellings on the Loess Plateau. After following Mr. Zhao into it, he found that there was something strange inside.

The nearly [-]-square-meter living room is well-equipped, whether it is karaoke, dancing, dining or meetings, it is enough here.A few women in cheongsams in the cave were serving a group of men attentively. They probably had enough to drink, and both men and women were disheveled.

There is a gentleman with his hands on the woman's chest, another one is hugging the woman directly, his big mouth has already bit the woman's face, and some moves are even more bold!The faces of the three girls were all red, especially Ma Xiu, she was still a big girl!

Miss Ma's family panicked: "Zhao Dongsheng! You bastard! Did you bring us here to watch the Western view?"

It wasn't until Ma Xiu spoke that the man and woman on the sofa realized that an outsider had come in: "Who is this? This is my territory, who let you in? Uh! Mr. Zhao? How do you..."

Snapped!Zhao Dongsheng slapped him with a wave of his hand: "Your grandma's! You're too arrogant, right? There are all sorts of excuses and you refuse to go to the scene, and you're here to enjoy yourself. Do you really think I'm a clay sculpture of a Bodhisattva?"

Xu Wenhua, deputy director of the Qilian Provincial Highway Bureau, was stunned by this slap: "Mr. Zhao, why are you beating someone? I am here with the leader in public relations, just to attract investment for the road project. The tunnel is a trivial matter, so it's okay. .”

okay?Deng Hua turned on the light, and the bright light illuminated the whole room, and the ambiguous and dim light just disappeared without a trace.A group of men and women hurriedly straightened their clothes, and the whole cave house exuded a strong smell of *, and suddenly felt that the scene here was very familiar.

That's right, it looks familiar!Suddenly remembered the video I saw before, the scene was surprisingly similar to here, it should be!That's the video of Lai Lingshan and Mr. Zhao. Obviously, that video was recorded here. It seems that the Paoma Jianghu clubhouse is a den of hungry wolves!

I don't know how many women from good families have their reputations ruined!Mr. Deng glanced coldly at everyone present, but they were all unfamiliar faces: "Which one is an investor? Which one is a foreign friend!"

ah?Xu Wenhua just got a slap in the face and was in a bad mood: "You are a fart... Oops! It hurts me to death! Security! Help!"

Dare to swear at someone Deng!Comrade Xiao Deng kicked him directly onto the tea table. The wine bottles and fruit plate on it were smashed to pieces. Grapes, raisins, and dragon fruit were all turned into juice, and more fruit rolled down on the ground.

"Who are you? Dare to hit someone in the clubhouse of the Happy Horse Rivers and Lakes, you have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!"

He really regarded this place as a paradise. Deng Hua looked at Xu Wenhua who was dressed in juice and wine: "You are Xu Wenhua? Deputy Director of the Highway Bureau? The garbage tunnel is the project you are in charge of. Why don't you go if you are asked to open the site? This is why you don't go reason?"

Even if Xu Wenhua is a fool, he already knows who this is. Besides Deng Hua, the newly appointed deputy director of the provincial government office, who else is so young and ready to fight?Although he had long heard that he was an unscrupulous guy, did he really think that he was invincible after fighting at the Happy Horse Clubhouse?

Deputy Director Xu sternly scolded as he climbed up: "You are Deng Hua? Tell you it's over! You're so fucking over! The Happy Horse Clubhouse is not something you can mess with! What's wrong with me here? I'm with the leader's PR..."

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