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Chapter 760 Interview with Two Light Bureaus

Hiding in a corner where the camera couldn't see, Deng Hua looked Wei Mingying up and down. The clothes were very decent, a very simple Chinese tunic suit.There are two pens in the pocket of the jacket, I don't know if they have been used, and the watch on the guy's hand, which caught Deng's attention, is actually a Rolex!

Could it be that I met my cousin in this life?Taking a closer look, the people around Wei Mingying are also well-dressed, all wearing Rolex watches, interesting!It is really shocking that the leaders of a Second Light Bureau that is on the verge of bankruptcy are so extravagant!

Section Chief Xiao Deng showed a smirk, wondering if showing a close-up of several watches at this time would make the whole city go crazy?Someone Deng focused on Lin Ling. The latter was very sensitive. Taking advantage of the camera not noticing, the woman gave Mr. Deng a hard look.

A woman will never refuse a little ambiguity in private, but in the public, a little man staring at her so nakedly, isn't it courting death?Unexpectedly, Deng showed his watch, pointed his finger, and gestured to the wrists of the people opposite.

"We know that the second light system has left a strong mark in the history of Jiangbin City. Those are the glories of the past. I want to know, in the face of the resistance encountered in the restructuring, do you have any leaders to tell you? ?”

Director Wei talked eloquently for almost half an hour, and Lin Ling had to interrupt his boasting.At this moment, the beautiful host has noticed that the watches on the hands of the few people opposite are actually noble watches!

As a fashion family, women know very well what the logo on the watch means. It is not just a logo, but also a synonym for luxury!The woman secretly admired someone Deng's keen eyesight. What does it mean that the leader of a second-light bureau that is on the verge of bankruptcy is wearing such a luxurious watch?

Old Wei continued to lick his lips: "The shareholding system reform is the only way out for the Erqing system, and it is also a necessary way out! The Erqing system has no conditions, no reason, and no qualifications to rest on the credits of the past. Only by doing this can the enterprise rejuvenate..."

"Director Wei, through our visits, we learned that the grassroots seem to have no understanding of the shareholding reform. Can you take this opportunity to explain it to the public?"

Wei Mingying was a little embarrassed: "The shareholding restructuring of the Second Light System was prepared after long-term preparation, deliberation, and approval by the leaders of the relevant departments at the higher level! It can be said that the shareholding restructuring of the Second Light System is in line with the development trend of the times, in line with the law of economic development, and in line with the The development trend of the market economy! It was against the background of reform and opening up that the leaders of the municipal government decided to implement a shareholding restructuring for the dying second light system..."

"It can be seen that the leaders of the Second Light Bureau have a sense of time. Director Wei, may I have a look at your watch?"

The beautiful host looked curious, and several leaders were stunned. Director Wei subconsciously shrank his hands back, and then stretched out in front of Lin Ling: "This, when I visited the Hong Kong government last year, I bought it at a roadside stall. Ugh, fake, fake!"

"The watches of several of you seem to be of the same style. Could it be that they are fakes from group buying?" The woman was a little aggressive, and someone Deng couldn't help laughing. If it was the Internet age, Lin Ling would definitely become an Internet celebrity.

Lu Yingying coughed lightly: "The host is joking, if Comrade Lin Ling is interested in a watch, I'll give you this watch!"

As she spoke, Lu Yingying took off the watch on her wrist and threw it at Lin Ling without any hesitation.The beautiful host took it in a panic. This watch is the salary of a worker in Jiangbin City for ten years. Miss Lu's family doesn't take bean buns as dry food too much!

Lin Ling seemed to see a trace of fierceness in Lu Yingying's eyes, and the woman shivered coldly.After all, the Lu family is not something she can provoke at this time. If she really annoys Deputy Director Lu, she doesn't know what consequences she will face!

"Isn't it a little too hasty to restructure the whole system of the second light system?" The beautiful host calmed down and finally gave up the entanglement with the watch, but did not return the Rolex commemorative Kun watch to Lu Yingying, "Why can't we take more gentle measures?" , step by step?"

What do women want to do?A big question mark was drawn in Mr. Deng's heart. With Lin Ling's identity, he actually questioned Lu Ximin's decision. Isn't he looking for death?It seems that Lin Ling is definitely not as simple as Zhou Yiming's lover. With Zhou Yiming alone, she will never dare to provoke Mayor Lu!

If you work with such a woman, you really have to be careful, or you might become a stepping stone for others to scapegoat!Although Mr. Deng doesn't mind creating a few cousins ​​of the new era, but challenging Mayor Lu is not in his plan.

At the very least, Secretary Huang was definitely not ready for a direct conflict with Lu Ximin.Sure enough, Director Wei was also taken aback by the beautiful host's question, and sweat immediately appeared on his face: "This, that..."

"Serious illness requires strong medicine!" Deputy Director Lu seemed to dislike Director Wei's hesitation, even more than the rejection of the beautiful host, "The whole system of the second light system is different from the Russian shock therapy. Under the background of deepening reform in the country, the restructuring measures implemented. Of course, this restructuring cannot be accepted by everyone, and it is an unavoidable fact. We came to the TV station for interviews to publicize the benefits of the restructuring as widely as possible and win the widest support. !"

Interesting, a deputy director, who looks less than 30 years old, speaks more confidently than Zhengyin director Wei Mingying!Deng Hua looked at Deputy Director Lu carefully, he was definitely not a beauty, and those thin lips seemed to show a strong character of a woman.

Before someone from Deng had reviewed the files of the leaders of the Second Light Bureau, Lu Yingying was said to be Lu Hongmin's son-in-law, and also the most promising official in the second generation of the Lu family.At present, it seems that the rumors are true, and women are far more sensitive to politics than other people in the Second Light Bureau.

Lin Ling smiled slightly: "The hotspot tracking column is just to build a bridge between the common people and the government, so that government officials and the people have an additional channel of communication. Thanks to the leaders of the Second Light Bureau, and hope that you can use This column is to promote the policies and ideas of the municipal government to the cadres and masses of the second light system, and strive to gain the widest support."

"Thank you!" Lu Yingying has completely become the focus of today's interview, and Wei Mingying's mouth seems to be zipped, "What the host said is exactly what the Second Light Bureau is going to do. The restructuring of the Second Light Bureau encountered unprecedented resistance. The main reason is the lack of necessary publicity and lack of necessary mobilization. With the support of the municipal TV station and hot spot tracking as a platform, the Second Light Industry Bureau has the confidence and responsibility to fully explain the municipal government's policies!"

The beautiful host finally realized that she had met a formidable opponent. Obviously, Lu Yingying had a strong confidence.Not only because Lu Ximin is her uncle, but also because the Lu family is powerful in some aspects!

Lin Ling squeezed out a smile: "I'm looking forward to the success of the restructuring of the Second Light Bureau, which will be a new beginning of the reform of Jiangbin City!"

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