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Chapter 761 Lin Ling's Alcoholism

It's not that the media paid attention to the Lu family's five tigers before, but unfortunately, that daring reporter just lifted the corner of the veil of the Lu family's five tigers, and disappeared from the world.As a member of the media circle in Jiangbin City, Lin Ling knew very well what it meant to be missing. Lu Yingying's gloomy eyes definitely had a strong deterrent force!

For journalists in Jiangbin City, the Lu family is a taboo, even more binding than certain rules and regulations of the Propaganda Department.Lu Yingying scoffed at Lin Ling's overtures: "Reform will inevitably face huge resistance. The leadership team of the Second Light Bureau has the confidence and responsibility to carry out the restructuring to the end under the leadership of the municipal government, and give the closed and backward Jiangbin City a blow. A spring breeze of reform!"

"Headache!" Sitting on the class chair, Lin Ling took the coffee brought by Mr. Deng. Just now, Lu Yingying's strong aura made her feel lingering. !"

Mr. Deng doesn't understand those technical matters, but the woman avoids talking about Lu Yingying, but pays attention to that nonsense old Wei!It seems that the woman is not confused yet: "Fortunately, although it's all empty talk, it's not outrageous!"

"Do you feel that you are free?" The woman raised her eyelids and glanced at Mr. Deng, "I tell you, this is the work of the two of us. If you want me to do it by myself, there is no way!"

Unexpectedly, being exposed, Section Chief Xiao Deng didn't feel embarrassed at all: "Sister Ling, you are busy, and I can't help you. I will go shopping and let everyone have a supper?"

"It's not too far away!" The woman finally turned from cloudy to sunny, "Remember to bring a few bottles of good wine, just like Lafite!"

He asked for a few bottles of Lafite for supper, and Mr. Deng smiled wryly to himself. Fortunately, it was him, Deng, who would go bankrupt if he changed one meal.In fact, Mr. Deng wanted to come out to get some air, and he couldn't bear to stay in it all afternoon.Smoking is not allowed inside, and you dare not smoke if you are addicted to cigarettes. Isn't that uncomfortable!

I don't know what the woman thinks, it's just a supper, but I want western food and wine!Mr. Deng didn't bother to order food at the western restaurant, and it was done with a phone call. It was indeed the best western restaurant in Jiangbin City. In less than an hour, western food for six people was delivered to the door, as well as two bottles of Lafite and one bottle of vodka.

"I'm exhausted!" The woman sat firmly on the main seat, enjoying the service of Section Chief Xiao Deng naturally, with a bit of a queen's posture, "Hey, why do you want six copies? You won't even have two guards Is that coming?"

With the beautiful host, Mr. Deng and two staff members, Deng Hua smiled and said, "I feel that Sister Ling has consumed a lot today. What if I don't make up for it?"

"The piss jar is inlaid with gold rims!" Lin Ling was in a good mood, and started with three western meals alone, "Come, come, you are welcome, drink! Today is the treat of Section Chief Deng, do you know the essentials? This meal The rice is several thousand yuan!"


Those two looked surprised, and even gossiped a little bit. A small section chief spent a lot of money to make a supper. Could it be that the drunkard's intention is not to drink?Gossip has always been the focus of media attention, and gossip has almost become a part of their lives.

Deng Hua waved his hand: "It's just a meal, don't take it to heart, I'm so poor that I only have money left, don't save it for me!"

"Lin Ling, you and Section Chief Deng continue. Our family has to say goodbye beforehand, so we left with food, bye!"

The two of them didn't know what to think, they picked up two western dishes and walked away, leaving Deng in a daze: "What's the rush?"

The beautiful host vaguely felt something, but didn't take it seriously. The more she cares about some things, the more she will arouse other people's desire to peep. As the first lady of the TV station, while enjoying the infinite scenery, she has to bear a lot of unnecessary things: "No. The first season broadcasts interviews with leaders, so is the second season going to the grassroots?"

"That's right!" Mr. Deng nodded. After all, women are professionals, and they know the procedures far better than Deng. People's emotions are more agitated, and accidents are prone to happen."

"Ah?" Although there was an incident of beating and molesting a reporter before, Lin Ling did not regard interviewing as a dangerous job.Hearing what the little boy said at this moment, I really hesitated, especially thinking of Lu Yingying's gloomy eyes, "Then what should I do?"

what to do?Deng Hua solemnly said: "As long as sister Ling doesn't leave my side, I can definitely protect your safety!"

"Really?" The woman forgot to eat and drink, and stared at Mr. Deng with a pair of charming eyes. Since she was a child, no man had promised her, and Section Chief Xiao Deng was the first!

For a moment, Lin Ling thought a lot, thinking of the small village in the ravine, thinking of her miserable life, thinking of going to college at all costs...

What everyone saw was the gorgeous hostess in front of the camera, but who knew what kind of life Lin Ling had encountered before becoming the first sister of the TV station?

Two lines of tears flowed down the woman's cheeks, and Deng panicked: "Uh, sister Ling, don't cry, maybe it's not that dangerous, or if we adopt today's interview method in the future, wouldn't there be no danger?"

"Hiss! Go, go, it's none of your business!" Lin Ling wiped away the tears indiscriminately. It was the first time that the knife and the plate made harsh sounds. The woman's heart was restless, "You know? My first lover, Just because this voice made him and his family ashamed, he abandoned me!"

A woman with a story, obviously, Lin Ling's story doesn't want to be shared with her, or there are too many ulterior secrets!Deng Hua is not good at comforting women, nor should he do it.The little man courteously poured a glass of Lafite for the woman: "Sister Ling, drink!"

"I want vodka!" The woman took three gulps of vodka without waiting for someone from Deng to do it, "Ha, it's enjoyable! It's been a long time since blowing on the bottle, uh, it turns out that blowing vodka is far more enjoyable than beer!"

The slightly drunk woman seemed to have completely forgotten her reserve, with one foot on the chair and one hand resting on her cheek, the signature smile on her face was gone, replaced by a little cynical.

Mr. Deng suddenly felt a little regretful, why didn't he have a long memory?When he was in Qingyuan City, he was both happy and worried when he met a few female alcoholics, but it is not a good thing to meet again today!

Lin Ling is not just Zhou Yiming's woman, she dared to question Mayor Lu Ximin based on today's interview, who is behind her?It seems that Secretary Huang is not the only one who promotes the launch of hot spot tracking, but someone else behind it, and it is even possible that that person is the key!

"Sister Ling, drink less, you still have work tomorrow!" Deng did not dare to use force, and the woman was half drunk and half awake, and the most worrying thing was, "I'll stop here tonight, I'll take you home!"

The woman burst out laughing, tears streaming down her face while laughing: "Home? Home? Where is my home?"

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