my beauty fairy

Chapter 123

Chapter 120 Three

After Qiu Yue and Ling Feng came out of the fruit market, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are we going now?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said: "Let's go back to the village. The investigation must be finished now. It's not too inappropriate to go back at this point. Besides, Wen Xuanyu and his father don't know what's going on. Even if they are still at the entrance of the village or at the key We have to go back even if someone is guarding the small road, if it is found out that Wen Xuanyu and his family left us behind, it will be really troublesome, something will happen to her and her father!"

"Then let's do this! Let's take a taxi and hurry back!" Ling Feng and Qiu Yue stood on the side of the road and took a taxi directly.

Qiu Yue took out his cell phone and dialed Police Officer Liu's cell phone number: "Officer Liu? I'm Qiu Yue!"

"Well, Qiuyue, you've worked hard, you've worked hard!" Officer Liu said excitedly.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "It's not hard, it's not hard, it's for the people! By the way, have you received the photos we took? Can you see them clearly?"

"I can see clearly, I can see clearly!" Officer Liu continued excitedly: "Thanks to the two of you this time, we had no evidence to investigate the Shishi Fruit Market before, but this time we finally have enough evidence to investigate. They are gone, thanks to you! Thank you both! How about coming home to treat you to a good meal in the evening? Your sister-in-law is very, very good at craftsmanship!"

"Officer Liu, let's not go there. We don't know what's going on in the village. We want to go back to the village first. I don't know what the Seven Stars Club has done to seal the village. Ling Feng and I should go back as soon as possible. If something happens to them, it will be troublesome, and this matter is not related to the affairs of all the villagers." Qiu Yue said.

Officer Liu nodded and said, "Okay then, you guys do your work first, then we have to celebrate after this task is completed!"

"Okay, that's it, contact me later!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone with Police Officer Liu, Qiuyue and Ling Feng got into the taxi directly and came to the small road behind the village. gone back?

"How could it be like this, no one is there, it's strange!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng nodded and said: "I don't know what's wrong, it's weird, I feel so depressed 1"

The village seemed to be isolated.Qiuyue and Ling Feng walked into the village only to find that there were already many villagers around the south side who didn't know what they were doing. Qiuyue suddenly had a premonition that he didn't want to, and thought to himself, could those villagers be caught by the Seven Star Society and try their best?

Qiuyue and Ling Feng walked into the village quickly, and saw that the group of people sealed off the place where someone turned out to be a small road entering the village, and checked them one by one.

Walking over, Qiuyue asked a fellow villager, "My fellow villager, do you know what's going on in front of this place, why are there so many people around?"

"I don't know what's going on in this village. People are getting a strange disease for no reason. No one can explain what it is. The doctors in the village have never heard of it. Although it is not contagious, the more people who get sick There are more and more people coming, and people in the village are panicked. You can see that they are outsiders! If you can run, go quickly, otherwise you will be troubled!" A sincere old woman said.

Qiu Yue pulled Ling Feng into the crowd. It turned out that the center of the crowd was a small inspection table, and the village chief personally supervised it, fearing those who would carry the virus from outside.

Qiu Yue showed his ID card and was allowed to enter after his temperature was measured and his skin was checked. Qiu Yue asked one of the managers there how to get to the place where patients were isolated, and the manager asked seriously: "What do you do? , what are you doing there?"

"Oh, I'm a doctor. I have done some research on this disease. I can't guarantee a cure, but I can give it a try." Qiu Yue replied.

The person in charge immediately lit up his eyes after hearing this, and asked Qiuyue to wait for him. He went to a tent and invited a middle-aged man, and led the middle-aged man to Qiuyue with an expression full of excitement. side.

The middle-aged man's expression was also very excited. He came over and asked with concern: "This doctor, I am the village head of our village. I heard that you can treat this disease? That's great!"

Qiu Yue smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I can only say try it, because I don't know what the disease is, and I don't know if my treatment is good, so I dare not give you a guarantee!"

"Okay, okay, it's a good thing to have a doctor in the city. You don't know, these people suddenly got sick today, convulsing non-stop and so on, and the death looks are terrible, the whole body is rotten and oozing pus!" The village chief lamented road.

Qiu Yue nodded, "Village chief, treating patients is our doctor's bounden duty, and I will definitely do my best."

The village head signaled the management staff next to him to drive. After a while, a black Xiali parked beside Qiu Yue and the village head. In the village head's car, he came to the outside of the isolated big house. Qiu Yue looked inside. It was very scary. For a moment, Lin Han wondered if this was not a disease, but some kind of curse. Maybe the people in the village offended something evil, or they were poisoned... .

But now we must first control the disease, and the rest will be seen later.

Qiuyue asked the village head to find a patient who was not seriously ill. Qiuyue sat on the side and gave him his pulse gently. After the pulse, Qiuyue thought who was so cruel. Poisonous!

"Village chief, I can prepare a medicine to temporarily control the disease, but it will take some time for me to recover from the treatment, and I want to ask these villagers some questions, which are very useful for my treatment." Qiu Yue said.

The village chief nodded excitedly and said, "Then you prescribe the medicine first and I'll control their condition first!"

Qiu Yue nodded, took the village chief's pen, and said, "Village chief, I tell you to write! I don't know how to use this kind of pen!"

So Qiuyue said that the village head wrote it, and after it was written, the village head asked someone to grab the medicine directly.

After a while, the medicine was brought back. Qiuyue was brewing the medicine in a temporary workshop, while the others were waiting outside.

The village head led a large group of people outside the house anxiously waiting for Qiuyue's good news. After Qiu Yue prepared the water, put the boiled medicine in it, opened the door and said to the village head: "Village head, this bucket I have added a lot of medicinal ingredients to the water, if you find someone to pour the water on those patients, their condition will be under control within half an hour!"

The village head and others were very excited. Looking at the bucket of water that Qiuyue prepared, they were curious to see what happened, and they all had big doubts in their hearts, thinking that just a little water would be effective?

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