my beauty fairy

Chapter 124 Relief

"Doctor Qiu, is it okay to just pour water on the patient like this?" the village head asked.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "It doesn't take much to relieve their illness. As for the cure, I need to know how they were poisoned. Don't worry. Since I help you with this matter, I will definitely help you to the end. !"

At this time Wen Xuanyu came here with Wen Wu, Wen Wu's face was already full of small pimples, and he was taken to the patient's side as soon as he came here.Wen Xuanyu cried and ran to Qiuyue's side, and said, "Brother Qiuyue, you must save my father, I don't know what happened to him, they said you can cure diseases!"

"I used to be a country doctor, and I know a little bit about treating diseases and saving lives. I won't stand by and watch your father's illness. I will take it seriously. Don't worry!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Wen Xuanyu said anxiously: "Then, should my father take medicine now?"

"I don't need it at the moment. I have already boiled the medicine and mixed it into the bucket of water. When the village chief pours some of this water on the patients one by one, the condition can be temporarily stabilized. After the stabilization, I will give them some medicine." It will be fine to drink Chinese medicine, but I still need to study this kind of toxicity, and I can’t make medicine until I know about this kind of toxicity.” Qiu Yue said, patted Wen Xuanyu’s back lightly, and put her arms around her. in the arms.Smelling the faint fragrance of Wen Xuanyu's body, Qiu Yue felt that Wen Xuanyu was very beautiful and weak, and needed protection, just like a beautiful and delicate rose in the wind.

After listening to Qiuyue's words, Wen Xuanyu relaxed a little, and said with a beautiful smile: "Thank you Qiuyue, you have to work hard, all the men, women and children in our village are watching you!"

Qiu Yue stood at attention and saluted with a smile and said, "I will definitely not let down the trust placed in me by the organization!" This immediately made Wen Xuanyu even more amused, giggling.

Ling Feng also followed the village chief and others to drip water on the wounds and pimples of the poisoned villagers with a small brush.

About ten minutes after dripping Qiuyue's potion, the skin on the faces, arms, and bodies of those people improved, the red spots were much less, and they all became alert. Although the pustules couldn't be resolved, those small A little bit can be eliminated, and after using this potion, every patient regained some vigor. Everyone was groggy just now, but now it is obvious that everyone is very energetic.

The village chief felt very sad seeing them all being isolated, so he asked Qiu Yue if he could let them come out.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "It's okay now, their condition has been controlled. According to my research on this poison just now, it is not caused by eating something wrong or something. This poison is poisoned by someone, it is not natural. Poisoned."

"What? Artificial poison?" The village chief said in surprise.The village chief thought that the villagers here were honest and kept away from the outside world, so how could someone poison them.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "This kind of poison is also short-term, it will not kill people, this kind of toxin in the body will make people's skin on the face and body rot, it will only disfigure the face, and destroy the human body's skin regeneration After tissue, this toxin will disappear naturally."

"Oh my God, does that mean that the faces of our dozens of men, women and children who were poisoned can't be saved?" The village chief looked at Qiuyue in shock, and many people around him also looked at Qiuyue excitedly, their faces were full of grief and anger, Grief and indignation are the pain of compatriots being hurt, and anger is not knowing how it came to be like this.

"Mr. Qiuyue, what do you think, how can this disease be cured?" The village head continued to ask anxiously.

Qiu Yue said: "Let me think about it. I still have no idea for a while, but you can rest assured that I will try my best to find a solution. Give me a little time."

The village chief nodded and said, "We leave the office to Dr. Qiu. Let's go and see if the patients need anything."

Qiuyue said: "No, no, I want to see them now. I suspect that this is from some animal or plant, so I want to ask these patients where they have been before they got sick! I can only find out if they get sick. The reason is to prescribe the right medicine.”

"Well, okay, Doctor Qiuyue, then I'll find someone to go in with you!" The village head said with concern.

Qiu Yue shook his head, "No need, I can do it myself, they are in that room!"

The village head nodded, and took Qiuyue to the outside of the house where the patients gathered. Qiuyue walked in wearing a mask and hat.

Qiu Yue roughly counted, there are nearly twenty patients, but they are much better now. "Hi everyone, I am the doctor who came here to find a cure for your disease, Qiuyue, I have used the medicine I prepared to control your disease, but this does not mean that it has been cured, so I would like to ask everyone who has been to the hospital recently Where, where did this disease come from, so I can find a cure based on the root cause of your disease!" Qiu Yue said kindly.

Most of these patients recovered well on the surface of their bodies, only a few of them still had small red spots, but they were not serious.

After Qiuyue finished asking, everyone started talking to Qiuyue one after another.

Suddenly, Qiu Yue, who was in a commotion in the room, couldn't understand what everyone was talking about. "Okay, okay, I'll ask one by one, everyone sit down first, I'll ask one by one!"

Qiuyue first asked a woman, and said, "Sister, what did you eat this morning?"

"Well, I ate a steamed stuffed bun in the morning and drank a bowl of milk and a cup of tea," the woman said.

Then Qiu Yue turned around and asked a young man, "Young man, what did you eat this morning?"

"I drank milk, and then ate a piece of chicken cake! I drank a glass of plain water." The young man sat up and said.

Immediately after, Qiu Yue questioned all the remaining patients, and came to the conclusion that they had eaten all three major foods: milk, water, and eggs.

Qiu Yue went back to the village chief and asked the village chief to tell them what they had for breakfast.

The conclusion is that everyone has drank milk, drank water, and eaten eggs.In this case, it means that it is not food or water poisoning?

"No!" Qiu Yue suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Did you all store water in tanks?"

"Yes!" said the mayor.

Qiu Yue suddenly raised eyebrows and said, "Village chief, you should quickly send someone to investigate when the water was stored for the sick people in the village, and then investigate when the water was stored for households that were not sick. .”

"Is this related to the illness?" The village chief looked at Qiuyue puzzled.

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