my beauty fairy

Chapter 295 Collapse

At this time, the scene that made Qiuyue depressed appeared. Liu Wanru, who was watching the situation from a corner, rushed out passionately, ready to join the ranks of punishing those people, but who would want a dying Japanese devil to turn over and hug him Liu Wanru pointed a gun at Liu Wanru's neck.

"Hahaha, stop all of you, or I'll shoot!" the Japanese man immediately had a bargaining chip in his hand, and shouted arrogantly.

At this moment, Qiu Yue was speechless to the extreme. They were all wiped out and captured alive, but this dramatic scene appeared.

"Stop it all!"

After the Japanese devil finished shouting, everyone stopped, and everyone on Qiuyue's side looked at Qiuyue, waiting for Qiuyue's decision.

"Stop, don't hurt the hostages." Qiu Yue said into the walkie-talkie.

Captain Liu, who saw this scene, also came out at this time, very angry, "Wanru, Wanru, when will you save me a little bit, and when will you stop making trouble for me! It's just nonsense!" Liu The captain walked out of the command room.

"All snipers, get in position for me." Captain Liu ordered.

Immediately, countless snipers were positioned in all directions, aiming their guns at the Japanese devil with deep eyes.

Qiu Yue stepped forward, and Captain Liu also came over, "Qiu Yue, tell me, this girl, alas, is really worrying."

Qiu Yue shook his head with a smile and said: "Uncle Liu, don't worry, you don't have to blame Wanru too much, after all, she also wants to save us, those Japanese devils will do nothing, because if they want to leave, they must not take Wanru away. If you take it away."

The Japanese devil kidnapped Liu Wanru and walked a few steps forward, shouting: "Don't act rashly, otherwise, I will shoot, I don't think you want this woman to be shot to death by me, do you?"

Qiuyue greeted him with a sneer, and said: "You Orientals have always been strong-bodied. If you die on the battlefield, don't you desert? That's what it says in your textbooks. Did I read it wrong? Why did I read it today? It's all fuckers, you bastard?"

"Bastards! You bastards are not worthy of our lives here. Even if we die, we will return to our Great Eastern Empire!" A beaten Japanese devil standing aside shouted angrily.

Qiu Yue sneered and stepped forward.

The Japanese devil who pointed a gun at Liu Wanru immediately took a step back and said, "Don't move, or I will kill her immediately."

"Didn't your Great Eastern Empire always believe in bravery? Why are you scared today? This makes me very curious! Hahaha!" Qiu Yue laughed.

The Dongyang devil was so angry: "We fell into your ambush. You are sneak attacking. This is a disgraceful thing! It really shames me!" The words of the Dongyang devil made everyone at a loss.

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "Oh? It turns out that the reason why we are afraid of our Huaxia Kingdom is that we sneak attack on you. I thought why was it? It's a shameful thing, you are crossing the border of our Huaxia country without permission, since you came to the territory of our China country secretly, secretly, and shady, is it necessary for us to fight the hooligans with an eye for an eye? how to deal with you? Is there anything wrong with that?"

After Qiuyue finished speaking, Qiuyue's aura, Qiuyue's momentum, and Qiuyue's wisdom convinced everyone present.Everyone secretly praised Qiu Yue for being such a strategic person.

Everyone focused their attention on Qiu Yue.

Liu Wanru, who was kidnapped by the Japanese devil, secretly gave Qiu Yue a high score in her heart.

"This Qiuyue is really powerful, and he looks very handsome, which is really good, but he must have a girlfriend, and he may not even like me! Oh, what am I thinking, who likes that Qiuyue Not handsome, not handsome!" Turning to Liu Wanru, she continued to think.

Qiuyue's words left those Japanese devils speechless.

One of them said angrily: "You! You are a bunch of trash. I tell you, don't move. As long as we put on our equipment and jump into the water, we will let her go!"

Everyone could see that these guys were convinced by Qiu Yue's words and wanted to escape quickly.

How could Qiuyue let them go, and said with a smile: "Brothers, I admire you very much. You actually dared to come to China to cause trouble after being ambitious. It's amazing. I admire you very much."

Immediately, those Dongyang devils showed smug smiles, and looked at Qiuyue and his party proudly.

The other soldiers and Captain Liu Wanru laughed.Those ridiculous Dongyang wastes actually thought that Qiu Yue was praising them, and they seemed to be enjoying it.

An oriental devil laughed and said: "We are naturally heroes, what's the matter, we are not afraid of anything!"

"Haha, since we are not afraid of anything, let's compete. Since you complained about our ambush just now and we have many people, let's fight one-on-one now. I wonder if you dare?" Qiu Yue laughed. At this moment, that A few Japanese devils are even more arrogant, thinking that they are invincible in the world alone.

I saw one of the oriental devils standing up arrogantly and shouting: "Okay, I will show you how awesome the warriors of our Great Eastern Empire are, and your Huaxia country is all trash!"

At this moment, Qiu Yue took a step forward, and everyone dissuaded Qiu Yue not to fight alone with that Japanese devil. The figure and size of that Japanese devil were much taller than Qiu Yue, so Qiu Yue would definitely suffer if they fought alone!

"Qiu Yue, let the other fighters come, you have done enough, this Oriental is tall and has such big muscles, I'm afraid..." Captain Liu said.

Liu Wanru was also worried: "Qiu Yue, let others do it, don't take any risks!"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I want to see how powerful these Dongyang devils are. They are arrogant and exaggerated here. Maybe they are all Dongyang cowards!"

"Asshole! I'll make you kneel and beg for mercy, kneel down and call your Huaxia country a shitty country, and the people of your Huaxia country are trash!" shouted the very strong Dongyang devil who stood up.

Qiu Yue smiled: "Okay, come on, let's play a game. If everyone among you can't beat me, you have to admit that the people in Dongyang Country are all cowards, and you Dongyang Country is a bastard country. If If I lost, I would call the people of our Huaxia country useless, I wonder if this oriental devil brother has the guts to play for a while?"

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