my beauty fairy

Chapter 296 Angry

"Haha, there are so many idiots in Huaxia Kingdom, to compete with me, the No. 1 warrior in the Great Eastern Empire's martial arts, is really overwhelming. I don't know whether the muscles in my whole body are enough for my thigh, hahahaha !” The man who stood up laughed, and all the other Dongyang confectionery burst into laughter.

At this time, the soldiers behind Qiuyue stood up and said, "Agent Qiuyue, let's do it. Your joke is a bit too big. If you lose, you will be in trouble. It represents the honor of the motherland."

Liu Wanru was also thinking depressingly: "Just now people said they like you, if you drive away the Japanese devils and become your girlfriend, but now you are bragging here, it's really disappointing!"

Qiu Yue turned his head and smiled, and said: "Brothers, thank you for your concern. I understand what I am doing. I hope everyone can trust me."

Those soldiers went back to stand behind again, everyone was speechless looking at Qiuyue like this, they all thought that Qiuyue looked very reliable, and he did a great job in the front, but why did he become like this now.

The oriental devil smiled and said, "Are you afraid? It seems that all of your Chinese people are really waste, natural waste."

Qiu Yue smiled and handed the pistol and mobile phone to Ling Feng.With blue veins on Qiuyue's face, Ling Feng was also a little scared. Ling Feng knew that Qiuyue might really be angry this time.

"Come on! Japanese devils and bastards." Qiuyue laughed.

Qiu Yue stepped forward step by step, only to see the Japanese devil rushing up and punching him heavily.

Qiu Yue flashed to the right, and when the Japanese devil rushed to his side, Qiu Yue slammed his elbow hard on the back of the Japanese devil.

After suffering the pain, the Dongyang devil turned around and hugged Qiuyue, Qiuyue couldn't struggle immediately, not to mention, this Dongyang devil was very strong.

This is a contest between fates, whoever loses will die!

"Drink! I'll kill you!" the Japanese devil said angrily.

He lifted Qiuyue violently and fell to the ground, and then sat on it with his huge body. Everyone couldn't bear to watch it. There were several times when soldiers wanted to rush up, but Ling Feng stopped them.

Those Japanese devils behind him laughed, "Bastard! Kill him! Kill him! Yes! Grab his head hard!"

I saw the Japanese devil on the ground put his knee against Qiuyue, and smashed Qiuyue's face with his huge fist with incomparably violent force, one punch, two punches, three punches...

When no one knew how many punches were punched, everyone thought that Qiu Yue was beaten to death.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yue coughed and lifted the big man up.

"I'll let you die right now, don't you want to die? What kind of waste country is Dongyang country, dare to fight with us Huaxia country?" Qiu Yue threw the big man into the air with all his strength, almost three meters high.

"Alive! Qiuyue is still alive!" The surrounding soldiers shouted in surprise.

Immediately, everyone looked at Qiuyue in shock, looking at Qiuyue's body, how could it be possible to throw something that weighed about two hundred catties so high, even a special soldier of the special forces could not do it.

Even the international weightlifting champion can't do it!

I saw that person howling in fear like a pig in the sky.

The other Japanese devils also looked at Qiuyue in shock, looking at Qiuyue who couldn't be explained by the knowledge of human beings.

When Qiuyue saw that Japanese devil was about to fall, he jumped up and turned over, kicking towards the sky.

"I took the test, isn't it? This Qiuyue is going to kick that Japanese devil's leg with his legs? This must destroy himself. With such a heavy weight and such a high height, it is absolutely impossible to kick Qiuyue's legs after falling off. Broken leg!" The surrounding soldiers said in shock.

"I had the upper hand, why didn't I wait for the Japanese devils to fall down before fighting, I really can't figure it out."

"Why are you so stupid, the game is over now!"

Captain Liu also sighed: "What kind of fighting logic is this? Can it be kicked?"

Liu Wanru was shocked again when she saw that Qiuyue was not dead, but seeing Qiuyue hitting a stone with an egg, even if she didn't die, both sides would be hurt.

I saw Qiuyue turn over towards the sky, kicked a flying kick, and directly collided with the Japanese devil's leg.

There was only a "click!", and the sound of bones breaking, moreover, the leg bones made everyone's hair stand on end.

"It's time to play, it's over!"

"Plop, plop!" After two sounds, Qiu Yue and the Japanese devil both fell on the beach.

Everyone gathered around.

"Go up and have a look!" The Japanese devil with the gun commanded the Japanese devil next to him.

Captain Liu and his party all ran up to watch.

Everyone looked at this scene in surprise.

I saw that the oriental devil's leg was already two joints, but there were still a few traces of flesh hanging from it.Very disgusting.All I heard was the sound of the oriental devil screaming like a wolf's cave ghost, just like the sound of killing pigs in the village.Everyone watched this scene with lingering fear.

Looking at Qiuyue again, he took possession of it like a normal person.

"Isn't it? Qiuyue, did you have a broken leg?" A soldier was helpless to the extreme, how could such a thing happen in the world, such a big impact, the leg didn't hurt at all.

Liu Wanru looked at Qiuyue worriedly, but when Qiuyue stood up, she was shocked and went crazy, Qiuyue, Qiuyue, who the hell are you, why are you so powerful, and there is nothing wrong with such a big impact? ?

"Are you all right? Qiuyue?" The soldiers around touched Qiuyue's legs and looked at Qiuyue's body curiously.

Immediately, there was a lot of discussion, in short, everyone thought this matter was a blast!It's awesome!

"Qiu Yue, you are truly a hero, you are truly a superman!"

"Qiu Yue, the international Sanda players probably can't beat you!"

"All masters."

"My god, I'm crazy!"

Immediately, there were endless praises from the surroundings.

Those Japanese devils cried and hugged the disgusting Japanese devil on the ground.

I saw the Japanese devil lying on the ground crying and howling loudly.

"No, broken leg, bastard! We're going to destroy you!" shouted a Japanese devil.

The Japanese devil on the ground crawled and picked up a knife, "Fei Wutaro, come and help me, give me a ride, I'm going to die of pain!"

"Haha, does it hurt now? You should have thought of this step when you came to invade our country!" Several soldiers around laughed.

Immediately everyone around laughed.

"Come on, you all come on, I don't care, it's the same to kill you all!" Qiu Yue sneered.

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