But Liu Xiaoyun's explanation did not satisfy Director Li. Director Li turned around and shouted angrily: "You know what! I don't know if he is contradicting the client? You actually speak for a bad security guard. If he contradicts the client, he will be fired. You If you continue to favor him, I tell you, your job will not be guaranteed!"

Liu Xiaoyun glared at Director Li fiercely after being said so angrily by Director Li, and turned around.

Qiu Yue was also really speechless, are these two men sick? They came in to find fault with themselves, but I don't know what happened, I was so ruthless just now, I just pushed such a big man down, But just now I was picked up by him and struggled to get off, now I suddenly turned this man over, I really can't figure it out, where did I get so much strength all of a sudden?

"Director Li, when I came to work, I think you know best. You also know best whether I understand these things. These two customers will buy wealth management products after they come. I said I don't understand, and you can consult the lobby manager. , Originally I was just a little security guard to maintain order, but the two of them wanted me to explain to them, tell me, who is right and who is wrong?" Qiu Yue said, everyone immediately stood On Qiuyue's side, Director Li furiously said: "You still have the face to argue, don't leave after work, I want to have a meeting!" After speaking, he turned his head and smiled and said to the two people he had arranged: "Two people Mr. Wei, I'm really sorry, our security here is really bad, we will deal with this matter seriously."

Qiu Yue turned his head and glanced at the security captain, unexpectedly he was peeking out from behind the door, so scared that he didn't dare to let his head out, Qiu Yue was really helpless towards him.

In the next few hours, Qiuyue handled business for people in order, as if nothing had happened, and everyone was still as busy as at the beginning, and it was the afternoon without knowing it.

"I'll talk to you in the afternoon, don't worry! Work hard and don't get emotional!" Lin Yuxuan even sent Qiuyue a smiley face.

Qiuyue returned the favor.

Soon it was time to get off work, and Sun Yuxiao was waiting for Qiuyue and Lin Yuxuan in the car outside. At this time, the director came out and shouted: "Everyone packs up their things for a meeting today!"

Director Li stood in the lobby, and soon all the employees gathered. Qiu Yuexin said that this must be to punish him, either to punish himself or to give himself a bad reputation. After despising Director Li countless times in his heart, he saw everyone They all gathered together slowly.

Qiu Yue stood at the back, and Director Li stood at the front.

"Today, what I want to talk about, I think everyone knows, is about our security guard Qiuyue's vicious conflict with customers. My decision is to fire Qiuyue, so as not to cause more serious losses to our bank. "Director Li said plausibly.

Lin Yuxuan was the first to stand up, "Hey, why did we have a conflict with the customer? It's not like we haven't heard about or seen what happened in the afternoon. It seems that it's not as serious as Director Li said!"

Director Li said angrily: "Why is it not serious, this guy has pushed the customer down! This kind of behavior is really bad, you know?"

"Can we ask Qiu Yue to come out and explain what happened? Or you can ask the lobby manager to explain it for us." Lin Yuxuan said.

Director Li knew that if Lin Yuxuan was not convinced today, these people would not be convinced.

So Director Li pointed to Liu Xiaoyun, the lobby manager, "Liu Xiaoyun, come out and tell me!"

Liu Xiaoyun walked to the front slowly and said: "The thing is like this. Those few customers didn't know what kind of business they wanted to do, so they asked Qiuyue what financial products they had. But those clients got angry, they grabbed Qiuyue and pulled them up to curse, and one client also scolded me. Qiuyue pushed down the fat client when he was struggling, I think this should be considered self-defense Bar!"

After Liu Xiaoyun finished speaking, the director's face turned red with anger: "Even so, our bank adheres to the principle of customer first. When customers have emotions, we should provide positive guidance instead of fighting with customers."

Lin Yuxuan sneered: "I think Qiuyue did the right thing. For such customers, it seems that they are not here to do business at all, but to make trouble. Besides, Qiuyue is self-defense. Is there anything wrong with it?" ask you!"

"You! You still favor this useless stinky security guard!" Director Li said angrily.

Lin Yuxuan sneered and said: "This is not partiality, it is from the perspective of justice. Qiuyue is a good security guard, and you have seen what happened in the morning. If Qiuyue didn't help the old lady, I wouldn't even know the old lady What's the situation now, why don't you talk about helping customers, and make a big fuss whenever there is a small matter, let's raise our hands to vote now, more than half of it is established! Raise your hand if you think Qiu Yue should be driven away!"

After finishing speaking, only director Li and his assistant raised their hands, and everyone else did not raise their hands. Lin Yuxuan walked over with a smile and said, "It seems that there is no one here except you who don't know how angry you are with Qiuyue. I'm sorry. Director Li. Let's go first, there will be a party at night, so don't waste our time."

Qiuyue saw that Lin Yuxuan was so arrogant towards the director. He really didn't know what this little girl was doing at home. She must be much stronger than the director, otherwise she wouldn't dare to go head-to-head with him!

So people left Director Li and left.

Director Li blushed angrily and glared at the group of people, "You! You will definitely regret it!"

And Qiuyue also returned to the security room, the captain said with a smile: "Qiuyue, you can see that he has a big background, even the director is not afraid, it's really amazing! He has something to do tonight , I won’t go now, I want to accompany you, when you are in a bad mood, I want to be by your side, and I want to bring you happiness and sexual happiness!”

Suddenly Qiuyue was speechless, and hurriedly waved his hands: "Captain, captain, don't be like this, I have something to do at night, I have to go to my old lady, I don't have time to come out, sorry, sorry! Please teach me quickly How can I use this remote control or something, I'm going to turn off the lights and lock the door!"

"Hey! It's a pity that you have something to do! Let's come out together next time! Remember, the chrysanthemums will always be reserved for you." The captain looked at Qiu Yue charmingly, eyes And keep blinking, blinking, blinking!

Qiuyue really couldn't communicate with him, so he turned off the lights by himself, and closed the iron door of the floor-to-ceiling window with the remote control manual. When the captain and Director Li walked out with Nini, they locked the door.

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