Chapter 31 Restaurant Fight

And at the moment Qiuyue walked out the door, Director Li stood beside an Audi a8 and looked at Qiuyue coldly: "Qiuyue. I don't know your background, but let me tell you, no matter you are What princes and grandchildren, this time I will definitely kill you!"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Director Li, I think you are boring. Am I threatening your position or your woman? You are so excited, and you said you have to kill me no matter what, Is our hatred that deep? It seems like we just met for the first time!"

"Sometimes hatred does not take a long time to accumulate, just like between you and me, in a short period of time, I have already hated you very deeply, but if you promise me one condition, I can let you go! Director Li said coldly.

Qiu Yue smiled, "What condition?"

Director Li pointed to Qiu Yue and said, "As long as you sever your relationship with Lin Yuxuan and promise me not to contact her again, and you want to resign from the bank, then I will let you go!"

"I won't agree to such a domineering idea of ​​yours. Do you think I will agree with what you said? No! You should go to bed! I won't leave my good friends because I'm afraid of your revenge !” Qiu Yue said angrily.

Director Li nodded and smiled: "Good job, good job, you said it, don't regret it!"

So Director Li turned around and got on a8, and a burst of rumble faded out of Qiuyue's sight.

"It's better not to talk to Lin Yuxuan about this matter, lest she will be involved in this matter, and it will be troublesome then." Qiu Yue thought to himself.

After getting into Lin Yuxuan's car, Sun Yuxiao was also there, and the three went straight to Sun Yuxiao's house, put Qiuyue's luggage upstairs, and drove straight to the hotel.

"Today we will not stop getting drunk! Hahaha! Diqu! Keep it up!" The three of them were listening to very upbeat music in the car.

Sun Yuxiao asked, "What did that pervert ask you, Qiuyue?"

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said: "What can he ask me, just warn me, I'm really speechless, how can he be the director with such a small mind?"

"Hehe, you may not know why he is so arrogant. Their family is one of the three major families in Jiangliang City." Lin Yuxuan said with a smile.

Qiu Yue smiled and nodded: "No wonder, but I do my job honestly, so I'm not afraid of him. At worst, I'll call the police!"

"This is a bit difficult. His grandfather is the director of the Public Security Bureau." After Sun Yuxiao finished speaking, Qiu Yue was a little speechless. Oh my god, the director?

Qiu Yue said angrily: "I hate this kind of rich man the most. It's really annoying. If the family has a little background, he will come out arrogant, but he still wants to be himself. No matter how hard he is, right! Hahaha!"

In the evening, I ate at a restaurant with a very good environment. Qiuyue and the two of them got along very well, but Qiuyue didn't know why, and felt that the way Lin Yuxuan looked at her was different from yesterday. It was very strange, but she said Can't get that feeling.

While the three of them were eating, a few sons who looked like they were rich came over and said with a smile, "Young man, that's awesome! Why are you looking for two such classic girls for a meal?"

"May I ask what you need?" Qiu Yue asked politely.

Qiuyue's words made people around him want to laugh, especially Sun Yuxiao and Lin Yuxuan, they all came here to find trouble. I didn't expect Qiuyue to be so polite and say to them: "Excuse me, what's the matter?" ?”

The man in the suit smiled and said, "I've bought this position. Please make an offer. Let me accompany your two beauties. It's 1000 yuan."

Qiu Yue suddenly became angry: "What are you talking about? Go away quickly, do you understand that we are eating? You are too impolite."

"Hahaha! Tell me, is this idiot from Mars? Hahaha! It's too little, I'll give you another thousand!" The man took out 1 yuan from the thick money in his wallet and threw it on the table .

Suddenly, Qiu Yue became angry, and a blue light appeared in his eyes. He didn't know what happened to his hand, and he always felt like he was about to hit someone uncontrollably, "You two hurry up, we still have to eat!"

Qiuyue felt a flame of anger in his heart, and he couldn't suppress it. He was so angry that Qiuyue endured the last limit and said a few words.

But those people seem to be here today to occupy Lin Yuxuan and Sun Yuxiao.

"Hey, you want to beat us? I'm so scared, believe it or not, I'll smash you into a cripple with money!" The man dishonestly stretched his hand towards Sun Yuxiao's chest: "I'll help you taste it first." Early adopters?"

Now the anger in Qiu Yue's heart was completely ignited, he stood up and poured the wine in the glass at the man.

Sun Yuxiao tugged on Qiuyue's clothes: "There are quite a few of them! Don't be impulsive!"

Lin Yuxuan also looked at Qiuyue worriedly.

Qiu Yue looked back at the two of them, then turned to look at the man whose face was poured with wine.

"You! You fucking! Give it to me!" The man shouted angrily, and then several men around rushed up, punching Qiu Yue angrily, and Qiu Yue avoided the man in the suit With a punch, another yellow-haired man next to him rushed up, pulled out a baseball bat from his waist, and threw the stick down the back of Qiuyue who hadn't reacted, and immediately hit Qiuyue a little dizzy , Sun Yuxiao saw this situation, "Yuxuan, it seems that this fight is going to end, you sit down, I'll go to Bangbang Qiuyue! Hehe!"

"Okay, Qiuyue is very manly this time, but he might be beaten!" Lin Yuxuan blinked her eyes harmlessly as she watched Qiuyue fight with those men. In fact, this was Qiuyue. The second time I fought with someone, the first time was with the person called by the village chief. This was the second time. I didn't have any skills, but I felt that a lot of power in my chest was about to burst out, and I had to vent it fiercely, so Qiu Yue fought every time. As long as one blow hits these men, those men will take a few steps back and sit on the ground in pain.

Thanks to Sun Yuxiao's joining, the situation soon turned around, and the men around the man in the suit were beaten so hard that they didn't dare to fight.

Qiu Yue pointed at them angrily and said, "I tell you that it is wrong to disrespect girls. I hope you can correct it, otherwise you will get what you deserve!"

"I'm Shangguan Lan Feng, I'll just wait and see!" After saying that, those men all ran away.

"Qiu Yue, what's wrong with you, you're such a man suddenly?" Sun Yuxiao said with a smile.

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes and looked at Sun Yuxiao and said, "Since when am I not a man anymore, but I just got angry when I heard that they were going to hurt you two."

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