my beauty fairy

Chapter 308 Monitors

After Qiu Yue got the monitoring equipment done, he immediately became arrogant.

"Damn it, a bunch of little oriental devils, I see how awesome you are now!" Qiu Yue snorted coldly.

Qiu Yue strode over to the command room that he saw just now, "I'm going to collapse for you now, let's see how you send ships to attack our Huaxia Kingdom."

Qiu Yue installed a time bomb in the monitoring room, which was also set until two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Only then did Qiu Yue realize that there were two teams of patrolling soldiers staggered to patrol the building. Now that Qiu Yue went to the stairs, the voices were getting closer and closer, and there was also a team of patrols behind Qiu Yue who were getting closer.

"What to do, what to do, why didn't I learn the spell that can chop in groups?" Qiu Yue was anxious.

So Qiuyue hid in the dark, and when he heard that the middle point where the two teams were about to intersect was where he was, he took out a flash bomb from his pocket. The eyes were crying frantically.

Qiu Yue squeezed the distance, and when he saw the two groups approaching, he smiled and said, "Brothers have worked hard!"

The two teams cast surprised glances at Qiuyue, only to see Qiuyue throwing a flash bomb, Qiuyue quickly closed his eyes, and when he opened them, most of them had fallen to the ground covering their tears. howling.

Qiu Yue quickly swung around, punched, kicked, and shot. In less than a minute, the twelve soldiers from the two teams were all done.

"Hehe, this flash bomb is really awesome!" Qiu Yue put two flash bombs on the two soldiers.

Qiu Yue strode towards the command room.

When he came to the command room, he found that the people inside were still working. For some reason, Qiu Yue installed a time bomb in a corner outside the command room without saying anything.It is estimated that it is not a problem to blow up a room of this kind of very solid building.

Qiu Yue then walked up to the last floor, thinking that the most important thing in this building should be the command room, why is there another floor above it, is there something more awesome above it?

Qiu Yue stepped up to the top, and when he walked into the corridor on the left, he saw four big men standing outside the innermost room.

Seeing Qiuyue wearing a soldier's uniform, a man walked over.

"Your, what are you doing?" said the oriental man.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "I was sent by the captain of the alliance to give you condolences, what do you need?"

"You don't need to go back! Please don't come here again, this place doesn't belong to where you came from." The Japanese devil said coldly.

The moment the Japanese devil turned around, Qiuyue made a shadow clone, Qiuyue's real body appeared in the room, and the shadow was still standing outside the door.

Qiu Yue saw that it was actually a laboratory, "I checked, what is this place, is it their chemical base here? Is it a place to study chemical weapons?"

I saw a large glass cover all around, and people were hanging inside, and those people were covered with slender plastic tubes from the whole body. It was unknown what kind of liquid was hidden inside each tube, and those people had straight eyes. ticked off.

Qiu Yuexin said that these people must be those puppets, it seems that these are puppets prepared to deal with Huaxia Kingdom, damn it!Nima, I killed you!

"Damn, what's that?" Qiuyue looked at an experimental plate containing more than a dozen small bottles, the bottles were the same as the potion that those Japanese devils drank that day, blue, and the bottles were all the same.

"You've turned people into monsters, how can you let them live? These scumbags are simply speechless!" Qiu Yue looked at these things.

Qiu Yue came to the innermost place and found a corner, an inconspicuous place, where Qiu Yue installed the time bomb.

"Okay, it's time to flash." Qiu Yue said heartily.

So Qiu Yue pushed open the door and walked out.

The oriental devils outside the door looked at Qiuyue in shock, but they soon realized that Qiuyue's purpose was unknown, and immediately put on a duel posture.

"Are you here to sabotage?" said the man.

Qiu Yue smiled: "You guessed well, but if your companions can guess correctly, you might not die so miserably today!"

"Long live the Great Eastern Empire! Starlings press the road!" An Eastern devil drew a knife from behind.

Qiuyue rushed up pretending to be fighting hand-to-hand, but in the middle of the road, Qiuyue jumped lightly, took out his pistol, and shot four casually four Japanese devils to the ground.

Qiu Yue chuckled, and strode towards the stairs, but there was another movement from behind, Qiu Yue looked back, and those people stood up with blood from their eyes and noses.

Take out the pills and eat one each.

"Damn, have you met a pervert again? It's really difficult!" Qiu Yue said with a sigh.

I saw one of the men slashing at Qiuyue with a knife. Qiuyue took out a flash bomb and threw it away, then closed his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, the Japanese devil's knife was already close to Qiuyue's body. The head is only less than five centimeters away.

Qiu Yue hastily drew out his dagger to resist, and his head was almost cut off.

With a sound of "Dang!", I almost died.

After Qiu Yue defended against this blow, he quickly took a few steps back and stared blankly at the four people facing him. These four people were not easy.

While Qiuyue was retreating, an oriental man behind him jumped up, turned over, and the knife fell from the sky, aiming at Qiuyue's face.

"My God!" Qiu Yue yelled and jumped to the right to avoid the knife, only to see the knife cut on the ground where Qiu Yue dodged "Dang!" and saw the spark!

Qiuyue turned around and kicked the Japanese devil to the ground. The two Japanese devils next to him rushed up, slashing horizontally and vertically. The knife that was cut vertically could no longer be avoided, so Qiu Yue used the escape technique to leave the shadow in place, and he dodged behind the Dongyang man. , Qiu Yue stabbed in from behind with a dagger.

At this time, the Dongyang devil who was stabbed grabbed Qiuyue's hand and pulled it out fiercely. He turned around and the blood in his mouth was rolling out, but the hideous face of the Dongyang devil seemed to be smiling.

"Damn it, this group of Japanese devils is more perverted than the other. Although these guys are not as powerful as the guys who use the Japanese hundred bans, these guys are really too perverted!" Qiuyue thought in his heart .

I saw the four Japanese devils stop there, took out another bottle of blue potion from their pockets, and drank it all in one gulp. In the blink of an eye, these Japanese devils immediately began to swell, and when they turned around, these guys became It's half as tall as before!

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