my beauty fairy

Chapter 309 Bad Weather

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Qiuyue took off the night clothes and put them on for the female soldier, and after installing a time bomb, "Follow me!" Qiuyue pulled the oriental female soldier and ran towards the beach.

The Japanese female soldier followed Qiu Yue all the way towards Ling Feng. At this time, all the Japanese devils were on the way. Qiu Yue took out a high-explosive bomb and threw it at one of the Japanese devils, "Boom!" It exploded into the air.

And the female soldier behind was crying all the time.

Qiu Yue saw a large warehouse, "I tested it, it must be an arsenal, it must be removed."

Qiuyue put the female soldier behind a small hidden building, and hid directly under a big tree behind the arsenal with his shadow avatar. He installed a time bomb on the big tree and escaped to the female soldier again. Bing was crying so much that he didn't know anything, so Qiuyue didn't find out when he went back and forth.

Qiuyue carried the female soldier on his back and continued to run towards the beach.

But when Qiu Yue just ran out of the military base, the female soldier pushed hard and fell directly to the ground.

"Go! What are you doing, it will explode in less than 2 minutes!" Qiu Yue shouted angrily!

The beautiful smile of the female soldier was now on her face: "I'm sorry, you have your beliefs, and I have my patriotic pursuits! Can you tell me your name before I die?"

"My name is Qiuyue!" Qiuyue couldn't help but shed tears, looking at the female soldier, he didn't know what it was like.

Qiu Yue also smiled: "What's your name?"

When the bullets are flying around here, and there is the possibility of death at any time, Qiuyue and the female soldier are surprisingly calm: "My name is Yamaba Yuer. A recruit. You are the first man I like. .although you have become my enemy."

"What a beautiful name! I'm still too stupid to think that men and women in the Eastern Kingdom are all virtuous, thank you for changing my mind." Qiuyue smiled. Although there was a smile on his face, tears couldn't help but fall.

The two people were so calm when they were parting from life and death, "You go!" Only the rumble of a helicopter was heard behind, a helicopter flew over, machine guns were fired, Shanye Yuer rushed over and took Qiu away. The more he pushed hard, he blocked the bullet for Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue turned around and ran towards Ling Feng fiercely, only to see Ling Feng coming to meet Qiu Yue, and directly shot down the helicopter behind him with a rocket launcher.

It's two o'clock in the morning!

Qiuyue looked back at Shanye Yu'er after reading his watch, only to see Shanye Yu'er lying on the ground, looking at himself with a smile, the smile was still on his face.Qiu Yue could still see the undried tears on the female soldier's face.

At this moment, the sound of an explosion came from the military base, and a huge sea of ​​flames engulfed Shanye Yuer.

Qiuyue stood still with tears in his eyes, and saluted with a smile.

"Qiu Yue, what are you looking at, run!" Ling Feng looked at Qiu Yue still in a daze.Hurry up and drag Qiuyue away.

At this time, all the soldiers and special forces ran to the military base as Qiuyue planned, and Qiuyue was still thinking about Yamaba Yuer in his heart.What a girl, so kind and beautiful.

The reality does not allow Qiu Yue to immerse himself in the incident just now, because bullets are whistling in his ears!

So Qiuyue and Ling Feng picked up the machine guns from the ground and ran all the way to the aircraft carrier along the path. Due to the explosion, the military base was completely dark at this time, the power distribution room was also blown up, and the arsenal was also destroyed. The flames burst into the sky.

When the leaders of the Central Military Commission of the Huaxia Kingdom watched the naval base of the Eastern Kingdom on the satellite suddenly turn black from the map, they all smiled excitedly.

Qiu Yue put his hands on his ears and said, "Captain Liu, all the military bases have been destroyed. Is the next step to blow up all the aircraft carriers?"

"As for the aircraft carrier, the central government has issued an order to bomb only the largest one!" Captain Liu's voice came.

Qiu Yue said, "Yes!"

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng came to the shore in the dark, "Captain Liu said, we just need to get rid of the largest aircraft carrier."

"No problem, Qiuyue, you go and get the little shark out, and then come pick me up!" Ling Feng took out the hang glider, opened the click from a higher rock, and flew directly towards the aircraft carrier.

Qiuyue put on the diving suit.At this time, a group of puppets appeared around.

"Damn! This time I'll take good care of you!" Qiu Yuexin said that this was in the territory of the Eastern Kingdom, and he could just blow them to death. Since they were junior puppets, high-explosive mines would definitely work.

So Qiu Yue threw three high-explosive mines directly, and immediately a dozen puppets were blown to pieces, splashing out some green liquid.

"It's disgusting!" Qiu Yue turned around and ran towards the sea.

Standing on the rock and jumping directly into the sea, "Brother Shark, where are you!" Qiu Yue looked for the shark.

I saw the shark swimming quickly from not far away and said with a smile: "Brother Qiuyue, I didn't expect you two to be so awesome! You can make such a big commotion!"

"Brother Shark, stop praising me, hurry up and save your son!" Qiu Yue sat on the back of the shark.

The shark rushed directly to the outside of the cage where the baby shark was held, took out a military pliers, and directly cut off several large iron rods on the cage.Immediately, the small sharks and many rare fish escaped.

"Daddy! I love you! I miss you so much!" the little shark cried and rushed to the big one.

The big shark rubbed against the little shark's mouth with its mouth, "Son, Dad finally saw you!"

Looking at Liu Jun in the sky, Qiu Yue had already flown above the aircraft carrier and dropped a set of high-explosive bombs and grenades, but because there were soldiers on the aircraft carrier, Ling Feng was hit and fell directly into the sea.

"Brother Shark, stop making out, it's not too late to go back and make out, help me save my friend!" Qiu Yue shouted.

The shark turned around and said: "Son, you go back to your mother first, I will take this benefactor to save his friend, don't make me worry anymore, go back to your mother!"

The little shark nodded and swam towards home.

The shark carried Qiu Yue and swam directly towards Ling Feng.

I saw that Ling Feng had been shot and sank deep in the sea.

The shark put Ling Feng on his body and came out of the water. Qiu Yue put his arms around Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, how are you?"

After Ling Feng choked on a few sips, he said, "It's nothing serious, it's just that the little Japanese devil shot him in the leg."

Ling Feng looked at the waste rope island behind him, and saw that it had sunk into a sea of ​​flames, and the aircraft carrier was also blown into the water.

Qiu Yue took out the good medicine and applied it to Ling Feng, and Ling Feng soon regained consciousness.

"Brother, are you okay!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

"It's all right. If it weren't for your excellent medical skills, I guess it would be over if I continue to lose blood! Hahaha!" Ling Feng laughed.

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