my beauty fairy

Chapter 358 Expose You

The witch had never seen such a situation before, and she blushed suddenly, feeling a little embarrassed.

But it returned to normal after a few seconds, and said: "This money, although it is also divided into Huaxia Kingdom and Lindu Kingdom, but our great gods will not despise their children who are loyal to them. Do you think so? !"

It’s okay if you don’t say that, but the people in the audience excitedly shouted again: “Long live the god, long live the son of God, the country of poisonous poison! Long live the god, son of the god, long live the kingdom of poisonous poison!”

Qiu Yue was helpless, these people were really poisoned.

"Okay, then I want to ask you, how can you prove that you didn't spend the money, but God took it away?" Qiu Yue sneered.

The witch opened the box and said with a smile, "This is a box for communicating with gods. As long as you put money into this box, gods will take it away."

"Oh, it means that after putting the money in this box, the money will disappear in a few seconds?" Qiu Yue smiled.

Immediately, the people in the audience shouted: "That nonsense, the money must have been taken by God, you are here to make trouble!"

"Get him down!"

"kill him!"

"Anyone who is unfaithful to God will die!" Suddenly, the audience was in chaos.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said: "Since God is great, God is tolerant, and God is broad-minded, then since I want to join his disciples, he will definitely not dislike me, but after all, I am a new believer, so I need to be with you." Only by communicating with God can I believe in God like everyone else, and you can see that God hasn’t gotten angry so far. Please accept my consultation.”

"Yes, if God is angry, he will become bloated and tall. It seems that deep down in his heart he is still sincere to God." The people in the audience began to discuss again.

At this time, the witch was chanting the spell of witchcraft in her heart, and looked at Qiuyue with her eyes. This kind of witchcraft was applicable to anyone, but she didn't know what was wrong with Qiuyue, so she couldn't curse Qiuyue away.

Qiuyue looked at the witch and screamed in his heart. Qiuyue knew that the dead woman had started to mutter, so he used his indestructible body, and nothing, even thoughts, could be transmitted into Qiuyue's body!

The woman saw that the people in the audience were no longer disgusted with Qiu Yue, but she was so angry that she used witchcraft to no effect, she didn't know what was going on.

Qiu Yue continued: "Messenger of God, can we continue with my doubts?"

"Of course, let's continue!" The witch hated Qiu Yue to death.

"Oh, that's good. I want to ask, will the money disappear after putting it in?" Qiu Yue said politely.

The witch nodded.

Qiuyue opened her perspective eyes and saw that it was a magic box with many compartments inside. Before putting it in, the money would go to the lower layer, and if she touched it again, all the money would come out. When she moved the money to the lower compartment, when she acted that God favored everyone to return the money, she got all the money out.Even if it is obtained, whoever dares to spend God's money will have to return it to her in the end.

"Okay, I have 500 yuan here. I will stack the money together and make it into a heart shape, which shows that I love God in my heart. You can give this money to God." Qiu Yue said devoutly.

Seeing how rich Qiu Yue was, the witch said, "Okay, okay, no problem, just put the money in."

When I opened the box, there was nothing inside.

Qiu Yue put the money in it, waited for a few seconds after the witch finished "making it", opened it, and there was nothing inside.

Everyone shouted excitedly: "Long live the god, long live the son of God, the poison country! The god and the son of God have accepted you! Ouma! Ouma la la la!"

Qiuyue looked at these villagers who had never seen Liu Hou's magic tricks speechlessly, and said in his heart that after you watched Liu Hou's magic tricks, you should immediately expose the scheme of this dead witch!

The witch happily revealed a group to the sky, kowtowed, lit incense and howled a bunch of spells and so on.

Qiu Yue couldn't stand it any longer, and asked, "Does it mean that my money has been handed over to God?"

"Yes, the gods have taken it!" said the witch.

Qiuyue looked at that hateful face and wanted to go up and beat her up, but he couldn't do it at this time, otherwise everyone would think it was an act against the heavens, and he would have to fight with himself. Not only would it be impossible for them to change their minds , it is more likely to make them oppose the country and vote for the poisonous country!

So Qiu Yue decided not to do this, and said with a smile: "It means that the money I just had just now can't appear in the box no matter what?"

"Yes, it's impossible. God took it away." The witch said firmly.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Yue kicked the box and broke it in half.

I saw a lot of money spilled out of the box, a lot, a lot.

"How do you explain this?" Qiu Yue said with a sneer.

Immediately, the people looked at the box in surprise, not knowing what was going on.

Qiu Yue took out the heart-folded money he had just made, a total of five tickets, and said to everyone: "This is the money I worshiped the gods just now, see, it's still in the box."

When the witch was about to pick up the box to prevent everyone from seeing the mechanism, Qiu Yue had already grabbed the box and lifted it up.

"Did you see that in this half of the box, this is the mezzanine. As long as you press this button, the money will flow from the top to the bottom. She is a liar. When you worship the gods, put the money on the top, and she presses the button." Touch this, and the money will go down. When she said that God is going to give you money, press this button, and all the money you just worshiped God will be turned up. In fact, all the money back and forth is in this box, and everyone Let this bastard fool you!" Qiu Yue said angrily.

Then the witch argued: "It's just what the gods put in me." The witch's face was very ugly, and it could even be said that her face was already blue. She didn't know what would happen to this matter today. Knowing who Qiuyue really is, will he subdue her today?

"Hahaha, who the hell is the guy next door answering my question just now, saying that the money is not in the box? You said the money is not in the box, and now the money is out of the box. You are lying to us. Or do you want to say that you are a god?" Qiu Yue cursed, pointing at the witch's face.

That witch really wanted to curse Qiu Yue, but Qiu Yue didn't know what was going on, he just couldn't be cursed by herself!

"Also, let me ask you again, did you scold the god, the son of the god, Lindu Kingdom, and there will be retribution on the spot?" Qiu Yue looked at the witch angrily.

The witch was afraid of being exposed, so she continued to pretend. "Yes, as long as you disrespect God, you will suffer the punishment you deserve!" Ling Feng secretly laughed and said that this woman is over.

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