my beauty fairy

Chapter 39 Undressed

Chapter 39 No Clothes

Qiu Yuexin said that this must be a robbery, and today they must be knocked down no matter what and let the police arrest them.

But the woman who rushed up to punch the fist was lightly pointed by the woman in the air, and a strong air current blew Qiu Yue back three steps and sat on the ground.

"What's the situation, I fell down with just one finger? No way!" Qiu Yue looked at the woman in shock, and wondered who these people were, why did she feel so strange.

Qiu Yue stood up and looked at them angrily. Although it was dark at night, there were pedestrians on the road, but there were only a few people looking at him tenderly. Who would think that they were fighting to save him, so Qiu Yue jumped He got up and rushed over quickly to fight the man next to him, jumped up and kicked, but suddenly the man raised his hand and opened it. It was like a black hole inside, sucking himself in, and quickly approaching him.

Suddenly, the thin and tall man turned over and jumped over, quickly grabbed Qiuyue's neck with his hands and lifted Qiuyue up.

"Eh! Uh!" Qiu Yue wanted to scold them a few words, but he couldn't say anything because his throat was stuck.

I just heard the man say coldly: "Ha ha ha! ***! Return the body of the immortal, I will see how awesome your body of the immortal is!"

Qiu Yue was already powerless to struggle at this time, and a scene that shocked Qiu Yue suddenly happened. The other two people stood in the air and flew over. The arms of the three people gradually revealed black scaly things, and the pupils of their eyes began to open. With redness, the hair starts to turn red.

"Are these people..." Qiu Yue thought when he still had a little consciousness.

Afterwards, Qiu Yue could not see clearly at all, his breathing had stopped, and his eyes were slowly closed.

Later, Qiuyue had a dream. In the dream, Qiuyue saw that woman crushed her mobile phone into powder and floated away. A car suddenly appeared in the distance. The people on it got off, and a flash appeared to her. Beside him, he was wrestling with those guys who couldn't be regarded as human beings.

Later, because those three people did not gain the upper hand, they turned into a cloud of black smoke and ran away.

"Hmm!" Qiu Yue's eyes slowly opened, looking at the strange surroundings, wondering if he was dreaming, yes, he must be dreaming, how could there be such a person who would turn into smoke in reality? And they can volley and stand in the air?All of this made Qiu Yue very puzzled.

Ever since I met that mysterious woman that day, a series of strange things have happened to me. What's going on?Qiuyue couldn't figure it out.

Qiu Yue slowly sat up and looked at the room. The room is very luxurious, the bed he sleeps on is very comfortable, everything in the room is very gorgeous, luxurious chandeliers, high-end computers, expensive wooden cabinets, everything Everything that happened was something that Qiu Yue could only see in the villa on TV.

"Are you awake?" A beautiful woman appeared in Qiu Yue's sight.

The woman was wearing black leather pants with low-cut half-sleeves, and there were some furry things on her chest, but because her breasts were very full and firm, those black fluffs drooped on the white and plump flesh.

The beautiful eyes on the fair and pretty face looked at Qiuyue blinking.

The slender legs are paired with a pair of black leather pants, which make the legs look more slender, and the black high-soled leather boots make her look more temperamental.

Qiu Yuexin said, what kind of person is this? She is so beautiful, she might be planning to kill herself, but if she wants to kill herself, why should she let herself recuperate first?

"Ah, I'm awake, where is this?" Qiu Yue looked at everything in the room curiously.

The woman smiled and said, "This is the villa area of ​​the Shangguan family."

"Villa, area?" Qiu Yue repeated these three words, my God, it's not a villa, but a villa area!

Qiu Yue stammered and said, "I, why am I here?"

"Don't you know you almost died?" said the woman.

Qiu Yue looked at her in surprise, and thought to himself, could it be that what happened just now was not a dream, but a real situation?

So Qiu Yue pushed the quilt away and got off the bed, and when he was about to let the woman sit down, something happened that shocked him.

"Oh my god!" Qiu Yue realized that he was completely naked.

Hastily turned around and put on the quilt again, Qiuyue's face turned red immediately.

Qiu Yue looked at himself in surprise and then at the smiling woman and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't even know that I was stripped naked. In my last memory, I was killed. I lost my memory when I pinched, I didn't expect them to be so ruthless, they actually took off all my clothes?"

"Hehehe!" The woman's smile trembled wildly, and the two plump white rabbits on her chest also hopped and hopped.

Qiu Yuexin said that this woman was really rude, and he didn't even try to avoid it.What's wrong with you girls in the city!

"You, I took off your clothes. I've seen everything about you, and you're so shy!" The woman said with a smile.

Qiu Yue was stunned, what the hell is going on!Qiuyue suddenly had a feeling of being raped, and this feeling came spontaneously.

"You, you are joking, how is it possible!" Qiu Yue said in disbelief.

The woman covered her mouth and pointed at Qiu Yue with a smile, "Come on, take the quilt away, and I'll show you!"

"No, I don't want to read it. I've seen it myself since I was a child, and it's nothing to see!" Qiu Yue said angrily.

"Hey hey, I mean your chest, who said it depends on your key parts!" The woman smiled and pointed at Qiu Yue's chest.

Qiu Yue thought that the upper body could be exposed, so let's see what happened to the upper body, so Qiu Yue pulled the quilt down, and looked carefully, there was a slap mark on it, which was blood red.

Qiu Yue suddenly went crazy, how could there be such a blood-red slap mark on his chest?So he asked curiously: "What's going on! How did it become like this!"

"Hehehe, that's because I helped you heal and expel the toxin from that black poisonous palm!" The woman smiled sweetly.She was so beautiful that people couldn't extricate themselves, and the innocent expression on her face made people want to td her.

Qiu Yue gently touched it with his hand, and it was extremely painful.

"Has this been completely cured?" Qiu Yue asked hastily.

The woman waved her hand, "No, not yet. When your profound energy reaches the upper level, you will be able to force out the remaining toxins in it. Now we can only help you so far."

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