Now Qiuyue was not as angry with her as before. Since he was treating his own illness, he didn't say anything, but the treatment was above the treatment.How could he take off his underwear, so Qiu Yue turned around and continued to stare at her angrily.

"Then tell me, what happened to the clothes under me, why did you take off all of them?" Qiu Yue glared at the woman.

The woman sat next to Qiuyue.

"Well, when your toxins are being discharged, we can only put you in the bathtub. Look at the bathroom inside, the bathtub is full of toxins from your body, let alone this is my bedroom! What are you doing? Vicious." The woman frowned and looked at Qiu Yue pretending to be angry, her appearance was even more beautiful.

Qiu Yuexin said that what she said should be true, or else she smelled a faint fragrance just now, that feeling is so wonderful!

So Qiuyue was relieved.

But what the woman said made Qiu Yue want to go crazy even more.

"Don't worry, Qiuyue, I didn't touch you, I just accidentally saw your body, don't worry, I just forced out the poison for you, and then my two maids helped you in It’s for you to wash your body. My two maids are very beautiful, and it’s not a bad thing for you to be seen by them! Hehe!” The woman showed her lovely white teeth, and her lovely cherry mouth was as tender as a It is as tempting as a smooth jelly.

After hearing this, Qiu Yue shouted excitedly: "What! Maid! There are still two! Not only did they watch, but they even touched!"

At this moment, Qiu Yue was going crazy, this time he didn't feel raped, but gang-raped.

"Isn't this to save your life? You said that if I don't do this, you will lose your life. You don't know that life is priceless. Should we cherish life?" The woman said plausibly.

Qiu Yue pointed to the door and said, "Get out! You get out! It's so irritating!"

"Hmph! You still look unhappy and ungrateful for saving you, so I don't care about you!" After finishing speaking, the woman closed the door and went out.

But Qiuyue found that the room was full of lovely women's clothing, and of course there were some sexy black clothing.

At this time, the woman was secretly listening to what Qiu Yue was doing outside the door. Qiu Yue saw that there were no clothes he could wear, and shouted: "Come back again!"

"Why should I go back? Seeing you roll your eyes and stare at me like a wolf?" The woman said pretending to be angry.

Qiu Yuexin said that a man can bend and stretch, and he needs to bend at this time, so he laughed and said: "Actually, I was joking with you. Treat me to get rid of toxins. How can I be angry with you? Come back!"

The woman showed a smirk, and waited until the expression on her face returned to normal, then pushed open the door and came in, "I don't know why Comrade Qiuyue is looking for me, a weak woman?"

"That, this, where are my clothes?" Qiu Yue asked.

The woman sat down calmly, and said calmly: "I have a name, you can call me Shangguan Yan'er, but don't want this or that, okay?"

"Uh, oh, alright, Shangguan Yan'er! Where did you do with my clothes?" Qiu Yue looked at the quilt covering her body in embarrassment.

Shangguan Yan'er walked out with a smile, and after a while, a suit was brought in.And a white shirt.

"Put it on, and change your leather shoes when you leave. I put them in the shoe changing room at the door for you." Shangguan Yan'er replied with a smile.

Qiu Yuexin said that this is really not comparable to a building. He thinks that Lin Yuxuan's house is the most upscale house, but he didn't expect to break the record today. There is even a room for changing shoes?It's really not ordinary rich!

So Qiu Yue pointed at the clothes and said, "Shangguan Yan'er, can you go out first, I'll change my clothes."

"Well, I'll wait for you in the lobby. If you can't find the lobby, there will be a maid outside the door." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Yan'er walked out of the room.

Qiu Yuexin said that this is the villa area of ​​the Shangguan family. It seems that what Shangguan Lanfeng said was not a joke. This matter needs to be further investigated by himself to find out what is going on. It is like walking into The labyrinth is full of places where Hei Bulongdong can't figure out what's going on.

Putting on a white shirt, changing into a suit, standing in the bathroom and looking at his appearance is really a talent, wearing such an Armani suit is even more extraordinary, turned around and walked out of the room, and saw two beautiful maids standing outside the door , both look good and are very cute, the two of them actually don't shy away from Qiuyue's eyes at all, instead they look at Qiuyue, as if they are admiring cultural relics.

"Lost! When did I lose my status, sir? How could I be molested by a woman's eyes?" Qiu Yue looked at the fiery eyes of the two of them, and really wondered if there was anything like two women in the room with a man just now. The situation where the man stripped naked and sweated profusely happened.

Qiu Yue stood still, staring at the chest and key parts of the cute maid on the left with fiery eyes, but the maid was still staring at her body, Qiu Yue suddenly felt a little nervous A feeling of wanting to cover three o'clock.

Looking back at the maid on the right, this maid is alluring and sexy, with a plump body, staring at her fiercely and raped her again, but this maid's soft eyes are also scanning her body all the time .

The two of them stared at Qiuyue's body at the same time, the uncomfortable feeling caused Qiuyue's face to turn a little red, and he simply didn't care about their weak women, so Qiuyue moved his hands unnaturally to cover his little pouch on purpose. Brother left here.

When she got to the hall, Shangguan Yan'er was already sitting there waiting for her, when she saw Qiu Yue coming over, she stood up and pointed to the opposite seat and said, "Sit down, Qiu Yue!"

"Um, what's the matter with your two maids, why are they staring at me all the time? It made me feel a little bit embarrassed by the grown-up man, how can there be such a girl." Qiu Yue He rolled his eyes and sat down helplessly.

Looking at Shangguan Yan'er's gloating expression, Qiu Yue was even more resentful.

"Oh, hey, my maids are very enthusiastic, you don't have to worry about it!" Shangguan Yan'er showed a cute expression, Gao Qiuyue was really helpless, it was the first time he encountered such a superb formation!

Shangguan Yan'er smiled and turned her head to a maid and said, "Xiaoxue, can you make me another cup of coffee?"

"Okay miss, please wait a moment!" The maid smiled and walked away.

Looking at this fairly normal maid, Qiuyue, felt a little better. Those two just now were really top-notch.

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