my beauty fairy

Chapter 413

Suddenly the man turned his head in shock.

Qiu Yue smiled and stabbed the knife into the man's stomach. The man suddenly showed a violent look on his face and punched Qiu Yue in the chest. Qiu Yue couldn't help but took a few steps back and stood there.

And that man rushed up like crazy.

"Damn it, this pervert is fine after being stabbed?" Qiu Yue was speechless. He thought that he could kill this guy with a single stab, but he didn't expect that this guy would survive a single stab.

Qiu Yue yelled angrily and dodged the man's heavy sword, thinking that he would have known that he would have slashed so hard just now.

The man's sword stabbed Qiu Yue's neck fiercely. Qiu Yue tilted his neck to avoid the blow, and then Qiu Yue lowered his body. As expected, the man's The sword cut horizontally, and jumped up, suddenly there was a small hole in the palm of his hand.

"Is it going to be poisonous, I dare not!" Qiu Yue used the escape technique to escape the series of poisons.

The venom in the man's palm "chug chug!" A group of squirting wildly, Qiu Yue hid everywhere, he must not be shot by the venom, otherwise would he still want to get back to the car alive today?

And the woman next to her was also watching the fight with a sneer. For her, whoever wins this fight is good.

If Qiu Yue died, then he wouldn't have to do anything, and he could securely take 500 million without any risk.

And if Qiuyue wins, then if he kills Qiuyue by himself, he will get 1000 million yuan!

The man and Qiu Yue continued to fight back and forth, and Qiu Yue said in his heart that if he kept pestering him, he would win the man, but if he was not physically strong, he would still be hacked by this woman, so he should end the fight quickly and find a chance, not to mention This isn't really a one-on-one fight, it's actually a team fight.

Looking at the knife on the man's chest, Qiu Yue thought that if he pulled it out, it would give him a strong blow. What's more, if he pulled it out by himself, wouldn't it be more effective?

It's just that this chance is almost gone. After the man went crazy, his speed became faster, his movements were agile, and the swords he swung were deadly. It was not easy to defend well, let alone find another chance to clean up the opponent.

Two little black snakes sprang out from the man's hands, fast and jumpy, and the man stood on the side, waving one hand there, and the other hand stuck to his mouth, not knowing what to say What are you talking about.

Qiu Yue took out the gun, thinking that no matter how hard your snakeskin is, you can't beat the bullets!

"Bang bang bang!" After three shots, there were sparks on the snake for two days, but nothing happened.

Now Qiuyue was really helpless, and thought to himself, is the snake made of iron for two days?

"Haha, these two snakes of mine are made of high-precision stickers, and they are full of venom. I will poison you to death here today!" The man looked at Qiu Yue arrogantly.

Suddenly the two snakes rushed over quickly and bit Qiuyue's legs.

Qiuyue had no choice but to protect his body with his indestructible body, and then kicked the little snake away.

I saw the two little snakes were kicked on the ground by Qiu Yue, but soon flew up again.

"Damn it, since it's iron, lightning will kill you!" Qiu Yue cursed in his heart!

Qiu Yue quickly took two steps back, using the five-star lightning technique, pointed at the two little snakes, and saw a bolt of lightning passing through the two little snakes, and a large amount of electricity split back and forth in the little snake's stomach.

"Bang! Bang!" Two sounds, and the two little snakes exploded.

Qiu Yue looked at the two destroyed little snakes with a smile.

Suddenly the man folded back the sword in his hand, and the sword turned into a boomerang, and he threw it out viciously, heading straight for Qiu Yue.

The speed was very fast, and Qiuyue vaguely saw the green light above, it was poison!

Qiu Yue squatted down quickly, the dart flew over Qiu Yue's head, Qiu Yue felt how high the temperature was on the dart, the temperature was probably nearly [-] degrees Celsius.

"Damn it!" Qiu Yue cursed, and when he was about to fight back, he felt something flying towards him behind him, Qiu Yue jumped to the side, turned around and saw the dart flying back again.

Qiu Yue jumped up and rushed up quickly. When the man folded the sword back, Qiu Yue kicked the man to the ground, and then pulled the knife obliquely from behind the man with an escape technique, and then quickly Another knife went in.

"Ah!" A heart-piercing cry came from the man's mouth, and he couldn't move because of the pain.

The man fell backwards slowly, his eyes fixed on Qiuyue, and when he was about to fall, he spat out a mouthful of green phlegm at Qiuyue. The more you have to be recruited.

After Qiu Yue confirmed that the man was dead, he stood up straight and looked at the woman with a smile: "Beauty, both of your companions are dead, I'm really sorry."

"What are you sorry for me? You did the right thing. If you kill them, all the bounties will be mine. There would be no suspense for killing you, not to mention that you have consumed a lot of energy now, haven't you? Haha Haha!" the woman said with a laugh.

Qiu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, it's easier to be killed by you now!"

"What's your name? Seeing how beautiful you are, your name must sound good too?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The woman said coldly: "My name is Fengya Juhua!"

Qiu Yue burst out laughing, what?Fengya chrysanthemum?

"It seems that the women in the poisonous country don't all like to have fun. There are also people like you who like to develop chrysanthemums? It seems that a stick can no longer satisfy you hahahaha?" Qiu Yue said with a smile Let me tease you today.

The woman looked at Qiuyue angrily, with a strong aura pressing down on Qiuyue.

To be honest, Qiu Yue was indeed suppressed by this woman's aura, but it was just a feeling aura, and it didn't have much effect.

So Qiuyue assumed a defensive posture, with one hand on his upper chest and a fist posture.

The other hand is Wudang, with a sword in hand.

The woman changed three gestures in a row, and saw that the dust behind the woman was all rolled up, like a big mouth, coming towards Qiuyue's side, and the speed was extremely fast.

Qiu Yuexin said that there are still people who use soil as weapons?

The speed was too fast, Qiu Yueduo couldn't dodge it, so he was rolled up by the dust, whirling around in the air, the dust was so dense that Qiu Yue couldn't even stretch out his hands, and the power of the whirlwind After getting in, she couldn't break free at all, and her clothes were torn to pieces.

"Ah! What kind of breaking spell is this!" Qiu Yue cursed inwardly.

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