my beauty fairy

Chapter 414

When Qiuyue didn't pay attention, the woman shrunk the dust tighter and tighter. Qiu Yue thought that if she couldn't move because of the dust, that Fengya chrysanthemum would jump up and stab herself. Can't hide!

But at this moment, Qiuyue sensed that Fengya chrysanthemum actually jumped up?

"Damn it!" Qiu Yue dragged a large piece of sand calmly, dodged downward for a certain distance, used the wall-penetrating technique to pass through the sand and dust, looked up, and saw that Fengya chrysanthemum was really poking at the sand crazily on it.

At this moment, Qiu Yue picked up the sword on the ground, which was the man's slender sword just now, grabbed the hilt, and threw it fiercely at Fengya Chrysanthemum.

"Pfft!" With a sound, the sword pierced Fengya Chrysanthemum's stomach, and that Fengya Chrysanthemum slowly fell down against the huge sand swirl.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be recruited so easily?"

That Fengya chrysanthemum finger lightly tapped her wound, and the wound on her stomach disappeared completely, and the sword was wrapped in a light blue mist.

"I'll kill you!" That Fengya chrysanthemum raised the sword, and all the sand and dust gathered on the sword immediately, forming a very large sword. Qiu Yuexin said that such a large sword must be inconvenient to move, so from the Attack from behind.

So Qiuyue disappeared directly, jumped up lightly, and flew behind Fengya Chrysanthemum.The five-star thunder technique slashed down fiercely, and immediately hit Fengya Chrysanthemum on the back of the head.

Immediately, Fengya Chrysanthemum fell to the ground, and Qiuyue couldn't tell whether Fengya Chrysanthemum was dead or alive, but just fainted.

But Qiuyue fell in love with the sword in Fengya Chrysanthemum's hand. It is not very long, but it can be stretched and is very sharp. There are two dragons hovering on it. Just now, when I saw Fengya Chrysanthemum chopping sand in a whirlwind, this sword was arrogant. The blade and body of the sword attracted Qiu Yue deeply, and there was a red gemstone on it, which was very shiny, but Qiu Yue couldn't tell what it was for.

"Thank you, Sister Chrysanthemum, I'll take the things. If you don't die, I'll spare you. If you die, don't blame me!" Qiu Yue turned and walked to the side of the road.

At this time, the special police had sent a helicopter to tow away the cars that caused the accident.

After clearing the way, the special police comrades on the helicopter turned around and flew back directly.

Qiu Yue got into the car and said: "Let's go, hit at full speed, open the license plate of the military area, pull the alarm and drive all the way."

"Isn't it too conspicuous?" Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "What is conspicuous, whether it is obvious or not, although we have been keeping a low profile, we have been chased and killed along the way. It is better to rush high-profile than this, so that ordinary cars know how to give way and know what we are doing. official business."

So Ling Feng turned on the alarm and drove towards Tu Wujiao along the way.

Ling Feng said excitedly: "Qiu Yue, I saw the situation just now, why are you so arrogant, you managed to eliminate those three people in a short time, those three people seem to be the president of the poisonous country we heard The mysterious killer 'Dugu Sansha'!"

"Hahaha, now it's Lonely Three being killed!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng said curiously: "Qiu Yue, how did you convince them to fight you one-on-one? I think they prepared three people to fight you alone at the beginning?"

"Haha, those three guys with big brains and low IQ, after being provoked by me a few words, they said excitedly that they want to win glory for the country. They represent the poisonous country, and I represent the Huaxia country. They want to win against me one by one. In the end, I broke down the combat power, but it turned into an embarrassment to the motherland hahaha!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng said excitedly: "At first I saw that there were three of them to deal with your impulse alone, but then they came up one by one. I asked what was going on, and I was the only one who was curious."

At this moment, Qiuyue's phone rang, Qiuyue saw that it belonged to Shangguan Yifan, and thought to himself, did Shangguan Yifan already know about his fight with Dugu Sansha?

"Ding zero zero zero!"

Qiu Yue picked up the phone and said: "Comrade leader, don't tell me that you already know about this matter, Dugu Sansha."

"Qiu Yue, you killed that Dugu Sansha?" Shangguan Yifan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue nodded helplessly and said with a smile: "What's the matter, do you have any questions?"

"The Dugu Three Killers are the three major killers around the president of the poisonous country. It is really not easy for you to kill him! It is really embarrassing to our Chinese leader. Do you know that the three of them killed our Huaxia?" There are several secret agents in the country." Shangguan Yifan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Comrade Yifan, don't be so excited. You said you didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and you became so excited. By the way, how did you know about this?"

"How do I know? After the special police went to clear the road, they saw you fighting with three people on the side of the road. They are no strangers to the three people who fought with you. These three guys have been fired since they were fired by the president. Afterwards, they often came and went to our Huaxia Kingdom, killed many experts of Huaxia Kingdom, and several special policemen also died in their hands, and they have not been caught yet." Shangguan Yifan introduced.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "So that's the case?"

"Well, I saw where you are. You have now entered the border area. There is a county in front of you called Bianxian County. You go there to refuel and rest, and continue to set off." Shangguan Yifan said.

"But we haven't caught up with the big car of Xiongqi Company yet!" Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said: "When you go to Tuwujiao, there are drug dealers everywhere. When you go there to find out where Yixiongqi Company buys from, you still can't ask? Hahahahaha!"

Qiu Yue immediately realized it, and said with a laugh: "Oh, that's it, I understand!"

"Okay, I'm going to sleep. I was woken up by the special police force of Linzang City just now in the middle of the night. Let's talk about something tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, watching the car gradually drive into the area near the border, Qiu Yue suddenly found several sports cars chasing after him.

Qiu Yuexin said that it seems that his location is not far from those big cars, otherwise, why would there be a few sports cars rushing to catch up to stop him?

"Ling Feng, drive carefully, there are a few sports cars coming up from behind, and they seem to be heading towards us! It seems that there will be another speeding show?" Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng looked at the sports cars in the rearview mirror, they were really fast, and now that he had driven 180 miles, those cars kept approaching him.

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