my beauty fairy

Chapter 416 Don't Complain With You

Those three people were frightened by Qiu Yue's indifferent expression and fierce eyes, and they all got into the car in fright.

"Refueler, come out and refuel me!" Qiu Yue took out the cash.

"Hehe, don't bother with the three little kids, let's work hard and get out of here!" Qiu Yue said to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng nodded. After the car was refueled, when Qiuyue Lingfeng was about to go on the road, the three cars suddenly surrounded him and raised the alarm, "Does that little broken car in front think it's so easy to go? Let's go racing , whoever goes to the next gas station first wins, if you lose, hahaha, let us smash your little broken car, if you win, I will send you a 10 yuan ticket Fuel Card!"

"It's really boring, but it's good for them to get some gas fees after winning. It's too troublesome to reissue the gas card I just had." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

So Ling Feng got out of the car and got into the co-pilot, while Qiu Yue sat in the driver's seat.

"Oh, Qiuyue, I forgot to tell you, this button is the super acceleration, press the turbo to reach the maximum power, and the speed increases by 150 miles per second." Ling Feng lit a cigarette and handed it to Qiuyue and said.

Zhijian Qiuyue chuckled: "I said what is the function of this red button, so that's it. It seems that these little brats have to spend some money today haha."

"Let's go, let's show them, some brats who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth." Lingfeng said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Yes, are we walking?"

Talking about Qiuyue starting the car and slowly leaving the gas station, Qiu Yue said in his heart that it is not too far from here to the next gas station, but let them go there first, scare them from behind, and finally pass.

The two cars of Laborghini are really extraordinary. After starting, they shot out like arrows from the start to [-] mph in less than ten seconds. Cadillac was not built, and followed quickly behind, while Qiuyue's domestic car at the end.

I thought these cars would end the race obediently, but a Lamborghini and a Cadillac slowed down and occupied two lanes, forcing Qiu Yue to be unable to overtake.

At this time, the Lamborghini in the front has already rushed forward with full horsepower all the way. The maximum speed limit on this road is 150 mph, and the car in the front has already reached [-] mph very bravely.

"If we don't overtake, we will lose!" Qiu Yue braked for a while, and rushed towards the Lamborghini on the right sideways, and the Lamborghini also began to lean to the right. At this time, it happened to be turning right, Lin Han pressed the red button, and immediately This car is like lightning, it speeds up to 280 mph, and passes by Lamborghini like a phantom. It collided with another Cadillac, and the speed was too fast, and it rushed into the green belt on the side of the road.

Qiuyue's car was like a flash of lightning fast interspersed among the cars, and within half a minute he had arrived beside Lamborghini. Qiuyue began to slow down and reduced to 190 miles. The bad belly in Lamborghini saw Qiuyue Unbelievably catching up, he stomped the accelerator to the bottom and continued to rush forward. Seeing that he was about to reach the gas station, the Lamborghini made a drifting turn and rushed into the gas station, making a loud friction brake sound.

Qiuyue activated the accelerator, dashed into the gas station, braked and stopped directly in front of the Lamborghini.

The poor Lamborghini was obviously frightened by Qiuyue's speed, got out of the car and looked around Qiuyue's hatchback for a long time, and said: "How could it be so fast? It's so puzzling to me! This is not our Is it a domestic product in Huaxia? It’s actually faster than the cars in the Xiaobimei Country and the Dead Island Country! My day..."

Qiu Yue smiled, "My rich second-generation Mr., hand over the gas card?"

"Haha, since you won, I will give you a gas card. Isn't that worth tens of thousands of dollars? Is this money?" He took out a gas VIP card from his bag and threw it on the ground, spit and laughed : "The 10 yuan is yours!"

Suddenly Qiuyue's complexion became not very good-looking, he hated the rich second generation who came out arrogantly with their parents' money.

But if you think about it, it's better not to cause trouble, let's get out of the way.

"Oh, since it's been polluted by the sewage, I don't want it anymore. It's just a card worth tens of thousands of dollars. I didn't have it before. Now my car is still running well." Qiu Yue smiled and turned to get in the car.

Who knew that the rich second generation chased after him angrily, and shouted: "Your mother is next door! Tell me again that my saliva is sewage."

"Look at that card is polluted, isn't it sewage? Don't think that everyone loves money and dares to be arrogant in front of me." Qiu Yue said with a sneer.

The bad boy shouted: "Whoever picks up this VIP card and eats the saliva on it, this card will belong to you, and there is 10 yuan in it!"

Immediately, those car owners who drove less than 5 yuan rushed up to pick it up, but unexpectedly, the bad boy stepped on the card and said with a sneer, "See, squat under my feet!" All of them are dogs, all of them are money-hungry dogs."

Qiuyue was very angry when he saw this poor man insulting the personality of these people.

I just saw a Lexus [-] driving in, followed closely by two overbearing vehicles.

Qiu Yue controlled the poor man's thoughts, and saw that the poor man walked to the Lexus car, knocked on the door, and the window rolled down. The passenger sitting in the co-pilot was a very beautiful woman who looked like The appearance is extraordinary, the eyes are so cute when they blink!

I saw the poor man yelling at the driver of the Lexuser: "Is it your woman? I've got it, you can make a price!"

That Lexus man had a big dragon tattoo on his body. He looked at the poor man angrily. He got out of the car and waved his hands. The two cars behind him got on and off more than a dozen of them. Their heads were more than 1.8 meters five, and their bodies were muscular. man.

"What did you say?" the Lexus man said amusedly.It's been a long time since no one dared to mess with himself.

I saw Gao Weihuai arrogantly took out a large amount of banknotes from his wallet, and threw the Lexus man in the face, "Is this money enough for me to marry your woman? That Lamborghini belongs to me!" Open the door to pull the woman out of the car.

Qiu Yue retracted his thoughts at this moment.

I saw that Gao Weibei was suddenly a little dazed, looking at more than a dozen tall men around him, and all of them had tattoos and were all bald.

"What's the situation? Why are you surrounding me? Don't do anything. I have money in my hand. This card has 50 yuan!"

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