my beauty fairy

Chapter 417 Thought Control

"What's the matter, your mother is next door! You are looking for death, are you looking for trouble if you don't look at the license plate? Let's take off your thigh today, otherwise I will let you go back alive today!" The man revealed With a fierce expression on his face, the tall, rich and handsome man's legs trembled in fright.

That tall, rich and handsome man couldn't figure out what was going on, he remembered that he was playing with Qiuyue and the others just now, why did he run away here, and when he turned around, he saw Qiuyue and he looked at him with a smile and made a plan.

"Brother, brother, look at me, I'm weak, how could I touch my sister-in-law? It's all done by those two guys over there. They asked me to come over and tease my sister-in-law, saying that you are a bastard, and my sister-in-law is a bitch. I'm afraid they will beat you." I just came here, the two of them are very powerful, their fists are very hard, I say you guys are..." Gao Weihuai seemed afraid to continue talking.

I saw the big man showing a fierce expression and said: "Damn, how dare you go against me, say! What did he say!"

The poor man said that he could finally let go of the bad luck of having his legs chopped off, and said excitedly: "He said that he didn't take you seriously, and that he could destroy you with the flick of his little finger, saying that you are a waste , It’s fancy but not useful, and you’re still..." As he spoke, he stopped again.

I saw the man's furious punch punching the belly to the ground, shouting: "You fucker stop me and cut your tongue!"

"Yes, yes, yes, he said that you are a man of three seconds a night, that you vent on the bed counting to three times, and that you are impotent. Guang has a strong figure." The man knelt on the ground and cried. , just now arrogantly insulting people with money, now kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

Qiu Yue didn't hear what they said, so he didn't bother to take care of things and let Ling Feng get in the car.

But the group of people rushed up quickly, pushed Qiuyue to the ground, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, you dare to come here to play this game with me, old man!" Believe it or not, you can destroy it with just one finger?"

Hiding behind these hunks, the bad boy looked at Qiu Yue gloatingly.

"Who are you guys? I'm so scared. We're here to cheer, and we'll leave when we're done." Qiu Yue said flatly.At this moment, Qiu Yue's anger was suppressed.

Unexpectedly, the man pointed at Qiu Yue angrily and growled: "This guy said you ordered him to molested my wife, didn't you?"

"Please, brothers, what kind of car do I drive, what kind of car does this guy drive, he is a Lamborghini, and mine is a small broken car, how could I know him." Qiu Yue said innocently.Xin said that I didn't bother to argue with you just now, but if you dare to continue to be arrogant, today you can't eat and walk around.

The man threw the cake in front of Qiuyue like he was carrying a chicken.

"You actually use such a bad method to deal with me, let them beat me up, and see how I torture you!" Qiu Yue thought in his heart.

Qiuyue once again controlled the man's thoughts, only to see that Gao Weihuai immediately showed an arrogant expression on his face, and scolded angrily: "Damn, I just want to moles your wife, I will not be instructed by anyone!"

The Lexus man shouted angrily: "Hit me to death!"

After recovering his thoughts, Gao Weihuai looked around wonderingly and said, "What's going on, I was beaten crazily by them!" He was so frightened that he passed out again.

Qiu Yue smiled to express his helplessness, this big man really didn't seem to have a brain.

But just when Qiu Yue turned to leave, the big man shouted: "Stop, I let you go, just go, don't think you're okay, just run away without asking Lao Tzu for instructions, I will destroy you!"

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "It seems that you are really not ordinary arrogant. You actually rely on how much money you have and how many thugs you have to be arrogant everywhere?"

"I'm the toubob of the generation around here, haven't you heard of it?" the man shouted angrily.

Qiuyue was planning to let him go, but when he heard what kind of toubob he was, it seemed that he was also a victim here.

"Then do you often grab money and fight?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The man smiled arrogantly and said: "I run a casino, what do you care about him?"

Qiu Yue said with a sneer: "You make money from casinos, you earn money that is ignorant of your conscience, you can really say it."

The man stepped forward angrily, and punched Qiuyue hard on the nose.

Qiu Yue sneered, grabbed the man's fist, pulled back, stretched out his foot, and the man fell directly to the ground with gasoline rubbed on his face.

Seeing that their boss had been beaten, the big guys in the back rushed up angrily and prepared to fight Qiu Yue with all their might.

"What are you looking at, let me kill her!" The man lying on the ground shouted angrily.

I saw that the big men behind all pulled out a knife from their waists, rushed towards Qiu Yue and hacked angrily.

Qiu Yue smiled, turned to the right to avoid the big man's knife, and said with a smile: "Look behind you."

The big man turned around, Qiu Yue grabbed the big man's hand, and directly slashed at the man behind him with a knife, only to see a bloody gash in the chest of the man behind him.

"Teasing you!" Qiu Yue quickly controlled the thoughts of the man on the ground, and the man on the ground stood up and shouted: "You guys, this is all my money, you take it and share it! "

The men stopped moving for a moment, staring at the money in the big man's hand eagerly, not knowing what to do, curious why the boss wanted to distribute the money to them today.

"Boss, we..." Those few people stammered and looked at the big man, thinking they had done something wrong.

The big man smiled and said: "Take the money and share it today. You don't know that I still have a lot of money that I haven't disclosed to the outside world. Take it quickly, or I won't give you a penny in the future!"

Immediately, several people realized that the boss was not joking, and rushed up to shoot the big man's money.

After Qiuyue withdrew his thoughts, the big man angrily punched the man in front of him to the ground, and shouted: "You mothers are so badass, are you going to rebel? How dare you hit me for money, don't want to alive, right?"

Those men suddenly looked at me, I looked at you, looked at the boss curiously, and said in a stupid way: "Old, boss, didn't you ask us to share your money?"

"That's right, you told us to split the money, and you said that if you don't want to split the money, you won't give us any more money. That's what you just said!" Several men looked at this man in fear.

The man said angrily, "How can I say such things!"

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