my beauty fairy

Chapter 422

"Damn! Outburst of character? So beautiful!" Qiu Yue took a closer look, and there was a girl with a graceful figure standing in a very large wooden barrel. Of course it was the proprietress. The cherries, the shiny black hair, and the fair skin seem to be so tender that water can be squeezed out!

Suddenly, Qiuyue felt red liquid almost gushing out of his nose, so he quickly looked away, walked to the opposite step and sat down to light a cigarette.

"It's a sin, it's better not to peek." He took a deep breath of the cigarette and let it out slowly.

After smoking a cigarette, the excitement and arrogance in his chest weakened by three points.

At this time, the proprietress inside got dressed and came out.

The long black hair was tied up, the hair was slightly shiny and wet.A floral blouse, with two mountain peaks protruding upwards, makes people daydream.Wearing a pair of knee-length shorts underneath, her fair legs and jade feet looked even more alluring under the dim light of the night.

Suddenly Qiu Yue blushed, maybe because he had accidentally seen that scene just now, and seemed a little guilty.

"Big brother, you're awake. Just now I was going to ask you if you would like to eat, but when I heard your snoring getting louder, I didn't bother you." The simple and honest appearance of the proprietress made Qiu Yue feel a certain urge to break the law.

Qiu Yue didn't dare to look up at the proprietress, for fear that the second child below would suddenly get angry and let the proprietress see what it would be like.

"Oh, oh, we didn't sleep much last night, so we slept a little longer, you, you... oh, it's okay." Qiu Yue stammered.

Seeing Qiuyue's "delicate" appearance, the proprietress immediately burst out laughing.

"I took a shower just now. It's too hot. Can you pour the water out of the bucket with me? Usually, a guy in the store helps me. Today he went home. His mother is sick. " said the proprietress.

Qiu Yue nodded. In fact, he was not very willing in his heart. It wasn't that he didn't want to help, but that if two people were working together, his eyes accidentally saw something that shouldn't be seen, which would cause a series of surges and other troubles. .

But in the end Qiuyue still agreed, why can't he just say no?

"Okay, okay." Qiu Yue slowly stood up and followed behind the proprietress.

After entering the bathroom, the proprietress smiled and said, "This is the big bucket. Pour the water in the big bucket into those two buckets. You carry the big bucket, and I will carry the small bucket."

"No, there's no need, I'll just come alone!" Qiu Yue tried to avoid any positive contact with the proprietress.

Qiuyue picked up the big tub for bathing by himself and poured water into the two buckets, sweating profusely.

"Big brother, let me pour it with you. Look at you, you're sweating." Then he found a tissue and prepared to help Qiu Yue wipe it. Qiu Yue took a step back and smiled awkwardly: "Madam, don't worry." I just can't get used to the environment here for a while, your place is much hotter than ours, thank you!"

In fact, Qiu Yue was afraid that the moment the proprietress touched his forehead, he would point a gun at the proprietress, and that would be embarrassing.

Qiu Yue decisively picked up two buckets of water, and walked outside on his own.

The proprietress quickly caught up and walked in front with a smile, "Okay, okay, big brother, I'll show you the way." Although the proprietress was not wearing leggings, but because the proprietress's buttocks were really plump, they twisted and twisted. He glanced at Qiuyue's lower face, and suddenly rose up.

When pouring water, Qiu Yue tried his best to cover himself with the bucket, turned his head and left after pouring the water, but the proprietress ran up and said happily, "Thank you! I don't even know what to say."

When he finished speaking, he accidentally saw a huge monster under Qiuyue. It wasn't that the proprietress deliberately looked at it, but Lin Han was so big that he accidentally straightened up like a stick on his leg.

Immediately, the proprietress's face became extremely red, and she said in a panic: "Oh, I forgot that I have something to do, just put the bucket over there, and I will cook for you when your companion wakes up." He blushed in a panic and went upstairs.

Suddenly, Qiu Yue was extremely embarrassed, and his face flushed red.

"Damn it, what is this doing? It's too embarrassing. It's too embarrassing for me to act." Qiu Yue said to himself.

After putting the bucket away, I walked out of the bathroom, thinking that my heart is hot and my body is hot too, so let's find a small river or something to wash.

Qiu Yue trotted all the way out from the backyard, the door was locked, and Qiu Yue went straight through the wall.

After coming out, I walked straight down along a road, and after a while, I heard the sound of running water.

Immediately, Qiuyue felt that he had seen hope, and directly put his belongings under a big rock, and jumped into the small river.

After swimming in the small river and washing his body, he put on his clothes and slowly lit a cigarette and walked back. Qiu Yue thought about the embarrassing scene just now, it was really embarrassing.don't know what to do.

"Ding Ling Ling Ling!" Qiu Yue's cell phone rang.

"Hey, Qiuyue, where have you been? I asked the proprietress to cook, and she said you were in the yard just now!" Ling Feng said in a sleepy voice.

Qiu Yue smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, oh, I'm going back, the weather was too hot just now and I came out to take a shower."

"Oh, okay, Qiuyue, hurry up, the rice cooked tonight is so delicious, it makes my mouth water!" Ling Feng said excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Got it, I'll be there soon! Hahaha!" Qiu Yue laughed a few times to cover up his inner embarrassment.

He walked quickly to the backyard, and went directly through the wall into the courtyard.

Qiuyue walked nervously into the dining hall on the first floor.

"Qiuyue, you're here!" Ling Feng was eating alone, while the proprietress was cooking inside.

As soon as Qiu Yue saw the proprietress, her face turned red again.

Ling Feng smiled and said after seeing it: "Qiu Yue, what's the matter with your face, so red?"

At this moment, Qiu Yue wanted to go up and stick Ling Feng's broken mouth inside and out with tape.

"Ah? Is it red?" Qiu Yue pretended to touch his face and smiled, "It's because the weather is too hot!"

"Oh, I thought something was wrong with you, the hot weather wouldn't make you so popular!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Yue was speechless, completely speechless, and really wanted to throw a large piece of glue into Ling Feng's mouth to seal his mouth tightly.

Qiu Yue gritted his teeth with a smile and said, "Aren't you hungry? Eat quickly!" At the same time, his eyes widened.

Ling Feng didn't know the situation, so he lowered his head and said that there was something hidden, so hurry up and eat!

Qiu Yue looked at the proprietress in the kitchen, as if she didn't hear anything, and continued to tidy up things, Qiu Yue's little heart suddenly relaxed a little.

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