my beauty fairy

Chapter 423 Accidental Friendship

Qiuyue didn't speak, just focused on eating, Ling Feng didn't know what was going on, so he thought it better not to talk, is there someone watching here?

Qiu Yue didn't speak, and Ling Feng didn't dare to speak presumptuously, and the proprietress inside came out awkwardly after cleaning up, and said, "You guys eat first, I'll come and clean up in a while!"

Immediately, Qiu Yue blushed even more embarrassingly, his neck became thicker, and he bowed his head in embarrassment to eat and didn't care about anything.

Now Ling Feng found out the reason, with a smirk on his face, he said with a smile: "Oh, lady boss, you go to rest, we will clean up for you after eating, you haven't had a good rest all day long .”

The proprietress blushed and smiled and said, "Well, then you guys eat! I'm going to rest!"

After the proprietress left, Ling Feng looked at Qiu Yue with a smirk and said with a smile: "Qiu Yue, it seems that you bullied the proprietress again this time, right?"

Qiu Yue said with an innocent expression: "Ling Feng, what are you talking about, kid!"

"That's right. Just now you and the proprietress were blush like pulling that monkey's butt at the same time. Now, your expression has recovered extremely calm. Tell me you are not having an affair with the proprietress. What is it?" Ling Feng looked puzzled. Said with a confident look.

Qiu Yue suddenly felt helpless, lit a cigarette, waved his hand and said, "Things are not what you imagined!"

"What's that like? Uh, no, why am I like a little woman questioning her boyfriend, sin, sin!" Ling Feng sighed speechlessly.

Qiu Yue laughed out loud and said, "Don't insult my reputation, I really didn't have an affair with her this time, it's just, it's just..."

"Haha, it's just what? It doesn't look good at first glance!" Ling Feng put the rice into his mouth by himself.

Qiu Yue said slowly: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with us. I was just looking for a place to take a bath in the courtyard, but when I heard the sound of running water in the opposite room, I thought it was a well or something, so I took a look and found The proprietress was taking a bath inside, I quickly looked away, because my second child was a little disobedient, so I calmed down in the yard for a while, but just after I calmed down, the proprietress came out, and asked me to pour the water for her after seeing me. It doesn't matter, but what is so-called is that she accidentally saw my dick's tall and straight figure after pouring the water, and her face turned red immediately, and I was also embarrassed by it, so tell me who is to blame for it!"

"Um, this is really exciting, why haven't I had such an affair?" Ling Feng looked at Qiu Yue innocently.

Qiu Yue knew that he was mocking himself, so he glanced at Ling Feng and ignored him. He finished the remaining half bowl of rice, took a bottle of beer from the counter, and sat in the yard to drink it.

Ling Feng took a bottle and followed suit.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "You drink anyway, you are speechless, don't always follow the trend, okay?"

"I just followed suit! What to do!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Yue said: "Then you'd better not get drunk. We have to investigate later. They don't act during the day and only trade at night. We can only be night owls."

"Well, I know. Qiuyue, let me ask you a question!" Ling Feng laughed.

Qiu Yue took a sip of wine and said, "What's the problem?"

"Tell me about the figure of the proprietress? You feasted your eyes just now, so let me flirt too?" Ling Feng squinted at Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue said angrily: "Damn it. Your sister! I thought you were going to ask some serious question. I refuse to answer this question!"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard! Well, I don't bother to ask about the matter between you and the proprietress, but if you can handle her, it's considered awesome." Ling Feng said with a grin.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "What are you doing? Now we are so embarrassed that we don't even talk, but still doing it! Think about how to fix Xiongqi's drug processing factory. I don't know what issues to think about every day!"

Ling Feng also smiled and said, "Okay, I won't 'flirt' with you anymore, let's discuss the business, Qiu Yue. What do you think?"

"Well, I don't know yet, and I haven't come up with any good tricks. When looking for tricks and tricks to control the enemy, at least we have to know them, right?" Qiu Yue said after taking a sip of wine.

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "I'll go back and get some equipment, and I'll be down right away!"

Qiuyue nodded, although Qiuyue didn't seem to care about what happened with the proprietress just now at night, but he was still very embarrassed in his heart. If Ling Feng is asked to inquire, this idiot Ling Feng can even reveal his identity if he leaks his mouth!

I just said that I really can't do it, let's change to another house tomorrow, lest I can't complete this task in a day or two, and I'm here every day when I look down and don't look up, I'm blushing and embarrassed, like what's going on, it's not two pure young girls and boys , really depressed!

So Qiu Yue stood up and walked slowly to the wall, waiting for Ling Feng, and said in his heart to do the business first, let's talk about the rest later!

Not long after, Ling Feng came out, ran a few steps to Qiuyue's side, and said mysteriously: "The proprietress hasn't slept yet, it seems that she has insomnia, and she is attracted to you? Hehehehe!"

"I'll warn you one last time. If you don't care about my affairs, I will apply for a replacement partner with the organization. You should know that I can apply." Qiu Yue said harsh words directly, and Ling Feng shut up obediently, and said with a smile, "Okay Okay, I'm not kidding anymore, serious, can't it be serious, haha!"

Qiu Yue looked helplessly at Ling Feng, turned around and went out through the wall.

Ling Feng shouted inside: "Qiuyue, the gate is locked, wait for me, I have to climb over the wall!"

"Then turn it over!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The walls here are very high, and there are pieces of glass inserted everywhere on the walls. It is not easy to climb over the wall, and there is not even a place to set your hands on it, let alone climb over it.

Ling Feng cried, "Look at Qiuyue, it's all glass, you can't abandon me like this! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Immediately, Qiuyue was amused by Ling Feng, so he walked in, grabbed Ling Feng and threw him out, only to see Ling Feng turned over, stood firmly outside the wall, and said with a smile: "My Qiuyue is still interesting, Ha ha ha ha!"

"Give me a tiny earphone. At present, we don't know where they trade or where the factory is. The people here are very united, and they will stick together when they encounter anything. I don't think they will say even if we ask them, and they will even tell them all. We are enemies, so we can only rely on our own strength to investigate!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Ling Feng handed Qiu Yue an earphone and put it on himself.

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