my beauty fairy

Chapter 444 Protection Fee

The two chatted for a while, and Qiu Yue asked, "Did Shangguan Yifan call you?"

"Hey, the guy who said he would bring props to us was waiting for us near Heyang Village around [-]:[-] p.m. What's going on?" Ling Feng asked puzzled.

Qiu Yue said: "When you were sleeping, I got in touch with Shangguan Yifan. I will play Brother Long and you will play Brother Long's younger brother. Let's go to Brother Long to find out something. After we figure out the situation, Then pretend that Brother Long wants to go abroad for a few days, and then we pretend to be abroad, so there is no need to pretend anymore."

"Oh, this matter is quite difficult, what about Miss Dong?" Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "I agreed with her father, I'll be there in four days, I don't care about them these two days, we must find out something in these four days."

"Then what if we can't find out?" Ling Feng asked.

"If we can't find out, we will also withdraw. Dong Xuanyuan has a lot of connections, and we should be able to do an investigation with them." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng stood up and said, "Then let's set off now, it will be six o'clock soon."

"Well, let's go!" Qiuyue took his mobile phone, and even Yali Wu.

"Which car?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue pointed to his car and said, "We drive our own car, we can't drive a Mercedes-Benz, so as not to be seen by the Dong family and cause unnecessary trouble."

"Okay, get in the car!" Ling Feng got into the car.

Ling Feng started the car, and Qiu Yue got into the car.

Along the way, Qiuyue thought about these recent things in his mind, and had to plan carefully. Now Dong Xuanyuan has completely disrupted the plan, but Dong Xuanyuan is such a powerful force, it is very good to rely on Dong Xuanyuan here .

After more than ten minutes, the car stopped at a location designated on the map.

Qiu Yue got out of the car, sat on the lawn by the side of the road, and lit a cigarette.

Ling Feng also sat on the side and lit a cigarette and said: "These guys, they said it's six o'clock, what time is it, and they haven't come yet, their conscience is really broken."

"We can't blame them. They are not familiar with the terrain here. They must have done a survey nearby before they dared to come here. This matter involves Brother Long's backstage, not ordinary people!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng listened too, nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. Then let's wait a little longer!"

The two of them were chatting, when there was the sound of a car, from far to near, they came to Qiuyue's car and stopped.

Qiu Yue took a closer look and it was a commercial vehicle, a Ford commercial vehicle.The car is very spacious inside.

After getting into the car, there were two very beautiful makeup artists sitting in it, and there was a man beside him.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of investigations in the border area, and I want to talk to you," the man said.

Qiu Yue nodded, and then the two makeup artists got out of the car.

The person in charge took out two mobile phones from the bag, one belonged to Brother Long and the other belonged to Brother Long's younger brother.There is still a pile of information.

Qiu Yue opened it carefully, and there were some numbers, and then the information of the people behind. Qiu Yue carefully flipped through a few pages, "Damn, there are so many people, can I remember this? It seems that this professional undercover and non-professional Professionalism is incomparable!"

The man smiled and said, "It may be a bit difficult, but I think if you remember all these carefully, you should have no problem."

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "I don't have any major problems. I have a good memory, but I know something about these people, but it's not easy to pretend how they usually chat with each other. One person has one habit."

"This can only be understood by you slowly, and we can't provide this information." The man said.

"Okay, then let the makeup artist come up and teach us how to use these props." Qiu Yue said.

The man waved his hand, and two makeup artists came over and took out the contents of the bag, two human skin masks, and a human skin belly cover. Qiu Yue took off his coat, revealing his shirtless arms.

The make-up artist pasted the skin that simulated the human body on Qiuyue's stomach, put on the headgear, and then put on the clothes that Brother Long wore before he was arrested.

As soon as Ling Feng got into the car, he stepped on the air and fell to Ying Tian, ​​with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Isn't it? What's wrong with you? Am I exactly the same as Brother Long?"

"I took the test, and it's not just the same, you are Brother Long!" Ling Feng shouted in shock.

"Come on, give me the mirror!" Qiu Yue took a look at Chad in the mirror, and even he was taken aback.

Qiu Yue said excitedly: "I passed the exam, is this still me? I am simply Brother Long!"

"Quick, quick, take it for me too, I'll see what I look like after I've transformed." Ling Feng took off his shirt excitedly.

"Are these man-made things easy to fall off?" Qiu Yue asked.

The two makeup artists said with a smile: "It can't fall off, but once other people touch your place, they must have a proper reaction, otherwise they will be suspicious. As for the feeling and so on, it is different from real people." It is exactly the same, and it is not easy to fall off, so you can rest assured."

After a while, Ling Feng also changed his appearance, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng pointed at each other and laughed.

"By the way, I feel like I'm missing something!" Qiu Yue suddenly felt what was missing, but couldn't think of it all at once.

Ling Feng nodded and said, "I also feel that something is wrong!"

At this time, the person in charge laughed and said, "That's because your voices haven't been imitated."

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng came to their senses and laughed.

At this time, the person in charge took out two sets of sound simulation equipment, which were two small cylinders the size of teeth, which were put on the teeth.

"This is put on your teeth. They will control your tongue height and front-to-back distance, but it won't help you whatever you want to say!" The person in charge laughed.

Qiu Yue asked: "Can I only imitate Brother Long's? What if I want to imitate someone else's voice?"

"Only Brother Long's voice is imported, and there are no others for the time being. What's more, if you make too much of it, your voice will be messed up, won't it?" the person in charge laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded half-understanding and said, "Well, it's really good, it's a good thing!"

Ling Feng brought the voice simulator to his teeth, and his voice changed immediately, and his speaking voice was different from before.

At this time, Qiuyue also changed into Brother Long's appearance, and Brother Long's voice said, "I'll collect the protection fee, sir, quickly give the money to grandpa!"

It immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter.

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