my beauty fairy

Chapter 445

Ling Feng said: "Hahaha, big brother, Yun Lianhua's protection fee is confiscated, let's collect Yun Lianhua's protection fee!"

"En, good idea, by the way, what's my little brother's name?" Qiu Yue turned around and asked, leaving several people speechless.

The person in charge chuckled and said, "It's not very nice, but it's very simple, stupid!"

Immediately Ling Feng stayed there, anxiously said: "Isn't it? I'm a fool?"

"Yeah, you're called Erlianzi, and Brother Long's younger brother is called Erlianzi." The person in charge laughed.

Ling Feng suddenly lost his usual smile, and said sadly: "I used to think that it was easy to be an undercover agent, but now, I realize that being an undercover agent is really difficult, really difficult!"

"Hahaha, Ling Feng, just bear with it!" Qiu Yue said with a smile, "I'll tell you to get used to it first! Idiot?"

"Yes, Brother Long!" Ling Feng said listlessly.

Qiu Yue sat in the car and laughed, when Shangguan Yifan called, Qiu Yue answered with a smile, "Shangguan Yifan, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I heard you have handed over?" Shangguan Yifan also laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Yes, hehe, Ling Feng played the role of a fool, and now Ling Feng is playing the role of a fool!"

"Oh, don't be sad, don't cry, happy days will come." Shangguan Yifan immediately chanted.

"Hehe, I'm going to Brother Long's house tonight to see what's going on there." Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said: "According to the information, that Brother Long has several women. I'm afraid you won't be able to take it tonight!"

"Cut, I can't take it anymore. I can handle ten or eight, let alone a few!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Shangguan Yifan sighed and said: "You must be careful when you go, don't reveal your identity, or the two of you will be in trouble. I will put the special police team on standby 24 hours a day. If there is any situation at any time, you can just call here gone."

"Well, I see. Are you entering menopause? It's true that I advise you to go to the vegetable market as soon as possible. With so many words, I am speechless with Lori's rambunctiousness." Qiu Yue complained.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said: "You kid dare to call the team leader, be careful I will cancel your next mission when I come back!"

As soon as Qiuyue remembered that the next task was to escort the princess from the south to the north, he became interested and said with a smile: "Ah, grandpa, didn't I just finish laughing with you? It's not like you can't hear it, okay , you go about your business, I won't bother you!"

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yue patted Ling Feng, sighed and said, "Maybe the good show is yet to come, don't be sad, don't cry, happy days are coming."

"Okay Brother Qiu, can you stop shoveling me, let's go back quickly, so as not to be found here." Ling Feng said with a sigh.

Qiuyue nodded, and the person in charge said mysteriously: "There are reports that a group of Dongyang middle-levels endured and entered the Tuwujiao area. The economic losses you caused to Dongyang last time may not be able to save them this year. Come back, you must be careful, this time it is the Chunin."

After hearing what the person in charge said, Qiu Yue was also shocked, and said: "Isn't it? Chunin, it's too scary. I think I'd better find a place to hide quickly. With my current skills, I can't deal with one or two of them." What, another batch came?"

"But you don't have to be too scared. They came here not only for you, but also for their own sake." The person in charge said seriously.

Qiu Yue asked curiously: "Xiong Qi? What's the matter with Guan Xiongqi?"

"Since Dongyang Kingdom was destroyed by you, Xiongqi has always been suspected by Dongyang Kingdom of their high density, so mutual suspicion comes and goes. In the end, the two sides can no longer get along. **Reported it, and Dong Yangguo decided to crack down on Xiongqi’s drug trade in the Wujiao area. You must know that 40.00% of Xiongqi’s annual funds come from the drug business, so once the drug business collapses, then Xiongqi will definitely fail. .” The person in charge said seriously.

"Oh, then this matter is really much easier to handle. After we settle this matter, we can push it to Xiongqi. At that time, Xiongqi and Dongyang Kingdom will become more and more tense, which will have a great impact on our rectification of Xiongqi. Great gang leader!" Qiu Yue said excitedly.

Ling Feng also said excitedly: "Then I still have to play the role of Brother Long's younger brother?"

All the people on the brushed car looked at Ling Feng together, and said in unison: "Of course it is used!"

Ling Feng got out of the car helplessly. "Looking at this land that makes me sad and disappoints me, my heart is filled with pain, pain!"

"Hahaha, well, it's time for us to go back, so don't be hurt." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Ling Feng turned around, and after saying goodbye to the person in charge, the two people drove out of the path on both sides.Qiu Yue and Ling Feng rushed to Yun Lianhua's house.On the way, Qiuyue picked up all the props, so as not to scare Yun Lianhua later and cause trouble.

It was night in a while, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng went upstairs, Yun Lianhua also followed, and asked: "Qiu Yue, have you eaten yet?"

"No! Let's stew some bones today. I'll go and buy some bones and stew them." Qiu Yue packed up his things and went downstairs with Yun Lianhua while Ling Feng was looking at information about Brother Long. .

Yun Lianhua smiled and said, "Why do you think of eating bones today?"

"There are no bones in our store. I haven't eaten for several days since I came here. I'm so hungry." Qiu Yuexin said that I have a date with the Tibetan mastiff tonight. We belong to humans and beasts!

"Okay, then I'll go prepare the materials, and you can buy them at the canteen over there." Yun Lianhua said with a happy smile.

Qiu Yue strode towards the canteen, and after buying the meat, he came back to help Yun Lianhua, and the bones were stewed in a short while.

"Okay, we will be able to eat delicious braised bones in four or ten minutes!" Yun Lianhua smiled happily.

Qiu Yue nodded, but he was thinking that a person like Brother Long must seldom go home every day, and most of the time he was fooling around outside, so he thought that it would not be too late to go back after dinner and a date with the Tibetan mastiff!

After more than 40 minutes, the meal was ready, Qiu Yue ate the delicious meal, Ling Feng still seemed not very happy because of the name, but it was obviously much better than before.

"Have you done all your equipment and make-up? If Brother Long doesn't come home tonight, he will be discovered tomorrow morning." Yun Lianhua worried.

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