my beauty fairy

Chapter 446 A Surprise for You

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Let's eat first, and I'll give you a surprise after the meal."

Immediately, Ling Feng also smiled mysteriously, and began to eat with big mouthfuls.

"The two of you don't know what kind of mystery you are playing!" Yun Lianhua let out a coquettish voice, and started eating on her own.

After a while, Qiuyue said, "Lianhua, clean up first, we're going up!"

"Go, go! I can do it alone!" Yun Lianhua said.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng entered the room and took out the props.

"Brother Qiu, you said that we will pretend to be Brother Long and his little brother later, will you startle Lianhua?" Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue said with a mysterious smile: "I think I will definitely be terribly frightened, but who knows, let's try it?"

"Try it! Hehe!" Ling Feng laughed.

The two changed the props, put on the headgear, and the sound simulator, and everything was ready.

"We're off! Brother Long!" Ling Feng laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said arrogantly: "You idiot, follow the uncle downstairs!"

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng went downstairs, Yun Lianhua thought they were going to do something boring again, so she cleared the table without raising her head and said, "Don't worry..."

When I looked up, I was startled suddenly, and shouted: "Isn't it? You, you..."

Ling Feng and Qiu Yue cooperated, "Come on, Yun Lianhua'er, call the protection fee for the uncle, or the uncle will punish you on the spot today!" Qiu Yue was the first to bear the brunt and ran down the stairs arrogantly.

Ling Feng agreed, "If you don't pay, I will let my elder brother feel comfortable!"

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng acted so realistically that Yun Lianhua really thought they had climbed in from the roof, and screamed: "Aren't you in prison? Qiu Yue! Ling Feng! Help!"

"No, it's so realistic, let's replace it quickly!" Qiu Yue said anxiously.

He took off the props and braces, and shouted: "Lotus, it's me, it's me, we are wearing props!"

After hearing Qiuyue's words, Yun Lianhua dared to raise her head to look at Qiuyue and Ling Feng, and said in a daze, "No way, it really looks like that, like Brother Long and his little brother are here?" Yun Lianhua's tone was full of tears, it seemed that she had been bullied by those bad guys before.

Qiu Yue lightly patted Yun Lianhua's shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay! Okay, sit down."

Ling Feng also took it off and said with a smile: "Sister Lianhua, you didn't believe it at first, but look at it now? Are our props in place? You think we are real, don't you?"

Yun Lianhua couldn't deny this point, and said with a smile: "Well, yes, it's too true, I thought you two were Brother Long and the others, who came out of prison and came back to take revenge on us."

Qiu Yue said with a chuckle: "Okay, Lianhua, you can go to rest after packing up, we're going back to the room, there are still things to discuss, we'll go to Brother Long's house later."

Yun Lianhua nodded and said: "Then you must be careful, this is the key to the backyard door. After you go out, lock the door for me, so that you don't have to go through the wall one by one! There is a car today, and it seems that you can't get out. !"

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng laughed, and when they went upstairs, Qiu Yue asked Ling Feng to bring all kinds of props directly.

Ling Feng asked curiously, "Brother Qiu, why didn't you bring these props?"

"What am I doing with it? Don't use your brain. It was me and the Tibetan mastiff who agreed to meet at night, not Brother Long, you idiot!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Ling Feng scratched his head and smiled, "Oh, yes! Hehehehe!"

"Then where will I wait for you later?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue pointed to the map near Brother Long's house and said, "You wait here for me. After I chat with the Tibetan mastiff, I will go back. Tibetan mastiffs can't lie. I can find out something."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Ling Feng picked up the key.

Qiu Yue snatched the key away, and complained bitterly: "Please, Ling Feng, use your brain before being impulsive, you are Brother Long's younger brother, and I am Brother Long, we don't drive two hatchbacks, okay? How do you explain driving this car back?"

"Oh, brother Qiu, I'm sorry, since I'm with you, I don't bother to think about things. Anyway, you are so smart, so you should remind me of many things!" Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue nodded and said helplessly: "I see, you are really a top talent. I'll go first!"

Qiu Yue came out directly from the backyard, trotted all the way to the place agreed with the Tibetan mastiff, and saw that the Tibetan mastiff was already waiting there.

"Brother Tibetan Mastiff, you're here so early?" Qiu Yue laughed.

Seeing the delicious stewed bone in Qiuyue's hand, the Tibetan mastiff excitedly said: "Can you come earlier? Look at what you have in your hand. It's so hot that I'm so hungry!"

"Oh oh oh, then you can eat first, and then chat with me when you are full!" Qiu Yue put the bone in his hand on a flat stone.

The Tibetan mastiff has a big appetite, so he ate up such a big bag, and said excitedly: "My boy, it's interesting. It's the first time I've seen such an interesting person in so many years. Let's make a vow?"

Qiuyue was dumbfounded when he heard this, and quickly explained: "Brother Tibetan Mastiff, we are good friends, as close as brothers, only those hypocrites who don't have brothers in their hearts make excuses, on the surface they ask for help, but in reality they don't know what they think. So Brother Tibetan Mastiff, listen to me, as long as we have each other in our hearts and treat each other as good brothers, everything will be fine!"

In fact, Qiuyue thought in his heart that if he befriends you, I will not be able to hang out anymore, and I will be sprayed to death!

Of course, Tibetan Mastiff’s thinking is not as good as that of human beings, so he laughed and said: “My brother, what you said is very true, yes, yes, it’s good if you and I look at each other quietly. With me, it is true to have you in my heart."

"Brother, are you male? Are you male?" Qiu Yue hurriedly asked, hearing the words from the Tibetan mastiff, it didn't look like it was between brothers, it was more like between the opposite sex.

"Of course, or we will call you brothers and sisters!" Tibetan Mastiff said with a smile.

Qiu Yue wiped the sweat from his head, and felt relieved: "Then don't worry, Brother Tibetan Mastiff, let's talk about the business as soon as possible, as long as I have you as a brother in my heart, don't continue talking."

"Oh my god, it's a good thing they are of the same sex, but there is also the possibility of being chrysanthemum-exploded, so let's hurry up and finish talking!" Qiu Yue thought nervously.

"Tell me what you want to talk about, brother will accompany you!" Tibetan Mastiff laughed.

Qiu Yue asked, "Do you know Brother Long?"

"You must know, Heyang Village is a tyrant!" The Tibetan Mastiff laughed.

Qiu Yue wiped off his sweat and said, "What kind of car does he usually drive?"

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