my beauty fairy

Chapter 447

I only heard the Tibetan Mastiff say: "I don't know the name of that car, but I can draw what the logo of that car looks like!"

"Okay, then you can draw!" Qiu Yue nodded and said.

After sitting on the ground, the Tibetan Mastiff drew a figure, which was a car with Ford logo.

Qiu Yue immediately understood it at a glance, and said with a smile: "Brother Tibetan Mastiff, I know, this car is a car with a Ford logo."

"Oh, that's all you need to know, haha, if there's anything else you don't know, I'll tell you slowly!" The Tibetan mastiff said with a smile.

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said, "That's roughly what time does he usually go home?"

"I don't know what time it is every day, but many times I saw him go to the west village at such a late hour. There are entertainment places there, and he often goes there to play." Tibetan Mastiff said.

"Oh, I see. Does he usually speak aggressively?" Qiu Yue asked.

The Tibetan Mastiff nodded and said, "There seems to be no one in Heyang Village that he is afraid of, but there is one person that he is very afraid of!"

"Who?" Qiu Yue asked curiously.

The Tibetan Mastiff smiled and said: "That's his wife, he is very afraid of her, and when he sees his wife on weekdays, he looks like a pug, what's the matter with my wife."

"What's his wife's name?" Qiu Yue asked.

The Tibetan mastiff said mysteriously: "Wen Yu'er, he usually calls his wife Yu'er, or Mrs. Wife."

"What does his wife look like? Didn't he have several women?" Qiu Yue asked curiously.

The Tibetan mastiff nodded and said: "Yes, but you know, the main house is only his wife, and everyone else is fooling around, does he dare to take it home? Heal his wife, there is a small black spot on the chin, but it is very She has her own characteristics, but even so, she can be regarded as a coquettish beauty. On weekdays, many of our Tibetan Mastiff and Heibei brothers want to play with his wife. "

"No way, Brother Long lived such a tragic life that even Tibetan mastiffs want to cuckold him? What a tragedy, the sorrow of a man!" Qiu Yue laughed heartily, this Tibetan mastiff is really interesting.

"Oh, it seems that Brother Long's wife is also that top-notch beauty?" Qiu Yue secretly smiled.

Tibetan Mastiff saw that Qiuyue was lost in thought, so he said: "What are you thinking, kid? Is there anything to do with asking so many questions?"

Qiu Yue sighed and said, "I just inquired to see how powerful this Brother Long is. He usually bullies us."

The Tibetan mastiff nodded and said, "It's so pitiful. I'll teach her whether to use it or not when I see Brother Long in the future."

"Farewell, big brother Tibetan Mastiff, we just need to keep the well and the river. There is no need to teach her!" Qiu Yue smiled and nodded.

Then the Tibetan mastiff calmed down and said: "Okay, then I'm going to leave first brother, I'll come see you when I have time!"

"Well, okay, then I'll go back first!" Qiu Yue and Tibetan Mastiff waved their hands and said.

When Qiuyue came back, he was full of thoughts along the way, thinking that he would have to sleep in the same bed with Brother Long's wife tonight, but it was not because he was afraid of being raped by Brother Long's wife. Brother Long's wife was a beautiful woman, and she was really raped It's not a loss, but the problem is that two people who have never met before, it would be a bit strange if they really go to bed!

"Forget it, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain, if there is no way, I will dedicate myself to it! I sacrificed myself for the party and the people! Hahaha!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Qiu Yue followed the route to Brother Long's house in his mind, and came to the place agreed with Ling Feng near Brother Long's house.

After arriving, Qiuyue saw a black shadow standing on the tree, it wasn't Ling Feng, Qiuyue was speechless, this guy, he's hiding in the tree for nothing, you are Brother Long's younger brother, are you near Brother Long's house? Hiding around, speechless.

Qiu Yue whispered, "Ling Feng, we're leaving!"

Ling Feng nodded, and gently climbed down from the tree.

"Shall we go in now?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiu Yue nodded. The courtyard of Ling Feng's house is very large and well decorated, like a small park with a big building inside, maybe like a villa?

There were two rows of bodyguards standing at the door, all dressed in uniform, all in black, standing upright, wearing black sunglasses, looking out of the door straight and indifferent, after Qiu Yue changed his props and appeared, the bodyguards immediately came up to please Qiu Yue , "Brother Long, are you back?"

Qiu Yuexin said that Brother Long had a good life in his daily life, damn it, so many people came and shouted every day.

Qiu Yue shouted, "You idiot, put away the clothes for the uncle, hurry up." Qiu Yue showed an arrogant look, not to mention that none of the people present had doubts.

Ling Feng hurried up and shouted: "Yes, yes, Brother Long, I'll take it."

After Ling Feng took the gown, he saw a glamorous and beautiful woman approaching from the opposite side, Qiu Yue started to panic, who is this, brother Long's sister?Sister, eldest sister?Second sister?God what relatives!

"No way, who is this? If you don't recognize it, you're screwed, have you revealed your secrets!" Qiu Yue thought in panic, Ling Feng was a little funny seeing Qiu Yue's panic-stricken look.

At this time, the woman with a little black spot on her chin came out. Qiu Yue said, call your wife first. When you have Brother Long’s wife, the woman in front of you will definitely be jealous and say that Brother Long only cares about his wife and doesn’t care about himself. something.

By the way, I forgot to introduce, Brother Long's surname is Huang, Huang Feilong.The Huang family is insignificant in the whole area of ​​Tuwujiao, but they can still talk in Heyang Village. His father is the village chief of Heyang Village. Brother Long was doing evil outside.

Qiuyue shouted: "Yu'er! Miss me!"

I saw Brother Long's wife running over like flying, grabbed Qiuyue's ear and shouted: "This guy, if you don't go home for a day, is there any wild flowers outside? Tell me the truth!"

When he picked up Qiuyue and walked in, he saw the glamorous woman Qiuyue saw just now, so he softened his voice a lot and shouted: "Mom, Feilong hasn't been home for several days, I think there are wild flowers and don't want me Now, don't worry about it tonight, I want to deal with him according to the family law!"

Qiu Yuexin said that I passed the exam, and that glamorous woman is Brother Long and his mother?So young?

But when his ears hurt, Long Ge's wife pulled Qiu Yue into the house, and Qiu Yue pretended to be Long Ge's tone and shouted: "Mom, save me, I will die today!"

The glamorous and beautiful woman sneered: "Your boy, only your wife can cure you. Today, my mother can only prepare an ambulance for you outside."

But after returning home, Brother Long's wife pushed Qiu Yue onto the bed, climbed up limply, and said shyly, "Honey, you are finally back, I miss you so much!" Qiu Yue looked at Brother Long's wife in front of him. Those two big white rabbits are so eye-catching!

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