my beauty fairy

Chapter 448 Forced

Suddenly Qiu Yue was stunned, he hadn't been pushed down on the bed so proactively yet, and he couldn't struggle yet.

Just look at Wen Yu'er's delicate features, her eyes full of affection, her eyes blinking and blinking as if she could talk are extremely attractive, her mouth is wiping a touch of lipstick, and she leans on Qiu Yue's body and smiles charmingly.

Qiuyue looked at the chest being squeezed and fell out of two immature big steamed buns. The breasts are so deep, which makes people daydream, and Wen Yuer has a faint fragrance, which makes people feel depressed, especially the two big honeys. Gua lay on Qiuyue's body and pressed Qiuyue down comfortably, full of elasticity.It's beyond words.

"Honey, I haven't seen you for two or three days, don't you miss me?" Wen Yu'er looked at Qiu Yue affectionately, and gently moved her hand down.

Qiu Yue really panicked this time. Although he said he likes beautiful women, he has no feelings at all, and it can't even be regarded as acquaintance. It would be strange if he was forced like this.

"No, ah, yes, uh, that, I didn't!" Qiu Yue was about to stammer when he found that his two bullets were pinched by Wen Yu'er, and Qiu Yue stared The eyes looked at Wen Yuer.

Wen Yu'er sneered and said: "I once said that if you come back and I ask you to have sex with me, if you don't obey, I will crush these two balls for you. Are you still not Believe it?"

"I passed the exam, isn't it, this bitch, is she so cruel? Don't let these bastards accidentally crush my baby, not to mention that I came to play Brother Long, just for the sake of a play** *Taking the second child out of consideration and being crushed by you, how can I mess around in the future!" Qiu Yue said heartily.

Qiuyue smiled and said: "My wife, didn't I just come back and I was covered in a smell of dirt outside, what I mean is that I'm going to take a bath and come back, otherwise you said that you will mess with your clean body How bad is it being dirty, don’t you think?”

Qiuyue's words seemed to have some effect.

Seeing that Wen Yu'er had stopped talking, Qiu Yue took advantage of the victory to pursue him, and said with a smile, "Otherwise, if you say that I smell so bad, do you have a dick?"

Wen Yu'er seemed to have some sense in listening to Qiu Yue's words, so she also nodded and said: "Okay, let's listen to you, you are right, but we have to go together!"

Forehead!what? What!I'm crazy!

Qiu Yue wanted to resist but couldn't, because Brother Long was not a person who dared to fight against his wife in life, not to mention that if he resisted himself, if his wife suspected him, it would be really troublesome!

"Okay, then, let's go! Let's take a bath together!" Qiu Yue suddenly became listless.

But Wen Yuer was extremely happy, Qiu Yuexin said that this Wen Yuer is not a fuel-efficient lamp, maybe Long Ge has already worn dozens of green hats on his head and hundreds of them.

In fact, it's not that women don't cheat, but they don't have the intention to cheat. If a woman wants to cheat, it's extremely easy, because it's not easy for a man to find a woman in life, but it's extremely easy for a woman to find a man to mess with herself.

So once a woman has figured it out, or if she has thought about it, it is very likely that 30.00% of Brother Long's buddies are his former cuckold players when he goes out.

"Hurry up, husband, hurry up!" As he said that, he put his foot on Qiuyue's body, and Qiuyue hurriedly followed him to the bathroom. It's not that Qiuyue didn't want to leave quickly, but that Qiuyue didn't Knowing where the bathroom is, if you go the wrong way, you will be suspected, so Qiu Yue has always kept in mind the words of being careful when sailing for thousands of years.

"Oh, okay, I'm here right now!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Walking into the bathroom, Wen Yuer threw her pajamas aside, revealing a curvaceous and extremely sexy figure with a very thin waist and a delicate rose tattooed on her back. Qiuyue finally understands why people say that women are made of water. This Wen Yuer is so tender that water can be squeezed out, and the two yurts on her chest are so huge, white and immature, Brother Long didn't develop it very well, so the two cherries are still pink and tender, making people want to keep them in their mouths.

For a moment Qiu Yue was stunned.A little overwhelmed.

"Husband, what's the matter, come in quickly!" Qiuyue was dragged in by Wen Yu'er. Don't look at this Wen Yu'er who looks delicate and weak, but actually this Wen Yu'er is very strong. Qiu Yue suspected that this woman had practiced several times, otherwise how could she be so strong.

Qiuyue's heart was already in a mess, but in fact he still acted extremely calm, and said with a smile, "I'm coming here right now. How can I not be tempted to see such a beautiful body of my wife!"

Qiuyue turned it on and drenched in the rain. Against the faint background of the water droplets, Wen Yuer's figure was even more beautiful. A touch of beauty is just a touch of beauty.

"Do you know that your body is so beautiful that you can't breathe!" Qiuyue looked at Wen Yu'er passionately, and said to herself that she had to take the initiative, and she would be in trouble if Wen Yu'er was suspicious of blind humility.

Brother Long is usually so afraid of his wife, he must have risked his life to be with his wife when she wanted it.

So Qiuyue hugged Wen Yu'er lightly, regardless of whether he felt strange or not, he should punish Brother Long and wear an extra hat for Brother Long, besides, Brother Long is probably used to wearing a hat belt That's it.

Wen Yuer's body is very smooth and delicate, and the delicate twin peaks are so attractive under the cover of water droplets and mist. Qiu Yue decided to put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrate on playing the role of Brother Long. Wen Yuer handed it over The fragrant tongue took it without refusing, and the two of them hugged each other and exchanged tongues, and the lingering became lingering.

After a while, Brother Long's wife, Wen Yu'er, couldn't hold back any longer, so she took off Qiuyue's only underwear. Seeing such a huge thing, Qiuyue was stunned, her eyes widened. He stared blankly at Qiuyue's big weapon.

"Isn't it? Husband, what good things have you done in the past two days? How did your second child become so virtuous all of a sudden? It's so exciting! Simply!" Wen Yu'er said in amazement.

Qiu Yue chuckled and said: "Since I used Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac, this thing has grown scary immediately. Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac medicine, as long as you buy a pack, you can hold you for half a year without premature ejaculation and impotence. It is absolutely just now, and Every box of Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac medicine you consume is equivalent to donating two yuan to the Qiuyue Yang aphrodisiac hope project, which is not only beneficial to your private life, health and happiness, but also helpful to others!"

Unknowingly, Qiu Yue aired the signboard advertisement for aphrodisiac medicine.

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