my beauty fairy

Chapter 449 Wow Kaka

Immediately, Wen Yuer's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "Husband, let's hurry up, I can't get enough of what I want, hurry up!"

After talking, Qiu Yue, the host, groped up and down, touched Qiu Yue from top to bottom, and Qiu Yue said in his heart that although Brother Long seemed weak in front of his wife, he was a man who couldn't be weak when he was on the bed. Stand up, stand up!

Qiu Yue wrapped Wen Yuer up, turned off the shower, and walked back to the bedroom just now, slowly wiping the water off Wen Yuer's body with a bath towel, inch by inch.

I said in my heart that no matter how arrogant you are, I will vent my anger on that damned Brother Long today, and let you know what a man is, not to mention that Brother Long has done a lot of evil, and by the way, Brother Long will be punished.

So Qiuyue directly rose up, stood upright, rushed up, straight to the deepest point.

Wen Yu'er suddenly shouted passionately, which could be heard clearly in and out of the yard!

Brother Long's mother hugged the excited old couple of the village chief and said excitedly: "Old Huang, look what's wrong with our son today, so powerful, he screamed that Wen Yuer one after another, It's really awesome. It's a shame for our old Huang's parents. For so long, every time our Huang'er went on stage, he yelled and finished, and then he was beaten up by Wen Yu'er. You Let me tell you that Longer in our family is suffering too much! But we can’t blame Wen Yuer entirely, after all, Longer is too weak. In the past few years, there were more than ten women around him every day, and he just got impotent. Recently, I Persuading my son to buy some aphrodisiac medicine, did he really buy it? You see your son is so arrogant after drinking the medicine, I think if you drink it, you will be no worse than your son, try to get me into the sky tomorrow!"

Brother Long's mother was so charming when she was talking, and Brother Long's father was also full of joy, and said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, Long'er can drink medicine and become a man of five times a night, and I must become a man of ten times a night after drinking it." , let you, bitch, have a good taste of Lao Tzu's big whip!"

Although Brother Long's father's words were rather rambunctious, his mother still threw herself into the arms of Brother Long's father with great enjoyment, shaking the audience excitedly.

Look at Wen Yuer here again, shouting heartbreakingly one after another, two big honeydew melons dangling non-stop, eyes tightly closed, teeth biting her lips, enjoying the excitement excitedly A beautiful moment of tenderness.

Qiu Yue didn't know, just because he was so hilarious, everyone in the hospital changed their views on Brother Long for so many years, what "premature ejaculation prince", "tianya one two three", "grabbing a few handfuls and shooting ants" was even worse It is a nickname called "Yiyangzhi", which means that Brother Long's second child is only as long as a finger.

But today Wen Yuer's hysterical shouts, not to mention the people outside the door, even the people in the yard could hear clearly. Brother Long's brother-in-law looked at the majestic figure in Long's room with tears in his eyes , not Brother Long or who!

"I took the test. Why is this premature ejaculation yellow boy so excited today? He made Wen Yuer, our slut, into such a virtue. After he is so awesome, will Wen Yuer not come to me? What happened? , Did I take the medicine? Am I stronger than the third child?” Brother Long’s brother-in-law looked at Qiuyue’s figure excitedly and thought.

Ever since what happened tonight, everyone has looked at Brother Long differently. It wasn't disrespect before. It used to be just the status of the younger brothers. Therefore, Brother Long came to Brother Long purely to perfuse his status, but it's different now. Yes, now they are convinced of Brother Long from the bottom of their hearts, and they really want to call Brother Long, Brother Long is so mighty!

After more than two hours, there were dozens of people outside Brother Long's window, and everyone stared at Brother Long who was still fighting beside the bed in shock as they saw the sun coming out from the south.

"Oh my god, you idiot, how long have you been doing this, Brother Long?" Village Chief Huang said excitedly, his mouth couldn't even close.

Ling Feng picked up the watch and said, "Two hours, two and ten minutes."

"My god, did Long Er get the true biography of his sexual ancestors? Oh my god, your father is still in pain, come out and save me!" Village Chief Huang shouted excitedly.

All the premature ejaculation, impotence, and pain in ejaculation downstairs looked at Qiu Yue's figure in shock, because they firmly believed that if Brother Long could be cured and become a five-time man in one night, then they themselves could become twenty-three in one night at least. Jiro!Because everyone knows that on weekdays, from the shadow on the window, Brother Long almost crawled down, and then stood up after shaking his body a few times.Today, it is so powerful that everyone present can not be shocked!Brother Long has risen, why are we still immersed in darkness!

At this time, Wen Yu'er was already out of breath, she couldn't even breathe, let alone screaming, she was sweating profusely, this was the first time she had played so high since she was a child, if Brother Long kept doing this If it was mighty, it would be impossible for Wen Yuer to cheat on him.

At the fourth hour, the people downstairs were crying and looking at the heroic Long Ge on the window. Long Ge's father put his arms around Long Ge's mother, crying and crying: "Our Long Er is too mighty, too mighty!" Alright, woo woo woo woo!"

Several younger brothers cried and shouted: "Brother Long, you are a man, he really deserves to be my Brother Long. I have been following Brother Long for the rest of my life. It's too awesome. Take it, what is mighty? Have you ever seen people other than donkeys work for more than four hours at a time? I am really convinced!"

Ling Feng laughed for a while after hearing this, and thought to himself that Qiu Yue must cut your manuscript, you little bastard, when he heard you say that!

Four and a half hours later, Wen Yu'er passed out from a blissful faint. Qiu Yuexin said that it was almost time, don't kill people, so he jerked out, sprayed wildly, and Wen Yuer, the wife of Brother Long, woke up again. He came over and fell into Brother Long's arms with a satisfied look, even more obedient than a little cat.

"Husband, you have worked hard, you should take a break, I will give you a massage!" Wen Yu'er hurriedly helped Qiu Yue massage, Qiu Yuexin said that fortunately, the props he got this time were more advanced, otherwise they would be scrapped if they were discovered up.

After seeing the shadow of Brother Long upstairs standing up and spraying violently, the younger brothers, relatives, and parents downstairs all breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, my Mama Mia! Finally peaked, finally peaked, we parted Let's go!" Speaking of Brother Long's parents, they all dispersed.

The brother-in-law in the distance lit a cigarette helplessly with a mournful face, sighed and said: "Paralysis, you can see from now on, Wen Yu'er has decided not to come to me again, damn it!"

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