my beauty fairy

Chapter 459

At this moment, after the wind blows, Ling Feng wakes up.

"Brother Qiu, are we driving to Meng Po Bridge? Do you have any money with you? Can you bribe Po Meng not to let me and Wang Qing Shui, I don't want to forget my sweetie, we have been together for 300 years Looking back at the countless times in the past, only one love in this life is exchanged." Ling Feng said affectionately.

Qiuyue was extremely helpless, was he going to think about Xiao Tiantian just after saving his life?

"Please, we are driving to Longjiazhuang, Brother Long's home! You idiot!" Qiu Yue shook his head and said helplessly.

Only then did Ling Feng come to his senses, and said excitedly, "Am I not dead? Aren't we going to Po Meng?"

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes and said: "If you die, the bull head and horse face will pull you up with an iron chain, how can you still sit in a pickup truck so comfortably?"

"Oh oh oh, so we didn't die? It's great, so exciting!" Ling Feng immediately regained his former vitality.

When the car drove near Brother Long's house, he said, "Let's pack up our clothes and don't let them find out."

Ling Feng nodded, put on the props and put them on again, everything was done, ready to go!

"Let's go Brother Qiu, everything is ok!" Ling Feng laughed.

Qiu Yue drove the car directly into the courtyard of Huang's house.

Since last night, Brother Long's image in people's minds has immediately risen three notches, not only as a big brother, but also as an idol in the hearts of Brother Long's younger brothers, great god!After Qiu Yue and Ling Feng got off the car, the younger brothers all shouted excitedly: "Brother Long!"

Although it made Qiu Yue feel uncomfortable, after all, these people respected him, so he didn't care whether it was Brother Long or Brother Qiu, and replied with a smile: "En!"

Back in his room, he saw that Brother Long's wife, Wen Yu'er, was still sound asleep, sleeping soundly, drooling from the corners of his mouth, wondering what he had dreamed of, Qiu Yue smiled and walked out of Brother Long's villa.

When I came to Long Ge's father's room, Long Ge's father (Long Dae, for convenience, let's call him Long Dae.) was still surfing, watching the news of his son Niucha flying all over the sky. Very proud.

A reporter even asked Father Long for an interview: "Father Long, is Huang Feilong always earlier? Are you also the prince of premature ejaculation?"

As soon as this sentence was asked, Father Long was stunned for a moment, and then typed: "How is it possible, I am the father of the prince of sex, how could I be the prince of earlier!"

"Then why Brother Long used to have premature ejaculation and suddenly became a god after taking Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac? Is it your gang leader?" The reporter asked.

"That must be wow!" Father Long typed: "Why did my son have impotence and premature ejaculation in the past? Do you know why?"

The reporter asked, "Isn't it because you are both impotent and forbearing?"

Father Long shook his head and said: "No, no, no, Long Er inherited my sex talent. To be honest, he was very good since he was a child, but he was still young at that time, so we also I didn't pay attention, but his attainment and talent in sex cannot be underestimated. His mother and I have always been the pride of him, but because we couldn't bring out his talent well, it caused him to be empty. There is a skill that I can't discover. Later, after encountering Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac, my son's potential in terms of sex was fully stimulated, and my son returned to the heroic nature of a wolf ten times a night!"

"It seems that the Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac medicine has played a guiding role, so will everyone have the same result after taking the Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac medicine?" The reporter asked curiously.

Father Long typed: "Of course it can't be the same. Only those who are talented can achieve the realm of five times a night, or ten times a night! As for those with relatively poor qualifications, they may only be able to achieve the level of no premature ejaculation." , vary from person to person, and vary from person to person!"

Standing behind Father Long, Qiu Yue looked very speechless. I didn't expect this father to be so good at bragging!

"Oh, then I don't know what's going on with you, Dragon God's father? Is it Gojiro One Night or Jujiro One Night?" asked the reporter opposite.

Father Long replied modestly: "I'm so old, it's impossible to be ten times a night, my highest record is six times a night, but when it's normal, it's five times a night!"

"Wow, I didn't expect the father of the Dragon God to be worthy of his name. It is admirable that such a man who is about to be buried in the coffin can do it up to six times a night!" the reporter said.

After reading this message, Qiu Yue burst out laughing.

Father Long put down the keyboard and stopped talking, this dead reporter actually said that he was about to enter the library!

"Son, you're back. I didn't see when you came back!" Father Long smiled and stood up.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Oh, I came back early, I just stood behind the reporter asking you what, I looked at it out of curiosity!"

"Oh, hehehe, hehe! It's okay, it's okay! Just look at it, it's okay!" Father Long's face became much rosier obviously.

Qiuyue scholar Long Ge smiled and said, "Father, hurry up and order Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac medicine! Is the matter of joining in settled?"

"They sent someone over two days after they said they said it would be within three days! At that time, I will be able to start a class on the Gospel of the men in the Wujiao area-Shenzhan brand aphrodisiac. Let men regain their confidence and let the men regain their confidence. The man stands up again!" Father Long shouted excitedly.

Qiu Yue looked at Father Long speechlessly, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, Daddy, you will also be a great benevolent person in the Tuwujiao area, hahaha!"

"Hahahaha! I think so too. You left after lunch today. This time, you will be separated for three months. Do you think Dad will miss you!" Father Long said excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "I don't think so, because my father has wanted me to go out for a long time, let me see and see, but I was not interested at all before, so taking this opportunity, I am not only going out to play Son, and with father's wishes, go out to see and see, to broaden your horizons!"

"En, yes! Hahaha! My son has really grown up, really grown up! I know what his father thinks! I can understand his painstaking efforts! I did not raise you for nothing, good son !" Father Long said excitedly, and tightly held Qiu Yue's hands.

At this time, that glamorous and beautiful woman walked in from outside the door, that is, Brother Long's mother. I don't know if it was his own, but Brother Long's mother is too beautiful!It's so beautiful that it reminds Qiuyue of the word coquettish!

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