my beauty fairy

Chapter 460

"Long'er, you don't talk when you see your mother. Although your mother only accepted you when I was divorced in my teens, she loves you very much, doesn't she?" Father Long said with a smile.

Qiu Yuexin said that Brother Long's mother is really not a fun thing!At first glance, she was Brother Long's stepmother!

"Father, what you said is wrong. Although my mother is a stepmother, I love him very much!" Qiu Yuexin said that if it was a stepmother, then Father Long would not object. If you don't want to prevent revealing your secrets, you can also say that you can play a joke with your parents to liven up the atmosphere!

Unexpectedly, as expected, the father of the dragon did not refute in a word, it seems that this mother is really a stepmother as Qiu Yue expected.What's more, my father is so old, and this woman looks so young and looks like thirty to forty, she must be my stepmother!

Father Long just said: "Okay, okay, you are the only one who is poor!"

Qiu Yue looked at Long Ma with a smile, only to see Long Ma looked at Qiu Yue affectionately.

"I took the exam. This bastard actually looked at me like that. Could it be that he didn't even let your stepson go? What a bastard!" Qiu Yue said heartily, but according to Brother Long's father's ability , I probably couldn't hold on for 2 minutes in one night, but now that I see my godson so capable of "doing it", I will definitely be tempted!

So Qiuyue said: "Father, is the meal ready? I'm hungry!"

"Okay, okay, I'll ask the butler to bring out the meal quickly, my little dragon is hungry!" Only Mama Long said coquettishly.

After the steward received the instructions, he led a group of servants to bring the food quickly.

Immediately, Qiuyue whetted his appetite when he saw the delicious food.

"Mom and Dad, eat slowly by yourselves. I'm so hungry, I don't care about you, I want to eat together!" Qiu Yuezao was already hungry and his chest was stuck to his back.

And the dragon father and dragon mother suddenly smiled and said: "Yes, my little dragon should eat more and make up for it! Hehehehe!"

Father Long and Mother Long rang. Their son Xiaolonglong worked for more than four hours last night. Can his body handle it?Must make up for it!This is why the father and mother of the dragon have smirks on their faces.

Qiu Yue was speechless at once, anyway, it's not about himself, what do they think, even if he really treats Brother Long as a stupid donkey who only knows how to make love!Hehehe!

"Okay, okay! Don't look at your son, you can eat your meal!" The charming Long Ma patted Long Dad and motioned for him to eat.

But Long Ma also inadvertently peeked at Longlong several times.

After eating, Qiuyue leaned on the sofa. This sofa was so cool, it was so cool to sit on. It was the one Shangguan Yifan endorsed with a pipe full of dead branches and rotten leaves in his mouth.

Qiu Yue leaned on the back of the sofa, lit a cigarette, and enjoyed this extraordinary feeling, which was really refreshing.Slowly exhaled the smoke and said, "Dad, can't you teach me how to ask for money? It's not like you don't know that I haven't done this before, so you have to teach me. Young Eagle!"

One sentence made Long Daddy and Long Ma laugh.

"En, alright, alright! Long'er, I'll teach you when Dad finishes eating!" Father Long laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with a smile: "Well, I will definitely complete the task this time."

Not long after, Father Long and Mama Long also finished their meal and came to the living room to sit down, while the servants hurried to clear the table.

Father Long smiled and said: "Long'er, to be honest, father is really touched this time. Son, you are already in your twenties. You have never shared things for father since you were young. This time you made father very happy."

"Well, father, sons were unfilial in the past, and this will definitely not be the case in the future!" Qiu Yue said.

Father Long nodded with a smile, his moved old eyes dimmed for a while, and a few drops of turbid tears flowed out.

Long Ma wiped away tears for Long Daddy and said, "Okay, okay, cry in front of my son, it's not ashamed! Besides, my son is still waiting for you to talk about things!"

Immediately, Father Long laughed, and said, "Yes, yes, yes, teach your son lessons so that he can complete this task perfectly hahaha!"

Qiu Yue also looked at Father Long seriously, and Father Long also looked at Qiu Yue seriously and said, "Actually, it's not difficult for you to ask for money this time. The Xiongqi Company and us have always been good friends. Their The goods all enter the mainland of China through our relationship, so if you ask for the money, they will definitely give it to you, I have called them countless times and delivered it."

"Well, I understand this, but I don't know where their drug processing base is!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Father Long laughed and said: "Their drug processing base is not far from our house. Two dirt roads to the west of the small woods to the west, you can see a flat land, there is a house on the flat land, go to the house to report first, Then go west, there is a cave to the west, they will guide you how to get down from the cave, their processing plant is in the cave, but let them hollow out the cave, the decoration style inside is almost the same as the building!"

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, then you have to give me the IOU, right?"

Father Long turned around and asked Mother Long next to him to go to the study to find a small account book. Although it was not very eye-catching, it was very clear whether it was an IOU or a receipt. Qiu Yuexin said, it seems that not everyone Corrupt officials can get rich if they are foolish, but they can't do the math, so what if there is more corruption?

Father Long took out an IOU from inside and handed it to Qiuyue. Qiuyue took it and took a look.

"Dad, dad, what is this number? 5000 million?" Qiu Yue said in surprise.

It's not that 5000 million yuan is a big amount for drug business, but Father Long said that all the money will be handed over to Qiu Yue for free distribution, and let Qiu Yue use it as pocket money.

Father Long smiled and said, "Yeah, the more active you are, the more regressed you are. When you spend the money in my hands, 5000 million yuan is not money. Let you ask for money to go to your mother, and there is Huaxia!" Currency phobia?"

After listening to Father Long's words, Qiu Yue fell into a burst of laughter.

"Father, no, I'm just curious, can you owe us so much money just to provide him with a little help?" Qiu Yue asked in surprise.

Father Long smiled and said: "Our family's goods are not good products contributed by someone, and they were all sold to Xiong Qi. I can't go to the bar to sell them? Ahahaha!"

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