my beauty fairy

Chapter 463 Pretending to be Embarrassing

Qiu Yue took a step back and pretended to be embarrassed, "No, big brother, you want to deny it?" And Qiu Yue showed an innocent smile.

"Damn it! Your mother fucked the neighbor next door, who shot the gun just now, are you scared? If you're scared, kowtow to me and get the hell out!" the elder brother shouted.

"Ask your little brother!" Qiu Yue laughed.

The older brother turned around and asked, "Damn it, don't you know if I beat you or not!"

"Brother, you really hit just now, but, it's just a little bit off." The man's younger brother said awkwardly.

The man punched the younger brother with a "bang" on the head, and the younger brother fainted immediately, and the other younger brothers stepped back tremblingly.

"I don't know if I hit you just now, you scolded the neighbor!" the elder brother shouted angrily.

Ling Feng behind the nearby tree opened his notebook and used a high-tech chip to detect the underground situation here.Qiuyue has bought enough time.

Qiuyue pointed to the younger brother who could be invisible and said, "You can see if you hit me just now by looking at the video of your younger brother's cell phone!"

The elder brother turned around to let the younger brother who could be invisible come over, and shouted angrily: "Show me the video!"

The little brother who could be invisible opened the video tremblingly.

After watching the video, the eldest brother paused for a few seconds, looked at Qiuyue in disbelief and said to himself, "I hit you just now? Then I don't remember?"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "It seems that you can't stand such a blow and selectively forget it!"

"Fuck you! I just took a gun and it didn't count!" The elder brother said that he was going to regret it.

Qiu Yue suddenly laughed and said: "It seems that you big brothers are all virtuous, care about face, and won't admit it when you lose."

"I'm going to kill you!" The elder brother raised his gun angrily, angered by Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yuexin said that the battle was almost done, but these people were ordered, so there was no need to die, so let's give them some face.

"You don't have to beat me to death, I'll just pretend that what happened just now didn't happen, and you don't have to kneel down for me, just show me the way and I can go in and talk to your manager." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The big man was so angry: "I've never been so angry, I don't want to kill you today, it seems that I can't relieve my hatred!"

As he spoke, he waved his hands and all the younger brothers picked up their guns and shot at Qiuyue.

With an escape technique, Qiuyue dodged to the back of these people and looked at them coldly.

And these men beat Qiuyue's shadow wildly.

After stopping, the big brother laughed and said, "Let's see if you can survive! Hahahaha!"

"Then you must die, don't see who you offended!" The younger brother next to him shouted in help.

Qiu Yue lightly patted the big brother on the shoulder, the big brother backed up a few times in fright, and then looked back to see that Qiu Yue was gone, and all the younger brothers looked at Qiu Yue in surprise, shock and panic. Who is it, how can they dodge bullets and get behind us so quickly?

So these people took a few steps back in fear.

"I just want to see if you still dare to be arrogant, come on! I'll give you a way to live if you don't want to live well!" Qiu Yue shouted.

As he said that, he punched the elder brother in the stomach, and the elder brother's face turned red immediately, and he knelt on the ground in pain and vomited out the contents of his stomach.

Frightened by Qiu Yue, those younger brothers wanted to surrender, but the elder brother who was kneeling on the ground shouted angrily: "Kill her, kill her for me!"

Immediately, the remaining younger brothers were scared, but of course they rushed forward when they heard the order from the older brother!

So these little brothers took out the pieces and rushed up to chop them up. Although these people are considered gangsters, they don't have any fighting skills at all.

Qiu Yue jumped lightly, and a gangster slashed through the air, and the moment Qiu Yue landed on the ground, he stepped on the man's face.The bastard fell directly on the ground, disfigured.

A little brother next to him rushed up and aimed at Qiuyue's chest with a knife. Qiuyue dodged backwards, grabbed the little brother's arm and pulled it hard. Leg, kicked hard, the gangster was kicked to the ground.

"Damn it, hack him to death!" The remaining four rushed up together, Qiu Yue squatted down, swept his legs, and the four fell backwards.

"Ah! It hurts!" The four fell to the ground.

Qiu Yue stood up and said with a smile, "I can go in without you, haha!"

Then Qiu Yue looked back at Ling Feng, and Ling Feng made an OK gesture, indicating that Qiu Yue had figured out the topographical map and configuration here.

Qiu Yue nodded and waved for Ling Feng to set off.

After Ling Feng came out, Qiu Yue took a topographic map from Ling Feng, and Qiu Yue said depressedly: "I took the exam, this is a fucking underground palace, but the palace is not qualified , not gorgeous enough, but Xiongqi Company chooses to go underground every time, which is really puzzling."

Qiu Yue looked at this picture meeting, there were cameras monitoring almost every place on it, this kind of thing was simply infuriating.

"Let's go, let's go down first." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng took out the laser sight from his bag and installed it on the pistol, and Qiu Yue also installed one.

The two walked in slowly.

"Ling Feng, take out that camera, I'm going to disable their eyes. Otherwise, we will be restrained by them wherever we go." Qiu Yue said lightly.

Ling Feng nodded, and handed a camera to Qiuyue. Qiuyue disabled the nearest camera. Since this was in a cave, the light was not very bright, and the lights were also very dim. Qiuyue flashed to a relatively narrow rock. Hidden behind the seam.

Qiu Yue quickly ran in the cave, disabled more than a dozen nearby cameras, and continued to run in.

When he came to the middle of the cave, Qiu Yue also turned off the cameras near the fork.

Liu Can in the monitoring room watched the monitors being turned off one by one by Qiuyue Lingfeng for no reason and shouted angrily: "***, this Qiuyue is really everywhere, and even got here, and pretended to be that dead Huang Feilong? I thought I was a vegetarian, and these cameras can perform human body analysis, right? The people outside have been knocked down, you two, take the second special forces team with me, and shoot them to death with guns, The codes are comparable! You think I’m easy to do, but you didn’t discuss it with me!”

Liu Can looked at Tang Xue, who was tired of following him in the corner, and Tang Xue, who had already played and didn't want to play any more. Suddenly, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he laughed and said, "This time I must Victory hahahaha!"

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