my beauty fairy

Chapter 464 Ambush

After fixing the nearby cameras, Qiu Yue returned to Ling Feng's side, looked at the blueprint and said, "The manager's office seems to be in this location, the innermost location."

"That's right. There are many forks on the way to the manager's office. If they engage in an ambush or other conspiracy at the fork, it will be difficult for us!" Ling Feng said helplessly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Originally I said that they would not punish them if they handed over the money honestly, but this Xiongqi is so wretched and wants to mess with me to death, then we will use the trick and give them a big one." , Let them spend their money well."

Ling Feng chuckled, and continued walking with Zai Qiuyue.

Come to the first fork, which is the place where Qiu Yue just knocked out the camera.

Qiu Yue withdrew his invisibility technique and stood in the corner, but more than a dozen people rushed out from the side of the fork, all of them holding small submachine guns, and shot wildly at Qiu Yue's side.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng took a few steps back and hid in a corner, "Wait a minute."

This frantic sweep lasted for more than two minutes, and did not stop until the bullets were exhausted.

Ling Feng whispered: "It seems that these people are not ordinary people. I guess they are from the army. The feeling and aiming of the bullets can explain the problem."

"Well, it's indeed different from those gangsters just now." Qiu Yue nodded and said.

Ling Feng replaced the pistol with the bullet and Qiu Yue looked at each other, turned over and came to the other side.

At this time, those people came out slowly in two teams.

Qiu Yue turned on the laser aiming, aiming at the one in front was a shot.The man was shot in the neck and fell straight to the ground.

The people behind knew Qiuyue's position, and the bullets fired at this side again.

Just as they rushed to this side, Ling Feng poked his head out and fired three shots, and the three of them fell to the ground in response. Ling Feng's marksmanship was no joke.

After the three fell down, those few people did not dare to step forward easily.

Just as he was about to stand up, a man came out from another passageway and shouted: "Qiu Yue, Ling Feng, are you two? You pretend to be similar, come in, our big brother Liu Can wants to see you!"

Qiu Yue muttered: "This Liu Can is really not as disabled as his name, it seems that he can't be called Liu Can? Hehe."

So Qiu Yue and Ling Feng came out and threw the guns on the ground.

Those men aimed their guns at Qiuyue.In fact, if Liu Can ordered to shoot at this time, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng would not be able to avoid it, but sometimes doing things should be interesting and fun!

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng followed the group into a passage, which was very spacious. Qiu Yue saw through the perspective eye that the equipment inside might be able to equip a battalion of troops, large and small guns, it seems that their People are not only the so many people we see so far, there may be many people who are hidden inside and have not come out.

"Be careful!" Qiu Yue whispered.

Ling Feng nodded.

Although Qiuyue and Lingfeng were overwhelmed along the way and didn't encounter any major difficulties, Qiuyue still vaguely felt what would happen next.

Seeing the solemn expression on Qiu Yue's face, Ling Feng raised his vigilance.Follow closely behind the man.

It took about half a minute to walk, but in this depressing environment, it was really depressing and uncomfortable.

In a relatively spacious hall, the man walked to a door with a manager's room hanging on it, knocked on the door and said, "Manager, they are here!"

"Okay, let them in!" Liu Can laughed.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng pushed the door open and entered.

Qiu Yue took a closer look, and it was Liu Can who was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette.

"Welcome, brother Qiuyue! I have wronged you, so you have been pretending to be Brother Long for so long? Thank you!" Liu Can walked over with a smile.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng both showed a look of surprise, so Qiu Yue and Ling Feng took off the props and so on.

"I didn't expect you to see me through so quickly. You are indeed one of the top fifteen influential high-level people in Xiongqi? Hahahaha!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Liu Can nodded and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Brother Qiuyue to take down Comrade Zhou Meiyu, who you fought with me for a long time after we haven't seen each other for so long?"

"This doesn't seem to be in line with today's topic!" Qiu Yue said coldly.

Liu Can laughed and said: "It seems that Brother Qiuyue doesn't want to talk about this topic, since that's the case, let's have some fun chatting!"

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Liu Can laughed.

Qiu Yue said: "Of course we came here to ask for money. Although I was nominally helping Brother Long and his family to ask for money, I wanted to swallow that money."

Qiu Yuexin said that Lao Tzu's target is you, come here and step on the plate!

So Qiu Yue hurriedly brought Liu Can's thoughts to the money, lest Liu Can put his thoughts on Qiu Yue's thoughts later on on a whim to step on the plate, which would be bad.

Liu Can said with a smile: "It seems that Agent Lin is also sad about money!"

"Don't we live to make money and live a happy life? Doesn't it matter?" Qiu Yue said with a faint smile.

Liu Can nodded and said, "Brother Qiuyue is right, but do you think you can get the money?"

"Of course it is certain." Qiu Yue said confidently.

Liu Can smiled and said: "If you can vote for Xiongqi, I guarantee that your annual salary will be more than five times higher than the amount you asked for this time! How about it? Think about it?"

"Liu Can, Liu Can, you still haven't figured out the situation, have you? It's been so long, I've been against you for so long, and you're still talking about bringing me to your Xiongqi, don't you think it's annoying? I can hear you They're all calluses!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Liu Can looked at Qiuyue with a half-smile, and said: "We Xiongqi is like this, no matter what your previous background is, we welcome you to join, even if you were Xiongqi's enemy before, now as long as you want, you Anyone can join us!"

"Hahaha, is that right? It seems that you Xiongqi is indeed a good company. You commit murder and arson, buy and sell good women, manufacture drugs, and sell drugs!" Qiu Yue snorted coldly: "Let me join you, I'll tell you Three words! No! Yes! Yes!"

The smile on Liu Can's face was still bright, and he said with a smile: "Okay, what about your money today, I can give it to you, prepare the money for me, and send it to Qiuyue, hurry up!"

A younger brother ran out quickly, and after a while he prepared the money and ran in.

Passing the money to Qiu Yue, Qiu Yue took the money and smiled and said, "Mr. Can give me the money so easily?"

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