my beauty fairy

Chapter 478 Enjoy It

"Okay, let's go to sleep, we still have a lot of things to do tomorrow, you go to bed first, I'll watch over here, I'll sleep in the second half of the night and you watch over." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng nodded, "Okay, it's better to be careful, Liang and the others don't dare to come today, but it's better to be careful!" After finishing speaking, Ling Feng made the bed and went to bed.

Qiuyue sat by the window thinking about something, and now Qiuyue's mind was in a mess, Tang Xue, this once so innocent girl and son, how did he become like this now, so bad, Qiuyue felt that it was too much. strange.

"I passed the test! I will ask you whatever I say. Why did you do this? Are you really going astray and falling into that deep trap? Don't you really understand that Xiongqi is a counter-revolutionary? Anti-people, anti-society organization? Why do you want to do this? Why! Why exactly!" Qiu Yue lit a cigarette helplessly and smoked alone in the middle of the night, how lonely and desolate it was.

Just like that, without knowing it, a few hours passed, Ling Feng woke up, stood up and patted Qiu Yue, "Brother Qiu, you go to bed! I'll keep an eye on it, you have important things to do tomorrow, Go to bed!"

Qiu Yue stood up and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, drank a glass of water, lay down on the bed, and slowly fell asleep.

"Qiuyue! Qiuyue! I'm Lianhua, get up quickly! Look, where is the sun? If you don't get up again, I'll put away the cooked rice!" Lianhua said pretending to be angry .

Qiu Yue opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the cloud lotus in front of him. It was exactly the same as when he first came here. Spotless, pure and flawless, looking down, although the clothes are very simple and the clothes are also very elegant, but the two tall peaks on the chest are straight and straight, which makes people covet.Moreover, the two legs are neither thick nor thin and very well-proportioned. Although they seem to be over [-] years old, they are still full of charm and charm.

"Really, is it really you? Lotus?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Lianhua nodded and said, "What's the matter with you, I can't get up after sleeping for so long today, I'm going to make dinner! I'll go down first, after breakfast, you can take care of your business! You are so busy!"

"Oh, oh, ok, ok, I'll get up right away!" Qiu Yue hurriedly dressed, feeling that everything was so beautiful.

But when Qiu Yue went downstairs, the scene he saw was truly horrific. I saw Yun Lianhua lying on the ground, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, a table of good food lying there motionless, holding three pairs of Chopsticks.

"Lianhua! What's wrong with you! Lianhua! Wake up! Wake up! Cloud Lianhua! I am Qiuyue, why don't you eat the breakfast you prepared for me! Lianhua..." Qiuyue Unable to contain his emotions, he yelled out loudly.

At this moment, Ling Feng patted Qiu Yue awake, and Qiu Yue realized that he was dreaming, but the dream was so real, Yun Lianhua's beautiful face and extraordinary appearance were so kind and touching, But all this is fleeting.

"Lianhua, Lianhua, you still haven't come back after all, this is still a dream!" Qiu Yue said to himself.

Looking at the bright sky, there is nothing else to do, it is more than six o'clock, "Ling Feng, you should sleep for a while, there is nothing to do, sleep for a while, get up at 07:30 and set off!"

"En, good!" Ling Feng nodded and said.

But Qiuyue was sleeping soundly, the cell phone that Dong Xuanyuan gave her rang, it was not Dong Ziyan who was it!

"Qiu Yue, what are you doing?" Dong Ziyan said.

Qiu Yue let out a "huh" and said, "I'm sleeping, why did you get up so early, why did you go there so early!"

"Come here quickly, my father has something important to tell you!" This sentence suddenly made Qiu Yue, who was half asleep and half awake, very upset.

Only then did Qiu Yue realize, "Mmmm, alright, since the matter is important, I'll hurry over there!"

So Qiuyue woke up Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, I'm leaving first, you can go to Lianhua's house with Zheng Shuanger after a while."

"Well, I see Brother Qiu, you should also be careful and keep in touch!" Ling Feng sat up and said sleepily.

Qiu Yue packed up his things and went downstairs directly. After going downstairs, he drove away in the Mercedes Benz convertible that Dong Xuanyuan had given him.

Walking into Xuanyuan Village, which is also called Tuwujiao aristocratic area, there are many girls and rich sons and brothers standing on the side of the road looking at Qiuyue's car. Jia's driving skills conquered everyone here, and Qiuyue's decent style inspired many people, even Dong Xuanyuan fell in love with Qiuyue.

The car slowly drove into the courtyard of Dong's family. A row of well-dressed security personnel stood at attention and saluted. They were all in black suits, black sunglasses, and pistols hidden in their waists. They were all over 1.8 meters tall. The momentum is self-evident.

"Hello, young master!" A group of people shouted in unison.

To be honest, Qiu Yue couldn't stand this kind of treatment, it was too extravagant, Qiu Yue never thought of this kind of life and this kind of treatment.

"It's also good for you, please don't call me that? I can't get used to it." Qiu Yue parked the car in the yard.

Those members of the security team shouted in unison: "No, this is the master's order."

"Uh, alright, alright!" Qiu Yue said speechlessly.

Striding up the steps and entering the villa, the gorgeous atmosphere came again, which made Qiu Yue feel oppressed and out of breath. It was really too luxurious. The villas I watched on TV before, and This comparison is like seeing the big witch in the small picture, and the big picture in the big picture.

"Qiu Yue, you are finally here! Hehehe!" Dong Ziyan ran over happily.

Qiu Yue said helplessly, "Where's Uncle Dong?"

"What, what, you unfilial son! My father recognizes you as a godson! You still belong to Uncle Dong!" Dong Ziyan said pretending to be angry.

Qiu Yue scratched his head and said that these rich people are very possessive, and this coercion is also very strong, so it is more appropriate to touch along the fur, so he smiled: "Oh, it's a godfather, a godfather ?”

"Father said to play golf in the morning, and a few friends from aristocratic districts, we all call uncles." Dong Ziyan said.

Qiu Yue nodded and sat on the sofa.

Dong Ziyan smiled and said, "What to drink?"

Qiu Yue looked at the menu sent by the butler. Damn it, it has more items than the western food bars in the mainland, such as milkshakes, milk tea, drinks, drinks, it's just a high-end drink shop!

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