my beauty fairy

Chapter 479 Not bad

Qiu Yue looked at it for a long time, thought it over and said, "Let's have a cup of coffee!"

"Is it too much, I don't know which one to drink?" Dong Ziyan laughed.

Qiu Yue wiped off his sweat and nodded, "Yes, yes!" He said in his heart that with such a huge industry as Dong Xuanyuan's, if he didn't do some illegal things, he would definitely not be able to fight so much.

So Dong Ziyan laughed and said: "Let me tell you, why are there so many? Because my family has invited the most famous bartender and bartender in Huaxia Kingdom, what kind of drinks in the country, as long as you can hand over the name, I can do it for you! Are you arrogant?"

Qiu Yue nodded with a smile and said: "Arrogance, it's really too arrogant, I've never seen someone so arrogant."

I thought to myself, these two awesome people only work for you, you guys are so capable!Is not it!

Dong Ziyan stood up happily, walked to the piano, and played soothing music slowly to relax Qiuyue. Qiuyue leaned on the sofa, listening to this soft music, enjoying the luxurious life at this time. Sigh and say, it is too luxurious.

"How is it?" Dong Ziyan said with a smile after the song was over.

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled, "Not bad!"

Dong Ziyan became proud and said with a smile: "Why don't you come and let me teach you? You can talk to me about the beautiful piano every day after you learn it!"

"Damn, you sisters, you don't think I'm a pet and keep you at home for your own fun! You're a bitch!" Qiu Yue said in his heart.

But on the surface, he smiled and said: "I can play the guitar!" I said in my heart that you really thought that Lao Tzu came from the village, and he can't do anything, right?Damn it, I'll kill you with one hand of "Laputa in the Sky"!

After hearing what Qiuyue said, Dong Ziyan almost jumped up excitedly, and said, "Isn't it? It's great! What can you play? My family has all kinds of instruments! Come and listen to it!"

Qiuyue was actually still distracted at this time, and didn't hear what Dong Ziyan was muttering at all, so he said perfunctorily: "Oh, oh, yes! Really! Oh!"

As for why Qiuyue was distracted, of course he was recalling the movement of that so-and-so person playing the guitar in the last video, how he slid the strings, and which chords he used. The more I dealt with it, I finally recalled how Sky Castle was played in that video.

Friends who have learned the guitar must know that the guitar is played with the proficiency of the hands, so old, middle and young people can play the guitar, as long as you want to play!

But you are worried about how Qiuyue's proficiency came about. Qiuyue's proficiency is replaced by Qiuyue's superb reflexes and well-developed fingers.

So Dong Ziyan ordered the housekeeper to find the guitar.

The guitar is in place!

Qiu Yue sat in the hall, sitting on the high pedal, and after checking the wireless receiver of the speaker, he slowly played "Castle in the Sky".

The sound of the piano floated melodiously in the hall, every note seemed to be telling something, elegant and gorgeous, almost everyone was intoxicated by the sound of Qiuyue's guitar, it can be said that Qiuyue's guitar almost completely beat Dong Ziyan's piano , melodious and melodious, just like the gurgling of a small river, the gurgling of a small stream, that kind of beautiful scene emerges in everyone's mind one by one, and the song is over.

Qiu Yue stood up, while the other butler servants and Dong Ziyan closed their eyes intoxicated, and after a few seconds, they came out of the artistic conception of Qiu Yue's music.

Dong Ziyan immediately looked at Qiuyue with surprised, shocked and nympho eyes.

Suddenly a burst of loud applause rippling in the hall.

All heartfelt applause!

"Thank you!" Qiu Yue stood up politely and handed the guitar to the housekeeper, and walked towards Dong Ziyan slowly, Dong Ziyan's face was flushed immediately, every footstep of Qiu Yue seemed to be a heartbeat!

"It's so nice! It's even more colorful than the original one, Qiu Yue, you're such a genius! How many years have you studied?" Dong Ziyan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue scratched his hair and said, "I haven't learned it. It's just that I saw the original play this music in the video, so I watched it again, and then I remembered the gestures of that person. Which one should I play?" What."

Immediately, Dong Ziyan froze there with her eyes wide open, without blinking her eyes, and her mouth grew wide.

"For such a long piece, you must have a certain degree of proficiency before you can talk about it completely. Not to mention the beautiful and graceful playing of this piece, it is not easy for many guitar lovers to play it smoothly. I didn't expect to come to you and become like this!" Dong Ziyan said helplessly.

Qiu Yue smiled, "You're over the top! You play very well, too."

"Hey, it's far worse than you, you are simply an inhuman! You are so awesome, I am convinced, I have never convinced anyone!" Dong Ziyan laughed.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said, "Stop talking, it's not that exaggerated, by the way, what have you been up to lately?"

"Well, I feel sad when I mention this. I said I wanted to play with you, but my father just dragged me to the company and asked me to manage the company. It's beyond words to talk about my pain!" Dong Ziyan cried and laughed. Said, "Otherwise I would have gone to play with you!"

Qiu Yue was sweating profusely, and said to his heart that it's a good thing you didn't come to me, otherwise it would be very troublesome if he saw something, so he smiled and said: "Oh, it's the matter that Godfather told me, when you can't play Play!" Qiu Yue smiled.

Dong Ziyan said excitedly: "By the way, after you left last time, I took the exam. You became famous overnight with us. Everyone knows that you exist. Everyone knows that Qiu Yue drives a Mercedes-Benz convertible. A limited-edition Ferrari limited-edition supercar! You set an extraordinary record with an ordinary car."

"Oh, actually I bet my life last time, and I actually panicked." Qiu Yue nodded and said.

Dong Ziyan stretched Qiuyue's arms and said, "What's the matter, you just win as a result, and you don't need to care about the rest. Hahaha!"

"Oh." Qiu Yue said.

The housekeeper put the coffee on the coffee table for Qiu Yue, who nodded and said, "Thank you."

"By the way, my dad secretly went to watch your game that day. After he came back, he exclaimed that you are a rare talent, that's why he recognized you as a godson! Do you know how many people want to marry our Dong family? , Squeeze your head, but you have easily become the godson of the drug lord Dong Xuanyuan!" Dong Ziyan said proudly.

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