my beauty fairy

Chapter 485 Revenge

Qiu Yue waved: "Let's get in the car!"

Everyone got into the car directly.Qiu Yue plugged a small receiver into the navigation of his own car, and he could see what the cameras of other cars could see with a single touch. These cars all had cameras, and they all pointed at the front of the car, so It is said that Qiuyue can use these cameras to understand the situation ahead.

"Qiu Yue, you must be careful, they are all murderers without blinking an eye, if there is a conflict, be careful!" Dong Ziyan worried.

Qiuyue gestured to start, all the cars started and drove away.

"Don't worry, Zi Yan, wait for my news at home." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Turning around, he said with a smile: "Godfather, I haven't poured you a cup of longevity tea yet, otherwise how could I be your godson!"

Dong Xuanyuan nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Okay, your kid is not afraid of danger."

"Hehehe..." Qiu Yue laughed.

The housekeeper and several servants quickly moved out the stools and took out the longevity tea. Qiu Yue knelt on the ground and shouted, "Father! Drink the tea! The longevity tea my son gave you!"

Dong Xuanyuan smiled, and when he took the tea, he felt as if he had the feeling of his own son.

Dong Ziyan was moved and cried when she saw this scene.

Qiu Yue stood up with a smile and said, "Godfather, Zi Yan, wait for the good news of my victory!"

After speaking, Qiu Yue turned around and got into the Mercedes-Benz, and walked away.

Dong Ziyan shouted: "Qiuyue, you must come back!"

Qiu Yue quickly caught up with the last cover team's car. Qiu Yue switched the video to the camera of the first car in the first group of the assault team, and saw that the road ahead was smooth, and nothing happened for the time being.

"Everything is normal now. If any group finds something, report it in time! The driver of the car in front of each group is the group leader, everyone understand?" Qiu Yue said.

Each group presses the receive button once.

The car was running at a steady speed on the main road, and it only took about two hours from here to cross the border of the Northland.

Trans-Northern border entry area.

Amin led a group of people standing on both sides of the road with submachine guns.Waiting for the arrival of Qiuyue and his party.Because he had just received information from the insider of the Dong Mansion.

An hour later, the front assault team had already arrived at the entrance of the border area. Seeing that there was a traffic jam in front of the camera, Qiu Yue urgently shouted: "Call the No. [-] team to charge the No. [-] team."

"Received!" said the team leader of No. [-] team.

"Slow down, is there a traffic jam at the border?" Qiu Yue asked.

The team leader of Charge No. [-] said: "There is never a traffic jam here on weekdays."

"Everyone stay vigilant for me, the bullets are loaded, all the cars behind will be reduced by 1 minute, and if something happens, catch up in 20 seconds!" Qiu Yue shouted, and besides his car, the elegant one passed several cars, and the speed increased immediately. After more than 100 miles, we rushed to the No. [-] group of the assault group.

At this moment, Qiuyue saw that the No. [-] charge team was already blocked by traffic jams. Qiu Yue shouted: "The No. [-] charge team, aim at all the concealed objects on both sides of the road! Take aim at the car in front, don't follow the car in front too tight."

"Yes!" Team No. [-] charged forward.

Suddenly, Qiuyue saw that the car in front was moving slightly. It seemed that someone was moving in the black van in front. Qiuyue shouted: "Assault No. [-] team Humvee team, open the sunroof for snipers to target your team's business The van in front of the car. The commercial vehicle team of the assault team pays attention to the van in front of me."

As soon as Qiu Yue finished shouting, five or six people were selected from the van in front, and the militants in the vans ahead were all armed with submachine guns, machetes, and pistols and jumped out of the van.

Qiuyue shouted: "Assemble the assault team to the vicinity of the No. [-] car group, get out of the car and use the car to cover, move!"

Seeing on the screen more than a dozen vehicles rushing towards the scene of the incident, Qiu Yue also quickly chased after him.

At this moment, the two sides opened fire, and Qiuyue's car was swept away by those people's submachine guns. Qiuyue tuned the video and saw that the first commercial vehicle was beaten to pieces, and all the people in the car were killed. , was not injured, and because there were several snipers in Qiuyue's group, four of them died on the spot and three were injured.

But the enemy's troops kept gathering. There were people everywhere on the side of the road, in the cars in front of them, and wherever they could hide.

"Support team, all vehicles go from the other road to the traffic jam at full speed and shoot me at the cars of those vicious elements with rockets. There are people hiding behind those cars. I order you to arrive within 2 minutes!" Qiu Yue shouted.

"Yes!" shouted the support team.

Qiu Yue parked the car aside, got out of the car and rushed into the scene to seize the scene. The cars on Qiu Yue's side were sparsely parked. Qiu Yue suddenly thought that these special forces were different. He forgot to remind this, but they still knew.

No, when the commercial vehicle in the front exploded, the Hummer behind it was not involved in the slightest, but there was only one team member left on the commercial vehicle!

Originally, Qiuyue didn't want to use firepower on such a large scale, but at this moment, since he hasn't left the Tuwujiao area, it's okay to play, and no one will care about it. The second point is that the enemy has shot you, and you still insist If you fight back, then you are either Shabi or Leng Qiu.

Qiu Yue took the bazooka and ran to a slightly higher slope, found a concealment, and directly fired a rocket into a van in front of the opponent. The van could withstand the impact of the rocket. It exploded directly, and the people next to the car also died when the car exploded.

But the opponent's sniper immediately spotted Qiuyue. As soon as Qiuyue lowered his head, a bullet whizzed by, so Qiuyue quickly climbed down to look for another place.

Suddenly, Qiu Yue saw a familiar figure not far away——A Ming!

So Qiuyue drove the invisibility technique and quickly ran to the opposite side of the road, heading towards the south about 1000 meters away.

He didn't show up until he was near a small pavilion where Amin was. When Amin turned his head and saw Qiuyue approaching, the bodyguards behind him took out their guns and pointed at Qiuyue to shoot, but how could their skills compare with Qiuyue's? .

Qiuyue used an escape technique to dodge directly behind the two security guards, and immediately put down the two hand knives.

Seeing that Qiuyue was so awesome, that Amin suppressed the fear in his heart, and said, "How can you find me, I am really surprised! This time the plan can be said to be very perfect, quite perfect, But you still found out, could it be that Dong Xuanyuan is here?"

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "No, I brought them here."

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