my beauty fairy

Chapter 486 Wow Kaka

"How is it possible? If Dong Xuanyuan hadn't directed you to set up the formation this time, how could it have become like this?" Amin said in surprise.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Why is that impossible? With your little trick, what else are you playing with? I suggest you to get out of here before Dong Xuanyuan decides to kill them all, otherwise I cannot guarantee your life. "

"Hahahaha! You little bastard is pretending to be a good person again? Is this my guarantee?" Amin said coldly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "It's because of your loyalty to Dong Ziyan that I want to help you. Otherwise, how could I help you?"

"How do you know! I..." Amin said angrily.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "I still don't know your feelings for Dong Ziyan? You love him deeply, love her deeply, even more than your own life."

What Qiuyue said was actually all made up. It is certain that Amin loves Dong Ziyan. If he loves Dong Ziyan deeply, Amin will definitely admit it. Qiuyue can see that it is higher than life. Amin is for Dong Ziyan. , dare to fight against the boss of the drug lord in the Wujiao area, isn't he already desperate!

And Qiuyue said this not because he wanted to chat with A Ming, but because he wanted A Ming to let him go quickly so that he could hurry up and chase the goods!

Amin was a little dazed for a moment.

"How the hell do you know! Who are you!" Amin said fiercely.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "You can see it!"

"Then you can see why Dong Ziyan ignored me?" Amin shouted angrily.

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "You cry out that you love her every day, who will believe it? Do you believe it, or should I believe it? ***!"

"This...then what should I do?" Amin said.

Qiu Yuexin said that A Ming had already been fooled, and there was no need to continue fighting. Looking back at the battlefield, he said to A Ming: "If you don't want Dong Xuanyuan to know that it was you who ordered them, I suggest you let them stop! You and Dong Ziyan still fight!" If you have a chance to be together, if you continue to fight like this, not only may you die, but Dong Ziyan will be separated from you! You better think about it!"

When Qiu Yue said this, A Ming immediately reacted, and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, stop quickly, stop quickly!" He took out the walkie-talkie and shouted, all of them were withdrawn safely for Lao Tzu!

Qiuyue saw that Amin's heart had been subdued by him, so what was there to be afraid of?

So Qiu Yue picked up the megaphone and said: "The assault team and the support team all stop, clean up the battlefield, and count the number of people and things lost for me!"

And A Ming didn't care about whether his little brothers lived or died at all, he just yelled to return to the base area and looked at Qiuyue eagerly.

"Brother Qiuyue, can I call you big brother? Since you said what you said just now, you must help me! Please! Woooooooooo!" This Amin is even better at acting. He is full of voice and emotion, not only can speak with his mouth, but also can shed tears on his face at any time to show his cooperation.

Qiu Yue sat on the chair helplessly, lit a cigarette slowly, and said slowly: "Amin, let me tell you, if you fail, you fail because you are too impulsive, too Dong Ziyan, take it seriously, woman It's something outside of the body, even if it's a woman from a noble family, isn't it human? You are betting with your life, are you stupid? Girls rely on coaxing. Talking about topics that she is not interested in, who the hell wants to chat with you! It's so fucking funny, even if she likes you, she should hate you after being tormented by you for a long time!"

After Qiuyue finished speaking this long paragraph, Amin was so excited that it was almost dark for three hundred days, and suddenly he saw a ray of sunshine in the sky!Immediately, chicken blood surged, a pillar held up to the sky, animal blood boiled, bruises also boiled, and the body was burnt!

Qiu Yue took a puff of cigarette helplessly, and said to himself that he has become a psychologist now, solving emotional problems for others every day. Dead A Ming is a guy who has nothing to do and is full of food and looking for trouble.

"Well, brother Qiu, tell me, what do you say, I will do! You say go to heaven, I will go to heaven, you say, get off, I will get off!" Amin said excitedly.

Qiu Yue glanced at A Ming speechlessly and said: "Of course he likes trendy things, and things that are very noisy. If you force her to chat with you at home every day, talk about love, you Me and me, he and so-and-so, then get rid of this year as soon as possible!"

"But I don't understand what she wants to talk about, what is she interested in!" Amin said anxiously first.

Qiu Yue shook his head depressedly, sighed and said: "Please, do you think you are stupid? You are childhood sweethearts. You don't know where she often likes to go to play? Besides, why don't you have any confidence in yourself? , so easily feel that I have chased her, and I am not with you anymore?"

"Let me tell you, the two of us are just friends, not to mention that we are brother and sister now, you are still worried about a bird! You let us go to **? Let Dong Xuanyuan take someone to give me my ancestral grave Exploded, tell me, are you stupid?" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

A Ming finally got rid of the worrying cloud: "Yes, you said that you are all brothers and sisters, how could you be together! Why am I so stupid, isn't she still mine? But I want to be with Dong Dong so stupidly." Xuanyuan fought against him and almost ruined that important batch of goods. I'll go and fix it right away."

Qiu Yue stood up and threw A Ming on the chair, and said: "Did you go to let Dong Xuanyuan see that this A Ming is really nice, although he deliberately found someone to cheat my goods, but he came back later I let it go, I have to thank him very much! Isn't it?"

"No!" Amin said.

"If it's not you, don't go. You should pretend that you don't know about this matter. You don't know anything. Go back, go back to Dong's mansion, and pretend that you don't know anything. As for the question of testimony, if he asks you where you went in the afternoon, you You can make excuses, find witnesses, and I'll tell you later at night, it's best that you appear in front of Dong Xuanyuan when I appear in the Dong Mansion." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Amin suddenly said excitedly: "Yeah, if Brother Qiuda hadn't instructed me in this way, I should really be abolished. Then I will go back to Ziyan and think about how to chase at full speed, but you have to observe silently and direct me. Oh! If I can overthrow Dong Ziyan, I will definitely treat Brother Qiu to dinner."

Qiu Yue said: "You can have this!"

After speaking, Qiu Yue looked towards the side of the road. Those cars were no longer blocked, and Qiu Yue's men and horses were all cleaning up on the side of the road. At this time, a voice came from the radio: "A group of Humvees from the assault team is calling for command."

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