my beauty fairy

Chapter 487

Qiu Yue stood up and said: "Okay, we will separate here, you must remember what I said, don't go back and be in trouble if you find something, this time the matter is very serious, Dong Xuanyuan is very angry, if you If you can’t handle it well, you’re really done for!” After speaking, Qiuyue stood up, put the cigarette in the ashtray, turned around and walked towards the side of the road, although it was only a thousand meters away from the side of the road, there were trees There are mounds, so it's not noticeable.

Qiu Yuexin said that this place is not bad, the best place for commanding, but unfortunately Amin met Qiu Yue who can see through and see far away.

"What's the matter, the assault team and a Humvee team?" Qiu Yue asked.

The other party replied: "In our assault just now, a total of one businessman and one Humvee were lost, ten people were injured, three people were killed, and the rest are all normal."

Qiu Yuexin said that luckily he stopped it just in time, otherwise, if he had lost a lot of money, even if he sent the drugs into the North Country, it would be embarrassing to return to the Dong Mansion.

"Okay, I've killed their boss. The specific person is yet to be investigated. We are now driving at full speed to the police at the border. Don't be impulsive when you go there. Park the car nearby. After passing, I will personally I'm going out." When Qiu Yue spoke, he was quite imposing, which made these special forces admire him immediately. The most important thing to fight with so many people is to break their cores. After all, they are all muddy and have no willpower. If they don't hang up, they don't have much confidence to stay.

"Yes!" the whole crew yelled.

Qiu Yue got into the car and followed the convoy. In less than half an hour, he arrived at the border area.

Qiu Yue saw that there were no people in the cars in the distance. There were more than a dozen large trucks, all of which were loaded with drugs. They were stopped by the police at present, and all of them were detained.

"Everyone stay put and stand by. I'll go down and have a look. Pay attention to concealment." Qiu Yue said.

Immediately, all the cars drove into the small road and parked in an inconspicuous place. The scenery here is still good, and the trees are some rare and rare trees, but people here don't regard these things as treasures.Too much......

Qiuyue parked the car outside the police station, thinking that since Amin did it, it means that the people in the police station also belonged to Amin, so let Amin call to settle it?But if Amin comes forward, this matter will be very troublesome. It is possible that Amin really fell into it. This Amin must not hang up. On the one hand, Amin is harmless to him, and on the other hand, he belongs to Dong Xuanyuan. Let Dong Xuanyuan keep his right-hand assistant, after all, Dong Xuanyuan is his current godfather.On the one hand, he can hold back Dong Ziyan in the future so that Dong Ziyan won't be pestering him all the time. If he doesn't want to let him go when he leaves here, then A Ming can also hold Dong Ziyan back.And what would Dong Xuanyuan's reaction be if he knew that he was an agent of the Huaxia Kingdom?What's more, I have a relationship with Dong Xuanyuan as godfather and son, so I helped him again this time!

So Qiuyue called A Ming and said, "A Ming, you haven't asked the police chief to release him now, have you?"

"No, no, when we reached an agreement, we agreed that this batch of goods can only be released unless I go there in person, even if I call. It seems that you may really have to use firepower today." Amin embarrassed Said.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Oh, well, it's okay, you can take care of your own side as soon as possible, don't worry about this side!"

Akita strode into the police station.

The dog at the gate had already barked.

Qiu Yue picked up a stone and threw it directly at the dog's mouth. The dog was choked up immediately and couldn't bark, nor could it spit out the stone.Throw it aside and lie on the ground to grind it.

Qiu Yue strode into the police station, this police station is actually like this, there are a bunch of guys who waste public food, relying on the fact that there is a military stationed a few kilometers away, they come and go arrogantly, anyway, whenever something happens Find troops.

Qiu Yue walked into the hall, and several men were chatting and laughing around a woman, touching and looking at her chest from time to time.

There's even one sticking out its tongue like a dog to grab a peanut in that beauty's hand.

Qiu Yue burst out laughing, but Qiu Yue was actually very angry. These bastards are eating the country's public food, but they are here to have fun, killing you will not relieve their hatred.

"Who the hell are you!" The policeman looked at Qiuyue angrily with his hands still on his waist.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Three characteristics of an incompetent policeman: Molesting beautiful women when there is nothing to do, and being able to act like a dog. When encountering an incident, no matter how big or small, the first thing to do is to touch the gun. The words are very arrogant, as soon as they go to bed, they shoot in three seconds!"

Immediately, the male policeman was hit, his face was all red with anger, his eyes were wide open, his hand was on the gun, he couldn't pull it out, he couldn't put it in, it was very embarrassing!

The few beautiful policemen next to her are actually not interested in this policeman, but this place is so boring, let's attack him like a dog!

"I'm a police officer, and I'm asking you something! Who are you and what are you doing at the police station!" the policeman said angrily.

Qiuyue looked at the dead policemen beside him, and saw that they were the kind of sluts, with affectionate eyes, as if they were shouting: "I have already sent out the desire to control my heart, come on, my handsome guy , my thighs are always open for you!"

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "I'm looking for your chief!"

"Is the chief the one you can meet when you meet? I think you are here to find trouble. Believe it or not, I will kill you now!" The male policeman was humiliated by Qiu Yue just now, and now he wants to To get back his face, not to mention that the few **** policemen around him are the goddesses in his heart!

Qiu Yue walked forward slowly and said: "You'd better put down the gun, otherwise you'll get fired later, your ass will be ruined, you should clean up your appearance, and wait with these assholes when the time comes The man is stabbed!"

The few people next to him were still firing at Qiuyue, but they were all furious when Qiuyue said that.

It's not that Qiuyue wants to ridicule them, but that they are all civil servants of the country regardless of gender, and they are all eating the tax money of the common people, but they don't do things well, if they are not angry, they are prostitutes, and if they meet awesome, they are grandchildren If you meet someone who is a grandpa, you have to see if the person is a bully or not. If you are a bully, help him think of a bullshit reason and let him go. If you are weak, just stay and die. Get promoted!

Qiu Yuexin said to have a good time playing with you today, so that you can be more arrogant!

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