my beauty fairy

Chapter 488

"You! You scoundrel! Where are the handcuffs! Arrest him and trespass into the police station?" Hua'er, the two female policemen, said angrily.

Qiu Yue looked at the policewoman Hua'er contemptuously and said, "I don't think any of you dare to do anything. I just took a picture of your work status here with my mobile phone. If I accidentally post it on Weibo, I'm afraid there will be trouble. Those who take...hehe!"

The policewoman Hua'er at the side winked at the man next to him, and the man immediately understood.

The man came over with a smile, put his hands on his waist and pretended to lift his pants, but Qiu Yue had already seen what was behind him with his clairvoyant eyes!I saw the male policeman slowly walking over with a handcuff in his wretched manner.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Are you trying to arrest yourself with handcuffs?"

"You! How do you know I have handcuffs in my hands!" the male policeman said curiously.

Qiu Yue showed a mysterious smile, and said: "As for why I know you are holding handcuffs, don't ask, because I won't tell you if you ask, my suggestion, you'd better hurry up and get down to business , in case something happens later, you can’t afford it, because some things are not up to you little policemen, especially you guys who have nothing to do and only know how to flirt, like dogs sticking out their tongues. oh!"

The male policeman finally couldn't hold it anymore, he rushed up angrily and grabbed Qiuyue's collar, and shouted angrily, "Do you fucking believe that I shot you dead?"

Looking at the flesh on the male policeman's face and the bumpy skin on his face, Qiu Yue couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to vomit.

"Can you stop talking so close to the exam, you will kill me, you, don't you know that you have bad breath? If you have bad breath, don't f***ing talk near other people's noses, it's so disgusting!" Qiu Yue clutched his nose depressed road.

Immediately, the male policeman lost all face by Qiu Yue, his face was flushed, and he shouted angrily: "Damn! You bastard, I must kill you today!" Out of the pistol, ready to hit Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue knew that this guy was so angry that he was really going to explode, and he was really going to come up and shoot himself hard, so he thought it was time to let this guy calm down.

Taking a step back, Qiuyue's thoughts immediately controlled the thoughts of the male policeman.

The male policeman looked at Qiu Yue with a smile and said: "Okay, little brother, you go up, don't listen to these bastards, what do they know, a bunch of bastards!"

The two female police officers stood up angrily and cursed: "You idiot! You actually said that to the two of us. Are you afraid of him? Are you afraid?"

Qiuyue's heart was already full of laughter.

I saw the male policeman walk over, angrily pressed the female policeman Hua'er onto the chair, slapped her on the face and shouted angrily, "You stinky bastard, how dare you call me old man! You **** every day making a fuss" Yes, let me pretend again, right?"

The female policewoman burst into tears immediately: "You stinky man, you just said you would be my cute pet, but now you hit me, you heartless, bastard, stinky shit!"

Hua'er, the policewoman next to her, also cursed angrily: "Bastard, bastard!"

It made Qiuyue laugh out loud.

At this time, the male policeman shouted angrily: "Try to curse again!"

The crying policewoman Hua'er raised her hand angrily and slapped the policeman. The male policeman she slapped burst into tears, and five finger prints appeared on his face.

The male policeman pulled the female policeman Hua'er up, and stretched his hand through the gap between the two big meatballs in the middle of the bra to pull the cover off, but at this moment the deputy chief of police came downstairs with someone.

The bureau chief shouted angrily: "What are you doing! Liu Er!"

When Qiuyue heard that that guy was called Liu Er?Immediately, he laughed.A really good guy.

"What am I doing? Yeah, what am I doing? Why am I so impulsive, touching your chest?" Qiu Yue withdrew his thoughts, and that Liu Er stood there in embarrassment, looking at the crying and kicking one. Hit that male police officer Liu Er.

At this time, Qiu Yue controlled the deputy director's thoughts, and only heard the deputy director shout: "Your mother is a comparison, you are a stinky bitch, no one wants you, and you dare to make a fuss. I think you are a dick!" There's nothing left to blame!"

The female policewoman looked at the deputy director in shock. For the sake of the deputy director, she kept herself clean in the police station and didn't accept anyone's invitation. How many times did she sleep with the deputy director? How could he treat herself like this? explain?

Immediately, the policewoman burst into tears, turned around and ran out.

Qiu Yue withdrew his thoughts, the deputy director glared at Liu Er fiercely, Qiu Yue suddenly disappeared, came to the deputy director's side, lightly touched an acupuncture point of the deputy director, immediately the deputy director's lower body stood upright, and his pants It was about to explode, and the others covered their mouths and stared at the deputy director's lower body in surprise when they saw the deputy director like this. Qiu Yue saw that no one was staring at him, and quickly lifted the invisibility technique.

Qiuyue controlled Liu Er's thoughts, and Liu Er shouted angrily: "You dead deputy director, look at your second dick, it's as hard as your mother."

The deputy director walked over and punched Liu Er, causing Liu Er to have a nosebleed.

Liu Er angrily came over and kicked the deputy director's back, touched an acupuncture point, and the deputy director immediately ejaculated!After shooting, I knelt on the ground and screamed.

The surrounding male and female police officers were all surprised to see the deputy director's stupid appearance and shook their heads helplessly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Wow, the deputy chief shot! Look!"

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Qiu Yue.Liu Er hated the deputy director. Although Qiu Yue said that the deputy director was happy, but when Qiu Yue saw someone who wanted to punish him, he ran over angrily and kicked him out. Qiu Yue blocked it with his hands. He punched Liu Er in the stomach.

Liu Er shouted angrily: "Assault the police, assault the police! Brothers, hurry up! Surround him, surround him!"

Immediately, a group of policemen surrounded Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue didn't show any fear at all, but looked at them calmly.

"Uh, it's so comfortable. Here, who is this guy?" The deputy director stood up.

Qiu Yue suddenly remembered what Dong Xuanyuan said, the relationship between the border area and the director is very good, so now that the deputy director is at large, is it true that the director has been killed by the deputy director?You can cheat him.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Deputy Director, I'm interested in talking with you alone, I still know something about the Director."

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