my beauty fairy

Chapter 490

The deputy director was completely convinced at this time, and said in a trembling voice: "Okay, okay, as long as you promise to delete the evidence of my doing these things, I can promise you anything!"

Qiu Yuexin said that you kid finally compromised, didn't you? If you compromised just now, wouldn't everything be fine?

"Okay, tell me, what are you going to do next?" Qiu Yue asked with a sneer.

The deputy director nervously wiped the sweat off his head, and said, "I, I, I, next, next, I, I, I listen to you!"

Suddenly Qiuyue was speechless, I took the exam, and after waiting for you for a long time, I actually popped out a sentence to listen to you!I am convinced!

So Qiuyue said: "We are not doing nothing to torture you, I just need you to let our goods go, and then, in the future, our family's goods, you can help them enter the Trans-Northern Kingdom, Tell me, in this case, with Dong Xuanyuan's influence in this area, can you still lack your money? In this world, the rich is the grandpa. You take the money, and when you want to get promoted and find a wife, Isn't that easy?"

Immediately afterwards, the deputy director said another sentence, which made Qiu Yue tremble with anger.

"How much will that give me!" the deputy director said excitedly.

Qiu Yue helplessly slapped the table and shouted: "Damn, can you be missing? Don't you fucking know how great Dong Xuanyuan's handwriting is? Don't say I won't give you a few million a year? If you do well, money is not a problem." ,do you know!"

"Oh oh oh, I know, I know, I will do it well, I will do it well." The deputy director said with a nod and bow.

Qiu Yuexin said that this guy has no skills after all, no wonder he dared to mess with Dong Xuanyuan with that idiot A Ming, if Dong Xuanyuan could be destroyed by the two of them, Dong Xuanyuan would have died when he was born!

"Don't you understand these things? You and A Ming are messing around with Dong Xuanyuan. Do you know that Dong Xuanyuan has troops to support him? If you don’t do business, it will make your family suffer! Two guys who don’t know the depth, Dong Xuanyuan’s foundation is not even dared to touch the government. Think about it, what capital do you have to be arrogant? You are dripping through fire! "Qiu Yue said helplessly.

The deputy director nodded, and said tremblingly: "Brother, brother, tell me, what should I do? How can I make Dong Xuanyuan forget the old hatred?"

"Oh, luckily you met me, you dare to block drugs worth tens of billions! You are really brave!" As soon as Qiu Yue finished speaking, the deputy director fell to the ground unsteadily.He said nervously, "What, hundreds, hundreds of billions?"

Qiu Yue suddenly laughed, "Damn, it seems that you really have the potential to develop into 1, but you don't know what's on the car and you want to follow the car, awesome, awesome! I'm convinced you!"

"Then what should I do now, let Dong Xuanyuan know that I got rid of his insider, let him know about me, and he'll cut it off." The deputy director said excitedly.

Qiu Yue pointed to the chair and said, "Can you stand up, sit on the chair!"

"Let's just talk like this. My legs are so weak that I can't stand up anymore." The deputy director said tremblingly.

Qiuyue said with Yaoyao's helpless head: "Hey, you just do what I say about this matter, you will be fine, you can live well, and make a lot of money. When you get old and can't do it anymore, take it The money will go home to take care of women."

"Yeah, lord, I'm at your command!" The deputy director nodded and said yes.

Qiu Yue said: "This matter, don't bite out that A Ming instructed you to do it, you just say that you made a mistake for a while, and the dog's eyes don't know Mount Tai. As for why you intercepted this batch of goods, you just say You are obsessed with money, and you can’t get any money at the border, so you continue, but you don’t know what’s inside, and you haven’t opened it, just want to make some money. I’ll give you a good word in front of Dong Xuanyuan Yes, as for why the director died, you just say that there are talented people from generation to generation. The director is not capable of handling things and is not worthy to work for the Dong family. Let me contribute to the smooth road of the Dong family in the future! Remember all these , when the Dong family sends someone to give you money and authority, you must listen to them, and you don't have to worry about being investigated for what you do. The Dong family has deep connections in several surrounding governments. Dong Xuanyuan personally sent people to deliver drugs to many high-ranking officials across the Northland."

"Wow, isn't it, big brother, I don't know what you said today, thank you, thank you, my little life is finally embraced and saved! As long as you can bypass me, give me money to spend , I’m sure I’ll do whatever I’m asked to do!” the deputy director said excitedly.

When Qiu Yue nodded and stood up to leave, the deputy director had the strength to stand up and took out a wad of money from the cabinet to give to Qiu Yue.

"Brother, I want to express myself here!" The deputy director handed over the money to Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue fought back and returned the money.

Looking at the deputy director helplessly, he said: "Please, do you think the Dong family can be fooled by such a small amount of money? You can bribe me after you have done something for the Dong family and have money. This is not enough for me for a day." Expenses."

"Oh, no, one day's expenses, oh my god, this 1 yuan is enough for my monthly expenses! It seems that I will become a millionaire after working for the Dong family?" The deputy director thought excitedly. with.

So the deputy director nodded and bowed his head and said: "Okay, big brother, I will honor you after I earn money, this time I will trouble you, I must save my brother, I will be a cow and a horse in the future..."

When he was about to say something later, Qiu Yue waved his hand and said, "Okay, shut up! I'm leaving, and the goods, the Dong family will send someone over in the afternoon, and it's time for you to behave. I don't like You are so idle every day that you pick up girls!"

Watching Qiuyue go away, the deputy director took out the binoculars and saw that there were Hummers or black businessmen a few meters away in the woods. Fortunately, he didn't have a real fight with that guy just now, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

When Qiu Yue went downstairs, the downstairs was deserted, and several policemen were guarding Liu Er there. While Liu Er begged them to let her go, Qiu Yue shouted angrily when he saw Qiu Yue: "You bastard, I will sooner or later Catch you and kill you!"

"Hahaha, it's important for you to see how to save your own life, so that you don't lose your own life in this troubled world, isn't it good, ha ha ha!" Qiu Yue strode out of the police station after speaking, leaving only The next group looked at each other.

A policeman guarding Liu Er said: "He just said something rude to the chief, and he hasn't come out yet. He must not be an ordinary person. You should take care of yourself!"

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