my beauty fairy

Chapter 491

Qiu Yue walked to a few big cars not far away, where more than a dozen policemen pressed the driver and horse boys on the car to the ground and pointed their guns at them.

"Brothers in Dong's Mansion, you will be fine soon. Dong's Mansion will send someone to change shifts with you in the afternoon. You have worked hard!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

These people all looked at Qiu Yue curiously, "Who are you!"

"Dong Xuanyuan's godson, Qiu Yue." Qiu Yue smiled and stepped onto the Mercedes-Benz, and the policemen trembled a little after hearing that. If it weren't for the evil head of the police department who insisted on letting them intercept Dong Xuanyuan's goods, they would die. They didn't do anything, they kept observing how to escape, after listening to Qiuyue's words, they all looked at each other, and said haha: "Okay, since your boss has come out of the bureau safely, it means that the two families are in harmony, then you should also It's all right, you guys get in the car, when your people come, we will go back first!"

The people in Dong's Mansion didn't say anything, anyway, they finally gained the upper hand, so don't be impulsive or it will be very troublesome.

"Thank you, police uncles!" The boys laughed.

Qiu Yue smiled at them, stepped on the accelerator and drifted directly towards the two groups.

"Brothers, we can escape now! Hahaha!" Qiu Yue laughed.

The brothers from the two groups got out of the car, looked at Qiu Yue and said excitedly: "Brother Qiu, aren't you? Is this the end of the matter?"

Qiu Yue nodded and said lightly: "It's all done, we can withdraw, go back and have fun hahaha!"

"Oh! Brother Qiuyue is indeed worthy of being Dong Xuanyuan's godson, and he really has a plan, let's retreat!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

Qiuyue got into the car and called over the radio: "Attention all crews, now we will return directly to Dong's Mansion, the support team will be the striker, and after the charge team is broken, they will charge back at full speed, and the speed will be controlled between 110 and [-] miles. !"

Immediately everyone was excited, and more than an hour later, Qiuyue's car drove into the yard along with the last assault vehicle.

The injured people have been sent back, and the scrapped cars have been packed up and destroyed by the support team on the spot.

Dong Xuanyuan went out to greet him in person, a group of people in black stood in the yard, Qiuyue's car stopped by the side, and the rest of the cars parked in the garage. After everyone returned their weapons to the arsenal, they stood in the courtyard of Dong's mansion. In the middle, they stood there neatly.

Qiu Yue got out of the car, Dong Xuanyuan opened his arms and gave Qiu Yue a big hug, "My boy, this is the first time I've seen such a smart young man, he's working hard!"

"But..." When Qiuyue was about to say something, Dong Xuanyuan said with a smile: "I know it all, your loss is not much, even if I lead people into battle on weekdays, I still have to lose ! And your performance today has made me feel that the loss has been reduced to an infinitely low level."

Qiu Yue nodded, and said excitedly: "Thank godfather, by the way, you can send someone to the police station now, the police station has already released everyone, but I can see that those brothers have a trace of sleepiness on their faces, It's better to change a group of people and let them rest, so as not to have anything in between."

"Okay, okay, even the police station has been settled, it's really good, good son, Ziyan, take Qiuyue in, I'm here to ask someone to deal with the aftermath." Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Dong Ziyan ran over excitedly, because the scene just now was very serious, so although Dong Ziyan wanted to rush over a long time ago, she still held back.

"Well, Godfather, we're stuck, we'll talk after you're done!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Dong Ziyan was already very excited, and when she came to Qiuyue's side, she put Qiuyue's arm in her arms, and said with a smile: "Qiuyue, I am so happy, you are really amazing, your subordinates in the afternoon When I reported the loss situation, I was shocked. My dad has practiced your situation countless times at home. The lowest loss situation would cost at least five vehicles and half the crew! And your loss really made us blindfolded. Stare your eyes!"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Don't praise me, I'm very easy to be arrogant, it's not good to make me too proud!"

"This is telling the truth, haha, let's go back quickly, I will let the chef cook something for you, and reward you, what do you want to eat?" Dong Ziyan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Okay, but I won't order, you just let them do it. I'm a little tired, I want to rest, and I'll go to bed after talking with my godfather."

"Well, there is swimming preliminaries tomorrow, you should rest early, originally Dad didn't plan to let you go today, but he has sent out several capable officers, and this guy Amin doesn't know where to fool around I went. That's why I was looking for you." Dong Ziyan said.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "It doesn't affect anything, my physical strength is not so bad."

"Tell me quickly, how did you fight? Isn't the scene very spectacular? Did you shoot?" Dong Ziyan asked excitedly.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "I didn't do much fighting. I accidentally found their boss. After killing their boss, they were disintegrated. They were all punks. The commander was gone, and they all fled with their heads in their arms. .”

"Oh, I'm so envious of you guys. I also want to take people to fight, but my father won't let me." Dong Ziyan said with a look of envy to death.

The two were sitting on the sofa, Dong Ziyan called the housekeeper over and said, "Cook me some good dishes, try to make the kitchen as fast as possible!"

"Okay, miss, don't worry!" The butler immediately walked away knowingly.

Dong Ziyan looked at the tired look on Qiuyue's face, walked to the piano and said, "Qiuyue, let me tell you about a piece I like very much! It can relieve your stress and sleepiness."

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay!"

Dong Ziyan was sitting by the piano, her slender fingers began to play on the keys. Qiu Yue had heard this piece before, it was called "Night's Playing Song".

Qiuyue is very comfortable to listen to. I have heard this song before. It is very soothing and the best way to relieve stress.

After the song was over, Qiu Yue walked out of the music slowly, clapped and said, "Very good!"

"Hahaha, what are the two talking about?" Dong Xuanyuan walked in.

Qiu Yue stood up and said, "Godfather!"

"Well, Qiuyue, sit down, sit down, and tell me what happened, who planned it?" Dong Xuanyuan said with a smile.

Qiu Yue sat down, took the cigar handed by Dong Xuanyuan, lit it, took a slow puff, and exhaled the smoke.

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